The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2243: I knew I would n’t talk much

Chapter 2243: Knowing Me Long

"They just want to get back from us because they lost their convincing. And you are not here. They thought you were afraid to come at first." Han Leilei said.

"They usually ridicule us during and after class, of course, they are all students doing it. Those professors and lecturers, no matter how they are, they have to take care of their own identity and not do too much. Some teachers are really good. Because we It ’s true that many of their students are not on the same line. Those teachers take care of us and will tell us a lot more. "

"And if we encounter something we do n’t understand, or we have our own understanding, ask them, and they are also very willing to discuss with us. They are also very interested in our domestic performance methods." Han Leilei said, "also because With these things, we can persist until now. "

"But some teachers, some proud, don't look at us. Although they don't step on us directly like those students, they can also be seen in words and deeds, they don't look at us. We don't even go to them. Anyway, there are also very friendly teachers. "

"Actually, most of them are those students, and there are very few of them, such as Joe you met today, but he does not teach, he is a simple staff." Han Leilei said, "Teachers are still subject to comparison. Many, he doesn't express emotions directly like he does. "

"It's some of the students here. They bothered us during class and after class. They laughed at us and run on us." Guo Hai said.

Sun Hezhou from Dongdian said to Lu Man with regret: "I was impulsive and didn't hold back my temper. They said that you were afraid to come here because you were afraid, and you didn't take part in the exchange match in the country. I listened a lot, I couldn't bear Stay, just say you will come, just come later. "

Xu Chuansheng, also from Dongdian, said: "He Zhou didn't mean anything else, he said this, and said nothing else. As a result, I do n’t know what those people think, I think you are conscious and come to class You do n’t even need to, you thought you would win them. "

Sun Hezhou regretted: "I knew I wouldn't talk much anymore."

"So before you come, in addition to coming to laugh at us, they also taunt you." Wu Zilin from Dongxi said.

"The other day we learned from the teacher who was very good to us that you will come to report today, so I and Xiaoying want to pick you up. Guo Hai and Tan Mingxiao are afraid that we are girls and we will be bullied. Now, "Han Leilei said.

Zhang Xiaoying never spoke.

Because of the encounter here, she has no hostility to Lu Man.

And no matter who Lu Man won, he did not show any sense of superiority.

Lu Man's strength is there. If he wins, he wins, and if he wins, he will pass.

Unlike people here, regardless of their strength, they want to step on you.

The one who wins you will always taunt you and show in front of you.

It was through this experience that Zhang Xiaoying really found that the road was good.

Moreover, although he has not dealt with Lu Man in school.

Lu Man also had the big backer of the Han family, but he never used these to make her sad.

Zhang Xiaoying's development in the entertainment industry has not been hindered.

Being robbed of endorsements and robbing roles is something that happens in the circle and everyone will experience it.

Of course, except for the road.

No one should dare to **** these with Lu Man.

There is one more, before 1 ~

I almost forgot, today is the last day of the month, please ask for a monthly pass ~~

(End of this chapter)

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