The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2382: Not as good as an outsider

Chapter 2382: Not Even Like An Outsider

"Wang Yunyun wanted to kill her! Lu Man wasn't dead, but she's lying unconscious on the hospital bed. She doesn't know when she can wake up, or all her life ..." Wang Juhuai stopped.

He took a deep breath, "Lu Man wasn't dead, but it doesn't mean that Wang Yanyun is not guilty! She did it with the heart to kill Lu Man. Could it be that Lu Man died before she could be sentenced ? "

"How do you know Qian Yun was here to kill her? In fact, Qian Yun was meant to frighten her and didn't plan to kill her. Even Lu Man was injured, all accidents!" Luo Wangyuan said.

Xia Qing didn't want to say anything, but heard Luo Wangyuan and Wang Jugu say so many shameless words.

She couldn't help it.

"If so, then let her talk to the judge!" Xia Qingwei hated. "Since you think she is innocent, this is an accident. She didn't want to hurt or kill, and the judge wouldn't Misjudgment. What are you still doing to us? "

Luo Wangyuan was speechless by Xia Qing, and said angrily: "Have you talked to you? An outsider, whatever you want to say!"

"She is my wife," Wang Juhuai said coldly, "not an outsider."

"What Qing didn't say is what I mean." Wang Juhuai said. "You don't have to come to me again."

"Wang Juhuai!" Wang Jugu was anxious. "You don't take us as family anymore, do you?"

"I don't care about you before," Wang Jugu said.

"What happened before, don't you care about me?" Wang Juhuai raised an eyebrow. "I don't know how. You talk to me."

Seeing Wang Jugu's tolerance and tolerance, Wang Juhuai wanted to know.

What he did was to let Wang Jugu tolerate himself.

Wang Jugu took a deep breath and said, "Qian Yun is your niece. You know she likes Han Zhuoli, but you not only don't help, but you stop it. I know that you are afraid that I will become Han Zhuoli's father-in-law and surpass you. Status. You just can't look at me better than you. "

"Instead of helping Qian Yun, you have become Han Zhuoli's father-in-law. You are so good to Lu Man, not because of Han Zhuoli? Wang Juhuai, you are actually hypocritical!"

Wang Juhuai did not interrupt him and encouraged him to continue.

When Wang Jugu said it, he went all out and said, "Qian Yun lost her job, and you don't help her, regardless of her. The matter of Mex Company is just a matter of your word, but you don't care. But your niece! My niece! But to Lu Man, you accompanied her on the show and supported her various performances. "

"To a bloodless person, you do your best, but you don't care about Qian Yun! Well, she was fired and couldn't find a job. You still don't care."

"If it wasn't you who stopped her at the beginning and didn't let her stay with Han Zhuo Li, she wouldn't stop at Lu Man later! In fact, Lu Man is unconscious now because of you! It's all because you don't help her. Han Zhuo Li is together, she knows who Lu Man is? Lu Man will not be hurt! "

Xia Qingwei was laughed at by this fallacy.

Hearing Wang Jugu said: "As a result, so much has happened, but you still have to die for Qian Yun! She is your own niece! In your eyes, it is not as good as an outsider!"

(End of this chapter)

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