The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2610: It's ... incomprehensible

Chapter 2610 Really ... Unintelligible Style

As long as it is his body, no matter where it is touched.

He wondered how to smoothly retreat to the co-pilot's seat without provoking him.

Who knew she hadn't moved yet, as if Han Zhuo Ling had seen through her plan.

The palms were scalded tightly behind her waist, and instead of letting her go, she pressed her tightly into her arms.

His voice was hoarse at this time.

Shi Xiaoya was so stunned by him that the whole person hit him involuntarily.

His lips just hit her forehead.

He had done intimate things with him for a long time.

But things are different now.

Because of space pressure, it is particularly tight.

This is the first time she has been like Han Zhuo Ling in the car.

And when he raised his eyes, Han Zhuo Ling's face could not be closer.

He looks so long, even if he looks at it from such a close distance, he still can't find a bit of a bad look on his face.

I don't know how he grows, even if he looks so close, his features are still difficult to pick out.

This kind of enlarged face is still so beautiful, Shi Xiaoya really couldn't help but blushing.

Even if he is intimate with him, he can't help but be foolish when he sees it.

It's ridiculous to be mad to your own man.

Shi Xiaoya was muttering in his heart, his lips still stuck to his forehead.

"As soon as you move, I react." Han Zhuo Ling's lips were still on her forehead.

Shi Xiaoya lowered her eyes, just to see his chin, and the throat knot rolling when talking.

Shi Xiaoya's forehead and waist were hot by him.

Who knew that Han Zhuo Ling had just finished saying this, she held her waist and pressed her hard to herself.

Shi Xiaoya took a breath and didn't need to say anything by Han Zhuo Ling, she already had practical actions to explain to her.

Shi Xiaoya really didn't dare to move, her lips shook for a long time.

Han Zhuo Ling thought what she was going to say, and she heard Shi Xiaoya say, "Are you not angry now?"

Han Zhuo Ling made a mistake, and then couldn't help laughing.

This little girl was still thinking about his anger.

Still speaking out at this time.

It's ... incomprehensible.

Han Zhuo Ling held her waist again and made her feel, "Do you think I'm angry now?"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Her blush wasn't what she looked like.

Xin Xin said that he was really incapable of getting angry now.

So she just asked him if he wasn't angry.

Shi Xiaoya uneasily wanted to move, but did not dare.

His comrade Han is now very aggressive, and she is awful.

"So ... what now?" Shi Xiaoya asked helplessly.

It can't be in the car.

This is still in the parking lot outside the hospital.

There are many thieves!

Han Zhuo Ling lowered her head and buried her face in her shoulder. "You make me slowly."

Shi Xiaoya didn't dare to move and didn't know if he could slow down?

Because he rested her head on her shoulders, her face rushing towards her neck.

So every breath, the hot breath blows to the side of her neck, making Shi Xiaoya tickle.

The skin on the side of the neck that was blown by him was as if it had been burned, red.

Han Zhuo Ling was a little drunk, she was drunk because she didn't drink.

This little girl, like this, is so cute, how could he be angry with her.

There are 2 more at 2: 30 ~

(End of this chapter)

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