The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2594: Replace

Chapter 2594: Replace

Han Zhuoling turned around and finally greeted Wu Mosen and Hu Screenwriter. "Sorry, I interrupted your interview."

Wu Mosen and Hu screenwriter naturally said they had no relationship.

Moreover, Lu Zeqing also came. Looking at Lu Zeqing's attitude just now, he obviously came to play against Lian Qingyin.

This will be much better, lest Lianyin be the only one in the family here, giving them a hindrance.

"Wu Dao, Hu screenwriter." Lu Zeqing came up at this time and shook hands with the two.

"In the future, I will be the person in charge of Menxue Film. My first cooperation here is to work with the two and ask for more advice." Lu Zeqing handed the business card to the two.

Wu Mosen and Hu Screenwriter both accepted his business card.

It was strange to hear Lu Zeqing say so.

Why did he become the person in charge of Menxue Film Industry again?

If Lu Zeqing is the person in charge, what's going on with Lian Qingyin?

But looking at the business card that Lu Zeqing handed over, it did say that Lu Zeqing was the president of Greater China.

This post is clearly written.

Wu Mosen looked at Lu Zeqing with confusion.

Lu Zeqing smiled, and just about to explain, Lian Qingyin on the side couldn't help but, "What's going on? Obviously I'm the person in charge here, what do you run to?"

"Actually, the day before yesterday, you are no longer." Lu Zeqing said, "The company has decided to vacate your position as the president of Snow Film Greater China, and I will replace it. You need to go back to the US headquarters."

Lian Qingyin's face changed, "Impossible! You come and talk about it yourself, just want me to believe it?"

"Do not believe you can call back to the company." Lu Zeqing said lightly.

Lian Qingyin asked: "What did you do?"

Lu Zeqing seemed to have heard a joke, and smiled, "What can I do? This is a decision of the senior management of the company. If I can control the meaning of the senior management, I would have come directly at the beginning, and I would not have come here for you. Do n’t wait until now, do n’t you? ”

Lian Qingyin looked at Lu Zeqing and Han Zhuo Ling, and it always seemed that this matter could not be separated from Han Zhuo Ling.

With a calm face, she went to the corner and dialed the call from the president of Menxue Pictures Montreal.

Suddenly such a big thing happened, and even the unvoiced person forgot that the American side is now in the middle of the night, and it has been normal to sleep early.

The phone rang for a long time, and then Montreal was picked up.

I woke up after sleeping well in the middle of the night, and when I saw the call from Qingyin, Montreal was very irritable. "You'd better have something important. Call me at this time!"

Lian Qingyin suddenly remembered that the time of his call seemed inappropriate.

But now things are urgent and she can't take care of that much.

"Mr. Montreal, I want to confirm. Is Louis assigned to replace me?" Lian Qingyin asked.

Louis, referring to Lu Zeqing.

Montreal was awakened and couldn't sleep.

Ca n’t get too noisy about the wife who is still asleep, and then leave the bedroom with her mobile phone. I?"

Lian Qingyin had to say, "I really didn't see it because I was interviewing with Director Wu Mosen now. As a result, Lu Zeqing came suddenly and said that he was here to replace me."

The sixth is at 3 o'clock ~

(End of this chapter)

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