Reference 2342

Moreover, it can also make them behave abnormally and make a big ugly.

Why not do it?

Seeing that only Afron's boy was leaving with Shana and others, Jared sarcastically said, "Waste, just follow your pussy!"

"Don't you go?" Lu Man asked.

"If you don't go, how can you take us?" Albertine scorned, "Did we?"

Lu smiled slightly. "Why dirty your hands when dealing with cheap people."

After speaking, Lu Man shouted at the stage: "Albertin! You are too despicable! We are going to play, why do you stop us! Are you so afraid of losing? By this despicable means, even Win is disgraceful! "

Han Leilei had the best relationship with Lu Man, and soon reflected the purpose of Lu Man.

Busy also shouted, and signaled everyone to shout.

It doesn't matter what they say outside, as long as they can hear the shouts on their side.

Everyone else understood and shouted, "You're too much! Can't you just lose?"

"I really doubt if you won the games in the past years, you also won by this despicable means!"

Here on the road, everybody you say to me, chaotic and noisy, everyone shouting.

I'm not afraid to break my throat and affect my performance for a while.

Anyway, they were previously influenced by Albertine, and it was hard to adjust to the mood of the drama was long lost by Albertine.

I don't know how to play next, it's better to stink Albertine now.

To put it bluntly, even if I die, I will pull back.

Albertine was stunned by their sudden, "What are you doing! What are you doing!"

Others also realized it was wrong, and pulled Albertine away.

Guo Hai and other five boys reacted quickly.

Because Shana had already pulled some people away.

Not many people are left here, there are only five left.

Guo Hai and other five boys blocked the remaining five people from letting them go. It couldn't be easier.

On Lu Man's side, in addition to learning acting skills, there are also vocal exercises these days.

Their vocal exercises these days have not been done in vain.

At least for now, the voice was loud and reached the stage very clearly.

Audiences sitting far away may not hear it that seriously.

But the audience sitting in the halfcourt heard it.

The four judges looked at each other in surprise, and Chamberlain asked someone: "What's going on? What happened in the background?"

The principal frowned, and hurriedly got up. Someone from the school staff greeted him and said something in the principal's ear.

The principal's face changed, and he quickly took someone to the background.

Chamberlain was curious and followed.

The other three judges also followed.

Lu busy reminded, "People are coming!"

Guo Hai and others immediately hurried back.

Lest people feel like they are besieging a team, that would be bad.

Guo Hai and others just returned, Albertin and others wanted to leave at this time.

But as soon as he wanted to leave, the headmaster had brought someone in, just to see the picture of the confrontation between the two sides.

"What's the matter?" The principal asked with a calm face. "Your noise has reached the stage."

President Liu and four others followed.

That must follow!

On other people's sites, they are also afraid of losing their students.

"What's going on?" Principal Liu busy asked Lu Man.

8 is finally full ...

(End of this chapter)

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