The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2251: Like her little brother

Chapter 2251: Like Her Little Brother

Lu Man remembered one thing, "You guys are going to the stage to show it to the professor. So have you been assigned roles before or what?"

Han Leilei shook her head and explained: "No, it was decided during the class. Lots of students will not know their role in advance. You don't know what role you will be drawn. This makes us have to take The characters' lines are prepared so that they can cope with whatever role they draw. "

"In fact, the more I learn here, the more I admire the students here. They did put in a lot of effort, which we can't match." Han Leilei said.

Han Leilei made everyone silent.

Although it has always been looked down upon by the students here, it is really annoying.

However, they have to admit that their previous efforts are indeed inferior to others.

The people talked all the way and came to the place where the class was.

The professor hasn't come yet.

The students of the performance class came one after another.

Lu Man really saw a lot of familiar faces, all the exchange students who have been to Guodian before.

Howard really cares about the road.

He doesn't live in school, because there is no class in the morning, so he is not in the morning.

After receiving a call from Leo, learning that Lu Man was here, Howard immediately returned to school.

This way is restless.

He thought about how to deal with the road.

He must be here this afternoon.

That's the reason Han Leilei said they didn't come.

Howard didn't know that Lu Man would come to class.

He never thought about this possibility.

Because this class has to start from the first class, there is a missing section. Unless you recite the lines and have the confidence to make no mistakes, you dare not come.

Although Lu Man is not afraid of bad grades, he can't come to shame.

He didn't believe Lu Man was able to recite those lines as soon as he arrived today.

As a result, I didn't expect to see Lu Man as soon as I entered the door.

With Howard's eyes now, the search for Man was almost a search.

Just like the same pair of titanium alloy eyes.

"Howard!" Leo rushed to wave at him when he saw Howard arrived.

Howard met, and just nodded, the man had already gone in that direction.

Leo saw and got up and walked over to Howard, "Howard, what are you doing?"

Howard sneered. "See an old friend and say hello."

Having said that, people have come to Lu Man, "Lu Man, finally met again. Waiting for you to come, it is not easy. Your shelf is big enough."

Lu Man raised his eyebrows, and rushed to Howard's attitude, Lu Man didn't get up.

She sat, and Howard stood by the table.

Howard is clearly on the road to Man Man, but he has a kind of temperament to report to Man Man.

Howard was in it, he didn't realize it, but other students in the classroom felt that way.

Someone whispered to the person next to him, "Did you think that Howard was standing next to Lu Man, just like her younger brother?"

Thanks to Howard's words, everyone knows that this is a long road.

The students in the acting class, even if they haven't seen Lu Man before, are still because of Lu Man's brilliant deeds.

Especially after Lu Man brought Bulbert back to Lipu Street, Lu Man's name didn't say that it resounded in Hollywood, but it was by no means an unknown person.

(End of this chapter)

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