The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2351: unfair

Chapter 2351 Unfair

Sun Mengying patted her hand with tears of tears and laughed, "I really want to scream. You just screamed out on the stage but you got embarrassed. Anyway, let's draw with a team, but a historic moment. If you scream, you will You regret it. "

Zhou Li smiled, "I ... I still feel like I have difficulty breathing."

Off the stage, President Liu and four other principals stood up directly in excitement.

Originally, they did not expect the exchange team to win.

Just ask them not to be shameful in their performance. Even if they lose, they lose beautifully. Don't let the opponent win so easily.

However, they did not expect that they got such a good score!

This is something I would never have thought of before!

"OK! OK! OK!"

Principal Zhang even nodded and flushed with excitement. "Finally, this time, we can also give a good account in China."

The palm of President Lu's photograph was almost swollen. "It can be tied this time, so we can always win in the future!"

Principal Min nodded, "Yes, as Robert said, talent is one aspect, but as long as we work hard, one day, we can surpass talent!"

Although there were not many spectators supporting the exchange team on the field, at this moment, their applause sounded throughout the audience!

In the background, a team of people looked at the screen in disbelief.

"What's this? What's their performance? Just share with us?" Jared angered.

"Their level is much better than before, but they can even draw with us? This is not fair at all! It is because of what happened in the background just now that they deliberately raised their scores!"

Oren's words happened to be heard by the principal who just came in.

"I knew you would be dissatisfied, so I came here to see you." The principal's voice sounded, and everyone was surprised.

When everyone saw him, they dared not speak anymore, and even closed their expressions of indignation.

But the headmaster had long noticed their previous reactions, and even if they put away their expressions, it was too late.

"You don't think their performance deserves a tie with you, do you?" The principal asked.

But now, they can speak, but no one can say "yes".

I don't know why. In the face of the principal's calm face at this time, no one can say the word "yes".

The principal shook his lips and said, "After the video of the whole game is sorted out, I will give you a copy, and you can take a look. From the screen, from a third party perspective, how are you doing, then look at their communication How is the team doing. "

"Principal, I think, this is actually because Robert and Hayer canvassed the exchange team. This is unfair to us." Jared said.

"This is not an audience vote. Who can get Robert and Hayer for the votes? The four judges?" The principal looked at them like a fool.

Seeing all of them really felt that way, the principal thought they were a bunch of fools.

"Look at the four judges. Are they the ones who change their minds casually? When they come to comment on your performance, they have their own set of judgments. What does it have to do with Robert and Hayer?"

The principal said: "Not only are the four judges unfair, but they also take care of your face as a host, and you are not good at being beaten by the club, so you are tied. Otherwise, you have no chance to even draw. . "

The remaining three are more daylight and more, and the remaining updates are less than one day a day, and slowly adjusted back, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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