The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2253: Who has to prove to her

Chapter 2253 Who Will Prove To Her

Even if she sits quietly and doesn't talk, she can put a lot of pressure on the other person if she wants to.

Lu Man is sitting here, absolutely full of aura!

Howard was so annoyed by Lu Man's words that he could no longer care about etiquette.

He pointed at Lu Man and said, "I lost the previous game! But that's not my real strength at all!"

Lu Man chuckled and replied: "If you lose, you lose. No one cares what your strength is. You ca n’t show your real strength when you are in a match, you ca n’t show your real strength when you need it. Strength, then when no one is there, what good is your strength? No one can see it even better. "

Lu Man calmly said, "How much can you play during the competition? That's your real strength. Like someone who says that they don't play well when they take the exam, but in fact they study well, but what's the use of that? No matter how good it is, it ’s useless when you ca n’t play when you really need results. "

Howard was trembling with Lu's breath. Isn't this dead girl ridiculing his ability?

"You wait!" Howard gritted his teeth and said, "I will never make a mistake again this time! Now you stand on our place, this is our home field, my psychology and emotion will not be affected again, I must I ’ll win you and let you see my true strength. "

What he said, needn't say Lu Man, other students would not believe it.

What else would you say wouldn't be affected by Lu Man's psychology and emotions?

Isn't it being affected by Lu Man now?

So even with what, Howard said that it must make Lu Man see his true strength, and it became very unconvincing.

"Sorry, I don't think you have a chance to prove it to me." Lu Man smiled.

This smile is irritating.

Howard's head burst into irritation, and his ability to think was diminished.

Who has to prove to her!

Who does she think she needs to prove to her?


Do not!


The point is not this.

The point is, why didn't he have a chance to prove to her?

It seems that these two statements are not correct, how to make Howard depressed.

I want to deny both, and I feel a little bit undeniable.

Howard didn't know which one to deny first.

Howard took a deep breath, adjusted his thoughts, and said, "First of all, I don't need to prove to you, who do you think you are? Besides, how could I not have a chance!"

Lu Man smiled, "Did you forget it? If I remember correctly, you should be from your second team. This time we come to the exchange match, it should be your team."

Lu Man spread his hands and said with regret, "So, I'm sorry, you haven't had a chance to compare with me."

Howard: "..."

Lying down!

He forgot about it!

"If you want to compare with me, you can only work hard in the first team. Otherwise, you are not even qualified to test with me again," Lu Man said with a smile.

Howard: "..."

He's going to be yucky!

This stinky girl is so special!

Fortunately, Leo had been watching and stopped him, otherwise Howard would really run away.

Han Leilei and others could not help but all compared Lu Man with "666".

Therefore, Howard has probably maintained his defeat on Lu Man for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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