The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2620: Are these rich people so low-key now?

Chapter 2620 Are these rich people so low-key now?

Han Zhuo Ling rubbed his face, "Let's go, let's get the permit."

Han Zhuo Ling said with spirit.

After receiving the certificate, he can confidently call her a wife.

Because today is not a special day, it does not account for numbers such as 520 and 1314.

So the team that comes to get the certificate is within the normal range.

It wasn't long before Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya lined up.

The two could not have lined up originally.

Han Zhuo Ling can call.

However, the two of them are standing in line here honestly, and no one has proposed to do anything special, just like a little couple who usually comes to get a permit.

It seems to be very acquainted with this ordinary beauty.

They were finally lined up, and the two of them read the oath seriously.

Even the staff across from them were a bit surprised.

Every day, he receives many expectant couples who come to get a permit.

Most of them read these vows like completing a task, a little careless.

It is a feeling that people look at it, just to get the certificate back and complete the purpose of getting married.

However, the pair in front of them is not the same. The two came to receive the certificate, but each procedure was highly valued.

When making the two men swear an oath, the man said it very seriously.

It's like, to make all these vows come true, it's not just good to say.

Just by listening to him, he can feel his value for the little girl next to him.

And Shi Xiaoya, she also earnestly passed down the year, and went to see Han Zhuo Ling at the end.

Both of them, their feelings are thrown into the oath.

The staff member is a middle-aged man. He usually surfs the Internet to read current affairs news and play WeChat.

Therefore, Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya are not so familiar.

The middle-aged man did not react until the two left after getting their permits. Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya, the names of the two were a little familiar.

"Wang brother, what's wrong? What are you doing?" Colleague Liu came over and asked with coffee.

Xiao Liu is a college student who has just graduated not long ago, and young people naturally understand some things nowadays.

Brother Wang said: "I just went through the marriage formalities for two people. You haven't seen them. They are so good. Both the man and the woman are particularly good-looking. According to your young people, they have a high value. But if the other person is slightly worse , They have to be overwhelmed by the value of the other half. This rare pair is evenly matched. "

"I have handled so many pairs here a day, and I have seen that they can be compared with them. Some time ago, the pair that Lao Xin handled, Han Zhuoli and Lu Man."

Because Lu Man's exposure as an artist is high, even if Wang didn't pay much attention to these, he also remembered the names of Han Zhuoli and Lu Man.

He had just finished speaking and suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong, Wang?" Xiao Liu asked strangely.

"Han Zhuo Li, Han Zhuo Ling ... Han Zhuo Ling who just came to the wedding formalities!" Wang said.

Xiao Liu did know, "Willn't that woman be called Shi Xiaoya?"

"Yes, yes, that's what it is." Brother Wang nodded again and again.

"I'm going! The two are silently getting married! It's too low-key!" After Xiao Liu was surprised, he excitedly talked to Wang Gepu Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya.

After listening, Brother Wang couldn't help but say, "Are these rich people so low-key now?"

"Hahaha, it is too low-key for the eight major families. It should be that they have already reached a certain level, and they don't even bother to engage in high-profile show-offs." Xiao Liu said.

(End of this chapter)

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