The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2595: Not at all wrong

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Montreal said impatiently: "Now that it is determined, then you are ready to prepare and transfer to Lu Zeqing, and then you will return to the head office!"

Anyway, even the voiceless voice hasn't been in charge here for a long time, in fact there is not much work to be transferred.

Lian Qingyin reluctantly said, "Mr. Montreal, I want to know, why did you suddenly let Lu Zeqing come over to replace me? I had previously competed with Lu Zeqing. I obviously won, and the company chose to let me come here to take charge. What does it mean for Lu Zeqing to come? Is the appointment of the company just like that? Is it going to change like this? "

"My work here has just begun, and I will be replaced as a result? If so, why not just let Lu Zeqing come from the beginning?" Lian Qingyin had a negative airway.

It's just that Montreal is not her father, how could she get used to it.

"I also regret why I didn't let Lu Zeqing pass by in the beginning and why I chose you blindly. If Lu Zeqing was allowed to go in the beginning, there wouldn't be so many things." Montreal is now fully awake and simply follows directly Unvoiced.

Lian Qingyin suddenly stunned, "What do you mean? Mr. Montreal, what do you mean by that? What does it mean that there aren't so many things? Where's the thing?"

"Oh." Montreal laughed.

I was disturbed by Lian Qingyin, but now I'm in a bad mood.

Even the unvoiced voice has no consciousness at all. If you change someone else, you must pack up and come back to talk about it, and then ask him what is going on.

But even this unvoicing sounds good, and the question is kept on the phone forever.

"You're okay to ask?" Montreal didn't hide her, "You want to know? What did you do, and you didn't even have a few counts? Just rush this, and let Lu Zeqing replace you, it's not wrong at all . "

Lian Qingyin gritted his teeth and said, "What did I do? I didn't know what I did wrong. I even worked directly and you replaced me. I have been serious and sincere forever The company is working hard for the development here. Because this movie directed by Wu Mosen is the first drama produced by Menxue in China, I attach great importance to it, and I am afraid that it cannot be done well. I worked so hard to open up the market for the company in China In the end, I still have to be satirized for not doing well? "

"Do you really think you did a good job, impeccable?" On the other end of the phone, Montreal sneered. "How come you didn't think about it, as soon as you returned to China, you got Han Zhuo Ling, annoyed him and came directly Find me."

Montreal said directly: "You can bear it, let Han Zhuoling speak directly, as long as you are there, Han Bang and Men Xue have no possibility of cooperation. Including this new film directed by Wu Mosen, produced by Men Xue, and Wu Mosen's name , Which attracted a lot of investment. "

"Among them, Han Bang is the second largest investor, but as long as you are still there, Han Bang will directly withdraw its capital regardless of it." Montreal said, "Wu Mosen's new film's plan to start shooting will be paralyzed!"

Lian Qingyin didn't expect that Han Zhuo Ling even replaced her with this threat!

Can't Han Zhuoling see her like that?

Who is she trying to get back for?

But Han Zhuo Ling even got rid of her!

6 more comprehensive ~

(End of this chapter)

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