The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2252: It ’s just been this way

Chapter 2252: As soon as I came

Therefore, they have not seen Lu Man before, but they are no stranger to Lu Man's name.

The classmate beside him nodded sympathetically, "Yes, although Lu Man is sitting, why is that momentum so full?"

"Howard himself hasn't realized it yet. Seeing that he's in trouble to find a way to go, who knows how to lose face again."

"If I were Howard, I would wait to defeat her in the exchange match. Then I raised my eyebrows and sighed, and I avenged everything. Now I can't hold my breath. If I don't make it, I will lose face, just like now, but I will lose even more . "

As I was talking, I heard Lu Man say, "After all, I just won a game. Let me rest for a while. If you win, you can be so big."

Howard: "..."

Everyone: "..."

They didn't expect it, Lu Man was so just so!

And you are so **** our site, is it really good?

The teammates sitting in a row with Lu Man said that you are too naive.

When Lu Man was not well-known at the time, it was more rigid than now. Where did he go now?

Was Howard Howard called before?

Don't be too polite to him.

Howard couldn't take it anymore.

He has never seen Lu Man's true strength.

Sun Hezhou rubbed his hands and whispered in Chinese to his teammates, "They have never experienced the **** storm that has been mixed in the domestic entertainment industry before. They just happened to let them feel this time."

Speaking of which, Sun Hezhou was gloated.

In fact, in this industry, Zhang Xiaoying has really played against Lu Man.

And that matchup seemed to Lu Man, it was just a small fight.

But in fact Zhang Xiaoying's heart already has shadows.

Zhang Xiaoying vowed never to stand opposite to Lu Man.

As long as you don't stand on the opposite side of Lu Man, and watch the road as a bystander, the mood will not be much easier.

Moreover, what is so sour!

Not to mention, they are still standing on the site of others, and seeing that Lu Man has stirred the wind and rain abroad.

And they stood firmly behind Lu Man, standing on the same front as Lu Man, and teammate with Lu Man to help her stir the wind and rain.

Don't be too excited, too excited.

Xu Chuansheng expressed his deep sympathy for Howard. He had already suffered a loss in the country, so why not remember it so much?

It's time to be despised by the road again.

Howard now hates the game he was previously losing.

That was simply a shame in his life.

Howard's face rose red when he heard Lu Man's words.

He raised his voice, as if he could improve his momentum, "Lu Man, this is not your school, not your place. You, now standing on our place, the home has changed!"

Lu Man raised his eyebrows, his face calmed, "That's another place for you to lose again."

Lu Man lived with Han Zhuoli all day long, and naturally he was contaminated with Han Zhuoli's growing aura.

People living together will always affect each other.

Lu Man was deeply affected by Han Zhuoli.

Han Zhuoli, after all, it is the aura of the master of a large family.

Lu Man only contaminated him with 30% of his aura, which is enough to deal with these people.

This is why, clearly, Lu Man is sitting, and Howard looks at Lu Man with a condescending attitude, but he is compared to her like a younger brother.

(End of this chapter)

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