The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2619: It's a bit decadent


Han Zhuo Ling was out of the bedroom first.

Shi Xiaoya quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower.

The legs are a little bit painful, just like a beginner who has just learned yoga. It feels like life or death the next day after doing yoga.

Shi Xiaoya quickly painted a light makeup, thinking of Han Zhuoling's suit, she found a skirt of the same color and put it on.

Go get your permit today and take the photo on your marriage certificate.

Of course, we must put on a couple outfit with him.

After packing, Shi Xiaoya left the bedroom and saw Han Zhuoling sitting on the sofa in the living room with her eyes closed.

Han Zhuoring opened her eyes when she heard her voice.

Shi Xiaoya looked at his red bloodshot eyes and said, "I just wanted to ask, what's wrong with your eyes? Would you like to rest?"

A look of over-indulgence.

This look on his face was actually a bit decadent and slick.

"I really didn't have a good rest." Han Zhuoling thought of the red blood in his eyes, and he was also depressed. "I was so excited that I didn't close my eyes all night."

Han Zhuoling looked at her, "It's not an exaggeration, I really didn't sleep."

"Just keep your eyes open until dawn?" Shi Xiaoya asked in surprise.

Han Zhuo Ling nodded, presumably because of a bad relationship, so there is always a very good and honest feeling at this moment.

"You wait for me." Shi Xiaoya left for a while.

After a while, I brought an eye drop.

"When you lie down, I'll give you this eye drop, which is very useful for removing red blood." Shi Xiaoya said, "It can also relieve your eye fatigue."

Shi Xiaoya said helplessly, "What do you think, I didn't fall asleep all night."

Suddenly I felt that in contrast to him, I slept very heavily, wasn't he paying enough attention to the issue of obtaining a certificate?

"I just want to hurry up until dawn, I can't wait. I can't help but look at the time, I want to see what time it is, why it hasn't arrived yet." Han Zhuo Ling said, laying down and pillowed the poem Xiaoya's legs.

Such a mature and stable man, but did not expect that there is still such a bit naive.

Shi Xiaoya gave him a good drop of eye drops, and then pressed the eye drops dripping out of his eyes with a paper towel, so that Han Zhuo Ling closed his eyes and waited.

A few seconds later, Shi Xiaoya bowed her head and kissed him between his relaxed eyebrows. "Okay."

When Han Zhuo Ling opened her eyes again, the red bloodshot really retreated.

However, this can only remove the red blood in Han Zhuoling's eyes, but it can not give him the spirit of not sleeping all night.

So when she set off, Shi Xiaoya said, "Let's drive. You can walk on the road for a while, but it will be more comfortable."

Shi Xiaoya couldn't help crying and thinking, how could this man not sleep all night because he had to get a certificate?

Han Zhuo Ling did not refuse, and he rarely took the co-pilot and was driven by Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya set up the navigation and started according to the navigation.

Han Zhuo Ling was really tired and fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

When the two set off, it was just in the morning rush hour, and the traffic jam was very severe.

So it took a lot of time on the road.

Shi Xiaoya made the car so good that she couldn't bear to wake him up when he saw that he was sleeping well.

But thinking that if he didn't wake him up, the man would lose his temper.

"Zhuo Ling." Shi Xiaoya called a few times and shook him.

"Are you there?" Han Zhuoling asked with his eyes open, even though his face was still a little blank.

"Um." Shi Xiaoya nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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