The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2379: Actually, he has already waited

Chapter 2379 Actually He Has Waited

"Then how do you know if you are the one you met?" Qi Chengzhi asked. "Do you know what it looks like?"

"I don't know, I said no because I don't know who the other party is, what it looks like, what kind of character it is. I only know that once I meet, I know that it's her. But I haven't Encountered. "

"This is too ridiculous." Nan Jingheng said, "How can you be sure that you did not miss her? In case you have encountered it before, but you thought it was not, so you missed her?"

"No." Han Zhuo Li was very sure. "As long as I meet, I will not miss it. Everyone I met before, I can be sure, not her."

"What if you haven't met yet?" Chu Zhaoyang, who had not spoken, asked, "You wait till now, until you are 38 years old. This age is not really old, but what if 48, 58? Wait 10 years, 20 years, or even 30 years, you haven't met, what should you do? "

"I don't know," Han Zhuo said astringently. "I was always pretty sure that I would meet her. I never thought I would wait that long. I even felt that I could meet up to my 40s. To her. "

Han Zhuo Li touched his heart. "But today, this determination has suddenly become erratic. It seems that I can't wait for her, but it seems that I can still wait."

Lu Man was stunned in his heart.

If others don't understand, they may still feel that Han Zhuo Li is crazy.

I feel that Han Zhuoli's words are tantamount to not saying so, so erratic.

Even Qi Chengzhi and others, as Han Zhuoli's good buddies, couldn't understand Han Zhuoli's words.

But Lu Man understood.

Han Zhuoli said he felt like he couldn't wait today.

It's because she's dead in this life.

It was just burned to death today.

If ... if they were destined, she was the one Han Zhuoli was waiting for.

Then in this life, he really can't wait.

But he also said that he still seemed to be able to wait.

That's because her soul is here, right next to him.

In fact, he has already waited.


On the fourth day of Lu Man's coma, Wang Juhuai and Xia Qing were holding Xiao Yijun early in the morning and were going to the hospital to see Lu Man.

The two had just arrived at the hotel door and were preparing to board the car.

"Li Huai!" Wang Jugu's voice came.

I haven't heard this voice for a long time, and haven't met the Wang Jugu family since coming to the United States.

At first glance, Wang Juhuai was still a bit uncomfortable and felt a little strange.

Turning their heads, they saw Wang Jugu and Luo Wangyuan rushing towards them.

Standing in front of Wang Juhuai and Xia Qingwei, Luo Wangyuan's smile even flattered, "brother."

When looking at Xia Qingwei, his smile was slightly stagnant, and then he was just like all right, shouting: "Dad."

"This is the first time we have met. I have never seen it before." Luo Wangyuan said with a smile. "Look, you have been married for so long. We are the first time we have met today."

Wang Kunyun directed that he caused damage and smashed Lu Man, who is still lying unconscious in the hospital.

Xia Qingwei, she is not a saint, and will not divide people so clearly. She thinks that Wang Jiyun is Wang Jiyun, and her parents are her parents.

Xia Qingwei could not help but be angry.

She has not had contact with Wang Jugu and Luo Wangyuan, but because of Wang Yunyun's affairs, she did not wait to see them.

(End of this chapter)

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