The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2380: Can't do it

Chapter 2380: Can't Forget It

It was their daughter who hurt Lu Man like this.

Xia Qingwei didn't want to show a smile on the surface.

What's more, she guessed that the two were here today to woo Wang Yueyun.

Wang Yanyun hurt Lu Man, colluded with Lin Jinshu, and snatched her son.

These two people deserve it!

Now they want to plead with each other and let Wang Yunyun go?

Just rush this, Xia Qingwei will not give them a good face.

Wang Juhuai also guessed the purpose of the two.

He was as cold as Xia Qingwei, and compared with Wang Jugu and Luo Wangyuan's warm smiles, the scene was very embarrassing.

"What's the matter?" Wang Juhuai asked coldly.

Wang Jugu was breathless in his heart.

Look at Wang Juhuai, for an outsider, all six relatives are not recognized!

He had obviously had such a good relationship with the Han family before, but he refused to help Wang Yunyun.

Knowing that Wang Yunyun liked Han Zhuoli, he not only did not help, but he tried to stop him.

Makes them like clowns.

When Wang Yunyun was fired by Mex, Wang Juhuai stayed away and didn't help at all.

As long as he is willing to say a few words, Wang Yunyun will not be fired.

For Wang Juhuai, this is just a matter of moving his lips.

With such a simple busyness, he refused to help, resulting in Wang Yunyun being unemployed for a long time.

Even if I found a job some time ago, it was not as good as before.

He didn't help the company at home.

Many people see that Wang Juhuai is not so close to their family, and many cooperations are gone, resulting in a bad company situation at home.

Then, Wang Juhuai went to marry Xia Qing again.

He had a good abacus and became Han Zhuoli's father-in-law.

No wonder he has been unwilling to help Wang Yunyun.

If Wang Zunyun and Han Zhuoli are married, Wang Juhuai and Han Zhuoli will make a relationship with his in-laws.

Nothing compares to his father-in-law.

Wang Jugu can see it, Wang Juhuai just can't look at him!

As a result, he went to be Han Zhuoli's father-in-law himself, and had a son with Xia Qingwei, but his parents were not allowed to visit him!

Wang Juhuai completely treated their family as an outsider!

Now that the outsider is still in the middle of the road, Wang Yanyun has to be sent to prison.

Lu Man is his daughter by name, but he has no blood relationship at all.

I really want to talk about pro-sparseness, it's not as good as Wang Shu-yun's pro-niece!

In Wang Juhuai's eyes, there is no Wang family at all!

Wang Jugu kept burning in his heart, and now looking at Wang Juhuai's cold face, he was even more angry.

Obviously Wang Juhuai owed them, and now show someone who was owed!

But no matter how dissatisfied, or hate Wang Juhuai, still have to accompany a smile at this time, "Brother, it is not convenient to speak here, why not go to your room?"

Xia Qing didn't say anything, Wang Jugu was Wang Juhuai's younger brother, and how to say it was Wang Juhuai's family.

She couldn't say a lot of things, and that would affect her relationship with Wang Juhuai.

Although there must be frankness between husband and wife, there are still many things that cannot be said casually.

This matter still depends on Wang Juhuai's attitude.

If Wang Juhuai chooses to forgive, Xia Qingwei will not let it go.

Even if there is a rift with him, noisy with him or even separate, Xia Qingwei will find a lawyer by himself, and Wang Puyun must be punished.

She couldn't let those who hurt her daughter just leave it.

(End of this chapter)

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