The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2343: Is it another routine?

Chapter 2343 Is It Another Routine Way

Seeing the calmness of Lu Man's look, he was not in a hurry to get angry. President Liu said in his heart that this was another Lu Man routine?

But when other people saw it, Lu Man immediately changed his look of indignation, and even that face became red.

"This Albertine, they just came back from the performance just now, this Albertine said that they obviously performed very well, but after four judges said, they made their performance very ordinary. How can they appear The ability to crush us directly? "

Lu Man still remembers the kindness of Shana and Helena.

She knew that if she said a few more people, she would probably be rated as Albertin, and the whole team felt that way.

As Ashley said, the judges will not deliberately tell who exactly said what.

They will only see you as a whole.

This is unfair to Shana and others who haven't said anything.

So, knowing that other people besides Albertine also said those words, but in order to keep Shana and others, Lu Man only used Albertine to operate.

A few others, they are lucky.

"You!" Albertine's eyes stared like Tong Ling.

Did n’t Lu Man say just now that he was busy preparing to play and didn't hear anything?

As a result, he sold his face and told them what they had said.


"Did you really say that?" The principal asked Albert with a calm face.

Then Albert noticed that the faces of the four judges were ugly.

"No, I don't, I ..."

Lu Man interrupted Albertine and continued: "When he said this, we were standing here and ready to go on stage. His teammates reminded him that it was better not to say these words. He just reacted, but see When we are afraid that we will spread what he said, we will warn us not to say it. "

Speaking of stopping Albertine's teammates, everyone found that one team is now divided into two factions.

One group of five people stayed away from the place of right and wrong, and the other group of five people, namely Albertine and others, were here.

Unlucky Ashley, she was clearly reminded to speak.

But because she was not bad for Lu Man and others, she quite agreed with Albertine's approach, so she didn't go with Shana just now, but she stayed with Albertine and was misunderstood by the judges.

When others looked at these two factions, they naturally thought that it was Shanna who warned Albertine.

People are obviously reluctant to participate in this disgraceful thing, so they quit.

Naturally, in the future, even if it is to settle accounts, to remember revenge, Shana and others will not be counted in.

And all this is a good road.

Even if Shana did not immediately understand Lu Man's intentions. But I was able to react afterwards, and I am very grateful for the long road.

Of course, these are the last words.

And now, Lu Man continued, "I said, we were busy preparing to perform on stage, and we couldn't even care about it. But he was still entangled."

"Because we only perform a small segment of a whole drama, there is no time for us to mobilize our emotions step by step according to the development of the storyline. We can only make ourselves in advance based on the character and emotion of the characters in this episode. Emotional mobilization is good. You can enter the role as soon as you play. "

"I also told Albertin that before they came on, our team was sitting far away, so I was afraid to disturb them."

(End of this chapter)

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