The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2327: Superficial

Chapter 2327: Shallow Insight

As soon as Han Zhuo Ling heard it, his face was blackened, his eyes narrowed, and "Hehe" two times, "He really didn't know how to write the word" afraid. "

"You didn't do anything, so you spared him so lightly?" Han Zhuo Ling asked with an eyebrow.

Han Zhuo smiled and said, "After all, the company is not my own business."

Han Zhuo Ling gave him a white look, "You just pretend to be with me. Why didn't you say that when you helped Lu Man?"

"Hey." Han Zhuo laughed twice. "Did you not come back at that time? Now you're in, no matter what, we can't talk to each other?"

"Just play with me," Han Zhuo Ling said angrily. "Don't you just want to ask me if I disagree? Also play around with me."

"No," Han Zhuoli said. "I was going to ask you, but I just met you today."

Han Zhuoling looked at Oren again and sneered, "Does he think that our Korean influence is not great here, so dare to think of his brother and sister?"

Han Zhuoli has taken out his cell phone, "Then let him see, in the end, Han Bang can't say anything."

Han Zhuoli said as he had dialed Zheng Tianming's number.

"Han Shao." Zheng Tianming picked up immediately.

"Go and organize all the recent activities of Oren." Han Zhuoli said.

"It's sorted out," Zheng Tianming said immediately.

From Han Zhuoli to Zheng Tianming, Zheng Tianming immediately went to do it.

He knew that Han Zhuo Ling would definitely agree.

Han Zhuo Li also knows, but he still has to ask Han Zhuo Ling first.

Therefore, Zheng Tianming was ready, waiting for Han Zhuo Li to tell Han Zhuo Ling that they would be able to shoot immediately.

"Very sweet." Han Zhuoli praised Zheng Tianming's speed.

Zheng Tianming is too experienced in how to deal with Oren.

I haven't done that before.

Especially for those who don't deal with the road, he is familiar with it.

"I have sorted out all the activities that Oren has with Hanbang. There are no direct links with Hanbang, but there are Hanbang's cooperative companies, some of its subsidiaries and production companies, and Hanbang have Stock brands. There are seven other eight major families that also have investment brands, and I have sorted them out. "Zheng Tianming said.

Therefore, Oren is really superficial.

He thought that Han Bang had just entered Hollywood, and his foundation was unstable.

Belonging to foreign companies, so bullying.

And there is no cooperation with Han Bang, so I am not afraid.

In fact, it seems that there is no cooperation with Han Bang, but Han Bang's subsidiaries have many in various industries.

Some are sole proprietorships, some are capital injections, and there are shares in them.

There is also a good cooperative relationship.

The collaborators will definitely not talk about Han Bang for an artist.

How to choose at a glance.

Coupled with the same eight families, the relationship between the eight families is so iron.

And the industries involved in each family are huge.

The eight big families joined hands to form a circle, and the scope involved was very scary.

Oren is abroad and has no idea about the energy of the eight major families.

But as long as they are at home, those big brothers in the country are also afraid to provoke them.

Because they know too well.

To provoke one of them is to offend the other.

As long as one family says no to the other seven, it is just saying hello to one family.

(End of this chapter)

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