The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2381: What's wrong

Chapter 2381: What's Wrong

But in the face of Wang Jugu, Xia Qingwei would not immediately express his position.

She also wanted to hear what Wang Juhuai meant.

"I have something to say, let me tell you here first," Wang Juhuai said coldly, "I first listen to the purpose of your coming, and then decide whether or not to let you go in and talk."

Wang Jugu paused and said, "Brother, it's Qian Yun's business. I know that Qian Yun's work this time is too much. We both can't listen to it. But ... but can you give it again? A chance for her? "

"She is still so young and a girl, she really wants to go to jail and ruin it. She grew up from a young age and never touched those dark sides. She did n’t know how terrible those people were. After she went in, she had to I do n’t even know what day it is, I dare not think about it. "

"Brother, Qian Yun is all your niece. Do you want to see your niece so ruined for a lifetime?" Luo Wangyuan said, "Can you ... let Qian Yun this time? I promise, we She must be optimistic about her, and she will never have the opportunity to hurt Lu Man again. "

Xia Qing gritted his teeth without death.

Let go of Wang Yunyun, then who will let go of her daughter?

In the beginning, Wang Yanyun did it with the heart that killed Lu Man. Lu Man didn't die. It does n’t mean that Wang Jiyun can be forgiven for doing things. It doesn't mean that Wang Jiyun has no murderous heart!

Moreover, Lu Man is still in a coma and has not been awake.

How many doctors can't check out exactly what is the reason.

What if ... in the long run, it's always been like this?

Why do you let Wang Yunyun go!

Xia Qing didn't say anything, but stared redly, staring at Wang Jugu and Luo Wangyuan tightly.

Luo Wangyuan was guilty of seeing that Xia Qingwei was about to tear them up.

Xia Qingwei then gave a polite look.

Since marrying Wang Juhuai, she must bear it!

"Impossible," Wang Juhuai said, "what Wang Yanyun does has to pay."

Wang Jugu and Luo Wangyuan froze for a moment, and looked at Wang Juhuai unbelievably.

What did he just say?

Did they hear it wrong?

Xia Qing was not standing beside Wang Juhuai and was relieved.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Juhuai's hand was held.

Xia Qing did not turn to look at him, just as Wang Juhuai also came over.

She smiled at her, and seemed to be saying, how could I do something to disappoint you?

Luo Wangyuan asked sharply, "Brother, Qian Yun is your niece! Do you want to be so cruel and put her in jail? She is your own niece, you—"

How could Xia Qingwei not hear the meaning of Luo Wangyuan.

Wang Yunyun is Wang Juhuai's own niece, and Lu Man is just a stepdaughter without blood relationship.

No matter how close it is to blood relatives.

"Lu Man is also my daughter! Before Wang Yeyun started, why didn't he think about it, Lu Man was my daughter? She started with my daughter and now is subject to legal sanctions. What's wrong?" Wang Juhuai said coldly.

"You said you want to let go of Wang Yunyun, then you can talk to Lu Man, who is still in a coma. He is lying unconscious on the bed! Go to Han Zhuoli, who is still at the bed and sleeps for four days! I won't let go After Wang Yunyun, the Han family will not let Wang Yunyun go! "

"But Lu Man is okay?" Luo Wangyuan hurriedly, "she will wake up sooner or later. I have gone to the hospital to ask, and the doctor said that there was no problem with her injury."

(End of this chapter)

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