The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2273: Not at peace

Chapter 2273: Not Making Peace Valuable

"Don't forget, we are here on behalf of the school. Our attitude also represents the attitude of the school. We cannot let the two schools become evil because of our momentary anger and dislike." Wu Zilin Yizheng said eloquently.

Guo Hai almost yelled, "You represent yourself, you do n’t need to represent the school. You are not qualified to represent the school. And, we are a team of four schools, even if you can represent your Dongxi, It does not represent our other three schools. "

"When we were bullied before, was the school here afraid of dealing with us?" Guo Hai said in a cold voice. "If the other party cares about the friendship between the two parties, then we will not be so embarrassed from the beginning. Not always We waited eagerly for the road to come, and then our situation improved. "

"If you are really begging at this time, no one will be grateful to us, and will only despise us even more." Guo Hai said, "Everything has been wronged before. What use is there to pretend to be good now? It will not achieve any effect."

"Wu Zilin, you don't value peace, you just put on a beautifying coat for your timidity." Guo Hai said coldly.

I don't know if it was because of Guo Hai's attitude, or because of his real thoughts that Guo Hai had been mercilessly disassembled.

Wu Zilin's face was iron blue.

"If you are dissatisfied, we will discuss it with the big guys afterwards. But now, we have to stand on the same line. If the rest of us don't speak, don't highlight yourself." Guo Hai said.

"What use is there to say afterwards!" Wu Zilin was anxious.

Guo Hai thought he was quite reasonable, and he thought it was for their good.

I thought I had convinced Wu Zilin the first time.

Unexpectedly, Wu Zilin was so persistent.

It seemed that Wu Zilin could not be persuaded for a while and a half, and Guo Hai was too lazy to talk to him.

"I'm going back to see Howard slap himself, not waste time with you here." Guo Hai turned and left.

After thinking about it, I stopped and said to him, "Even if you don't agree, it's useless. I will still hold you back and keep you from speaking. So you let Howard smooth the two slaps to himself. Right. "

He didn't want to miss such a wonderful picture, so he hurried back after finishing speaking.

As he entered, he saw Howard raising his hand.

Guo Haishu breathed a sigh of relief. "It's okay to catch up."

Fortunately, he said it in Chinese. Except for his teammates, everyone else did not understand.

Otherwise, Howard was about to explode now, and he would have to vomit blood to hear him say that again.

Immediately afterwards, Howard slaps and slaps himself.

Howard gave him a second slap before everyone responded.

Anyway, if you want to lose face, let's make a quick decision.

Howard thought so.

So quickly slap yourself, Howard stood up quickly, and ran away without a word.

He didn't have any other requirements either. Now Howard's brain buzzed. He didn't have any thinking ability at all, let alone think of what he said before.

He thought, whether or not he wouldn't care, he had to go.

Lu Man did not stop him this time.

Because there were no other requirements, naturally Howard left.

(End of this chapter)

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