The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2611: Maka

Chapter 2611: Real Incense

Cousin sniffed at the side of her neck, "It's really fragrant."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

How does it sound like a rogue.

This man was still angry the moment before, and now he started to be a hooligan. He became really fast.

Shi Xiaoya didn't dare to move now and didn't know how long it would take for Han Zhuo Ling to recover.

She just felt that the hotness was too great, and now she didn't even dare to breathe.

I also thought that Han Zhuo Ling was too durable every time, it would take a long time to end.

Often she couldn't take it anymore, she had no energy, and it was useless to beg for mercy.

Han Zhuo Ling also said very puzzled that every time she was lying down, he was moving, why she was still so tired.

Shi Xiaoya was speechless right away.

So she didn't know how long she would wait.

When she thought about it, Shi Xiaoya's cell phone rang.

It was a strange number, and Shi Xiaoya picked it up.

Unexpectedly, it was the police phone.

Shi Xiaoya said a few good words. After hanging up, she said to Han Zhuo Ling: "It was the police who called me. The two people who hit me have been caught. Because they are under surveillance, they cannot run. Only a lawyer later , Claiming to be a lawyer for both of them, so went talk to them for a while. "

"Afterwards, the two confessed, but asked why they hit me, but they said it was because they had cooperated with my studio, but because the cooperation was not pleasant, there was some friction. So they hated me, so Find a chance to hit me. "

"The police probably didn't believe their words either, so they wanted me to recognize people in the past, did they know them?" Shi Xiaoya said.

She frowned, and said, "I'm a makeup artist. How can I cooperate? They all take Yu Jie and go out to work for both of us. If we really want to cooperate, most of them are for artists to attend the event. Makeup, or go to the crew. "

"In both cases, there are quite a lot of staff, but they have not been in contact. I just need to be responsible for applying makeup to the artist, and I can't touch anyone at all, let alone any friction." Shi Xiaoya frowned. "When I go out to work, I have the most contacts with entertainers and their assistants, and occasionally I deal with agents. As for the others, there is no such thing at all."

Those two people might be sent by these people.

"I have had unpleasant people, probably Yuan Yina, Liu Enxiao and Jiang Yuhan." Shi Xiaoya said. "Yuan Yina and Liu Enxiao are makeup artists, because there are some frictions between work and me. But when I was interviewing today, I had met Yuan Yina and she didn't know about my car accident. As for Liu Enxiao, she was in the makeup industry It has no status at all, and it is far worse than Yuan Yina. "

Originally the makeup artist of Lu Dongliu's show group, he became the fixed makeup artist of Survivor by coincidence.

But just after she had a chance, she was killed by herself.

So Liu Enxiao really did not have the ability to find someone to attack her.

Because Liu Enxiao herself was still struggling for an opportunity, she couldn't care less about it.

Shi Xiaoya said her thoughts, "As for Jiang Yuhan, since she recorded the" Survivor "and knocked on your door, I have never heard of her again. She seems to be in the entertainment industry. Disappeared. "

The sixth is before 3 o'clock ~

(End of this chapter)

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