The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2272: Holy father

Chapter 2272: Father Up

Howard flushed and his lips were shaking.

"I lost, I ... I'm gonna lose! I promise, I won't mock you anymore ... and your classmates!" Howard said hard, and bit his teeth.

"What else?" Lu Man asked again.

"And?" Howard looked up at her sharply.

What else?

Did Lu Man ask him not to be arrogant towards her and her classmates?

He has just promised.

What else does she want?

"You won't forget it so soon?" Lu Man raised an eyebrow. "In addition to kneeling, you have to slap yourself."

"That's what you said to my nose." Lu Man said, "You just pointed to your nose and said, let me lose, kneel for you, and slap yourself again. , And the same applies to you. "

None of them stood up to speak for Howard.

Because Lu Man has made it clear just now.

You Howard pointed at the nose of others, letting people kneel on the slap, why didn't you think it was too insulting?

From the beginning you think you can win the road, you have been persecuted, not to give the other side a little face and retreat.

But now you lose, it's your turn to lose face, and you ask people to let you go?

When you can, persecute others and have no intention of letting them go.

Now that you ca n’t, ask someone to let you go. Why?

Even his classmates felt that there was such a good thing.

If so, it's only you who bullies others.

It's not your turn to bully you?

When you are the son of heaven, or how?

As Lu Man said before.

If the two have changed positions now, the road is lost.

Howard will let her go?

Relying on Howard's arrogance and irreverence, he would not let go.

So now, why should Lu Man let him go?

It is also because of what Lu Man said before that it seemed to be heard by Howard, but in fact it was also heard by the students who were watching.

Let them know Howard's attitude.

So when Lu Man asked Howard to fulfill his gambling contract, no one would say she was too aggressive.

From Wu Zilin's attitude just now, Guo Hai has an extra heart, and has been watching Wu Zilin's reaction throughout the process.

Sure enough, Wu Zilin wanted to speak again.

Guo Hai directly pulled Wu Zilin out of the small theater.

He was surprised that Wu Zilin was not aggrieved when he was bullied.

How come up to this day, the Holy Father has risen again.

The students at NYU did not speak, and none of their other teammates spoke.

It's ridiculous that he shouldn't see it.

People who are also Dongxi Opera, Zhou Li are not like that.

Why did Dongxiong send such a confused person?

Guo Hai has a headache.

"What are you doing!" Wu Zilin shook away Guo Hai's hand with an unhappy look.

Guo Hai laughed angrily, "What else do you ask me? Did you ask for it again?"

"Lu Man is a bit too aggressive like this." Wu Zilin said.

"Then you think about what Lu Man said before, if now she and Howard have changed positions. Now it is Lu Man who lost, and Lu Man kneeling there. Do you think Howard will let Lu Man pass?" Guo Haizhi asked.

Wu Zilin said in a just and righteous voice: "Howard can't let go, that's Howard's thing. That's Howard's bad, he's bad, but we can't."

(End of this chapter)

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