The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2326: This is the one who gave you the phone number?

Chapter 2326 This Is The One Who Plugged Your Cell Phone Number?

And the two do not collide, the audience market is different, and the brand positioning is also different.

So there is not much competition between each other, and you can always maintain a good relationship.

"Yes, isn't your exchange match going to start?" Gao Zishan asked.

"Yeah, just this Sunday," Lu Man said.

Gao Zishan said with a smile: "I was still talking to Qin Rong on the road, and the two of us came over this time, and we were not in a hurry. Because after the party, there were brand events. In addition, there are still a few shows to attend next week. This It's been a long time here, at least half a month. "

"Yeah, we remember that you didn't have an exchange match? In the exchange match at Guodian before, President Liu wanted to invite me to be a guest with Zishan. Unfortunately, Zishan was filming, and I was also abroad. , I could n’t make it. ”Dong Qinrong said.

"But then we both watched the video of your game. I was particularly sorry that I didn't see your performance on site." Dong Qinrong said.

"Also, although we are different from Qin Rong, we have both been selected for the exchange team." Gao Zishan said, shaking his head and smiling, "Unfortunately, we still lost. This has always been our special regret. This time there is this opportunity, It was just the right time, and the two of us thought about cheering for you. "

"Both of us feel that this is the most likely win ever in history." Dong Qinrong said, "We are very bullish on you."

The road is promising, not a whole team.

But that's enough.

At the time, their team lacked such leadership and solidarity.

The acting skills of the two were still very awkward at the time, and they were a groping practice step by step. Coupled with the opportunity to cooperate with famous guides, and continued to improve, only today.

But at that age, there was no Lu Man's current strength.

Unexpectedly, Gao Zishan and Dong Qinrong actually offered to participate, and Lu Man was of course very happy.

"It's really an honor for the two teachers to come and see us." Lu Man said happily.

Gao Zishan said with a smile: "Now many years have passed, and we don't know what the rules of the current match have become. Go to the scene to see if you want to buy tickets or something?"

"They will sell tickets to the outside world," Lu Man said. "But of course the two teachers don't need to buy tickets. I will go back and reserve a ticket for the two."

Lu Man kissed the contact details of the two here, and they provided the hotel name.

After getting the ticket, Lu Man will let the person pass the ticket.

Dong Qinrong and Gao Zishan often cooperate with foreign actors, so there are many acquaintances here.

After chatting for a while, I went to greet others.

Soon after Lu Man sat down, he saw Oren coming.

Lu Man didn't plan to show it to Han Zhuo Li.

At this time someone greeted Oren, and from a distance I heard someone called Oren's name.

Han Zhuoli is now particularly sensitive to the name "Olen". When he heard it, he immediately looked over and locked Oren.

"Is this the one for you?" Han Zhuo Li asked.

"What's going on?" Han Zhuo Ling heard.

Han Zhuo Li speaks Chinese and other people at the same table don't understand, but Han Zhuo Li didn't lower his voice to whisper, so both Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya heard.

"Who gave Lu Manseng a cell phone number?" Han Zhuo Ling asked immediately.

Han Zhuoli immediately pointed Oren to Han Zhuoling, "It's that kid, kind of uneasy."

(End of this chapter)

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