The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2321: Fortunately, the road came late

Chapter 2321: Thanks to the Road for Being Late

"Let me think about it." The principal covered his head with a headache.

The secretary thought for a while and proposed: "Shall we arrange another teacher to go there? Just tell Robert and Hayer as assistants."

"No." The principal immediately rejected the proposal. "It's too late to send anything now, don't we make it clear that we ourselves acknowledged that we had not deliberately sent teachers to the exchange group? Those teachers were not available before, oh now After Robert and Hayer came, how could they be free? "

The principal thought for a while, and sighed, "Forget it, that's the way it is. There is no need to arrange for the teacher to pass by. Anyway, they have both invited Robert and Hayer, even if they send someone else."

The headmaster was not assured that this journey came only yesterday, and so many things could happen.

In an instant, they put their school in such an awkward position.

Who knows what will happen if we stay here for a few more days.

At this time, the principal was somewhat fortunate, fortunately, the road came late.

Otherwise, if she came with the team from the beginning, it is estimated that the students who had laughed at the exchange group before would not be able to jump up.

The principal tapped the table with his fingertips and said to the secretary, "Search me for the information about Lu Man in their country."

"OK." The secretary went out to deal with it.

On the side of Lu Man, formal rehearsals have begun.

Robert and Hayer were there, and sure enough things went well.

First give each team member a topic for them to perform.

Assign roles based on their performance.

Not surprisingly, Wang Yanglin became the leading actor, while Lu Man was the leading actor.

Oren's team of students was also stimulated because the arrival of Robert and Hayer gave them a sense of tension.

Although I didn't say anything, I was still a little worried in my heart, and I was attacked by the exchange group without notice.

By the end of their first day of rehearsal and returning to the dormitory, Wu Zilin had already left.

Seeing here, Lu Man will not let him take a little advantage, Wu Zilin is not here to waste time at last.

As the rehearsal filled up the schedule, unknowingly, the Mega Charity Party arrived.

The busy road forgot to prepare a dress.

Each year the Mega Charity Gala defines a theme.

This year's theme is ancient civilization.

This theme is too good to play.

Most countries have their own ancient civilizations.

The culture, aesthetics, and fashion of the past generations are all very attractive things.

However, Lu Man forgets it.

Lu Man remembered this when Wang Yanglin asked what theme design she was going to wear tonight.

Of course, if you want to look at such a party, there are also people who wear clothing, but if there is a condition, most of them will let the designer design a style for themselves.

Lu Man is obviously too late to find a designer now, and can only count on seeing if he can find the right ready-to-wear in the store.

She thought, it really doesn't work, just go to Chinatown to find a cheongsam.

Thinking of this, taking a car driven by Xiao Guo, Lu Man first returned to the hotel.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Han Zhuo Li was also there.

"Why are you back so early?" Lu Man asked in surprise.

After arriving, Han Zhuoli was a little busy.

Because he wasn't sitting here in person before, there are many things that he needs to know again after he comes.

And I want to take this opportunity to get control over here.

So for a while, he and Han Zhuo Ling were very busy.

(End of this chapter)

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