Reference 2322

Han Zhuoli pulled her over, and patted her forehead lightly, "You really forgot."

Lu Man sneered guiltyly, holding Han Zhuoli, treating him like a lantern, holding his arm and asking, "What should I do? I completely forgot to attend the Mega party, and I didn't prepare any clothes. It's too late to buy now. I ’m afraid I wo n’t find the right one. ”

Seeing her looking up, she looked at her look eagerly, full of reliance.

Under Lu Man's eyes, Han Zhuoli felt that he could do everything in Lu Man's eyes.

Fortunately, this time, I really won't let my daughter-in-law disappoint.

"Looking at your busy schedule these days, you can't take care of other things. You rehearse during the day and practice by yourself when you come back at night. It seems like you remember the party." Han Zhuoli said, "I already let Qin Zigou design for you Now, the clothes have been delivered, and the styling team will be here in a while. "

"Unfortunately Xiaoya is going to make up for Yu Mingshu, I can only find someone else for you." Han Zhuoli said.

Lu Man couldn't believe it, Han Zhuo Li solved her urgent need.

"My husband! You are a god!" Lu Man loosened Han Zhuoli's arm and hugged Han Zhuoli's waist. "You can think of anything! Just because you think of everything for me, that's why I am Sloppy, forget about going to the party casually. "

I felt that no matter what happened, there was always Han Zhuo Li.

No matter what the matter, Han Zhuoli could solve it for her.

"You may become more and more confused like you, thinking that you will be messing up behind me anyway." Lu Man said in horror, "What if I become a wasteful person?"

Han Zhuoli chuckled, "You're useless, I support you."

Did Lu Manxin say that he was also raised by him?

The two were talking and the doorbell rang.

It's Han Zhuo Lizhao's modeling team.

Qin Zigou also came.

Although the makeup artist is not Shi Xiaoya, who he has always partnered with, this dress is from the hands of Qin Zigou.

So Qin Zigou also came in person.

Gao Zishan and Dong Qinrong each have their own brand endorsements, so they are wearing clothing provided by their endorsed brands.

Wang Yanglin now has a brand cooperation in his hand, and is trying to be the spokesperson for that brand, so he is afraid to wear other brands or designers' clothing at will.

Unlike Shi Xiaoya, a makeup artist, if there is an endorsement in the artist's hand, the big deal is to use the brand's products, which has nothing to do with the makeup artist.

Qin Zigou also thought that if it did n’t work, he could only look at foreign entertainers. There was no brand conflict in his hand, and he was willing to wear the clothes he designed.

However, Qin Zigou still prefers to be worn by domestic artists to better reflect his design.

It is a pity that there were four domestic artists invited this time.

When he thought of Lu Man, he suddenly felt that he could let Lu Man try.

Who knows so well, Han Zhuoli found him.

So it was decided that Qin Zigou would design clothes for Lu Man.

Lu Man first made makeup and styling, and then changed to the clothes designed by Qin Zigou.

Qin Zigou's design combines elements of Hanfu.

Coupled with the details of the blue and white porcelain embroidery, it is elegant and elegant.

Han Zhuoli's clothes also added elements of Hanfu, with modern fashion. The whole person is elegant and elegant, which matches Lu Man.

6 more comprehensive ~

The editor urged the column. I was retired once to rewrite it. I hurriedly wrote the column after finishing the update.

(End of this chapter)

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