The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2350: Calculate a few times so as not to make a mistake

Chapter 2350 Count More Times To Avoid Miscalculation

"It's so irritating!" Ashley stood up.

Some school faculty members are also here. It is the principal who sent to prevent Albert and others from obstructing the exchange team.

At this moment, Ashley said, "Don't you care about them? What's fair about them!"

"Robert and Hayer decided to do it by themselves, and we can't stop him." The teacher said, "Besides, this time is your home court, most of the audience in the audience are also directed at you . You already have a natural advantage. The four judges know you better, and they are closer to you than the exchange team. "

It's just a team of people doing it by themselves.

What can they do?

Could it still be rushing up to stop Robert from talking to Hayer?

Robert and Hayer came to expand their influence in this match.

It may not be a good thing for a team, but it is good for the overall situation of the exchange match.

It is also impossible for the school to undermine the interests of the overall situation in order to maintain a team.

Moreover, what the team did this time was really ugly, which also embarrassed the school.

The school is even less likely to help the team.

A team did not stand in public opinion.

The principal knew that the back-offices could not be concealed and would surely spread.

If they were still standing by a team to help them at this time, the school had to be scolded.

The principal would certainly not do so.

The reputation of the school will not be lost for a team.

"You lost your advantage, and we protested, and we couldn't help it," said the teacher.

These few words made Ashley and others lose their temper and could not say anything.

At the front desk, the four judges' final scores for the exchange team were even with the first team.

The two teams were tied.

Of the points given to the exchange team, as Robert said, progress accounted for a lot.

When the score came out, the exchange team on the stage did not respond at the beginning.

As the coolest person, Lu Man first calculated the score.

She whispered, "It's a tie, we're tied to a team of people."

Wang Yanglin, who was standing beside Lu Man, did not respond for a while.

After a while, he turned around and asked, "You ... what are you talking about?"

Lu Man smiled, "You calculate the score, we're tied!"

Although it did not win, it was an unprecedented level of success!

Wang Yanglin's eyes widened, "It's flat! It's flat!"

Others gradually responded one by one.

"Are we tied?" Han Leilei said excitedly.

Zhang Xiaoying chanted once in his mouth, constantly digits.

Sun Mengying also asked: "Xiao Ying, what are you talking about?"

"Don't interrupt me first, I'm counting." Zhang Xiaoying said.

"Just a few figures, it's easy to calculate." Sun Mengying said with a smile.

"I counted a few more times, lest I make a mistake." Zhang Xiaoying finished, and began to think about the words.

The scoring is all ten points. There are four people in total. This is the arithmetic problem for elementary school students.

Zhang Xiaoying had to count back and forth, really excited.

Sun Mengying understood Zhang Xiaoying's mood very well, because she was floating under her feet now, and she felt like dreaming.

At this time, the next Zhou Li shook her.

Sun Mengying turned to look at her and listened to Zhou Li said, "Meng Ying, you hit me, I'm not ... are you dreaming?"

The third is before 1: 30 ~

(End of this chapter)

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