The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2642: The phone rang almost at the same time

Chapter 2642: The Phone Rings Almost Simultaneously

Lu Man asked the others, "I ordered these. Do you want to eat them?"

Unexpectedly, everyone was embarrassed to hear Lu Man's order.

One after another also asked to make more, a large plate of chicken, a large plate, everyone can eat.

The lamb skewers are based on 2 skewers per person, and Lu Man himself ordered 5 skewers.

Everyone wants one.

General manager:"……"

When the chef receives the order, I don't know if he will cry.

After the general manager and the waiter left, Lu Man smiled embarrassedly: "I don't know what happened recently, and I especially like to eat things from the northwest."

Han Zhuoli also smiled and said, "Yes, there are still semi-finished products of lamb in the house."

Du Yichen asked in surprise: "Generally, when you are pregnant, you are particularly sensitive to taste. Don't you think the taste of lamb is too bad?"

Lu Man shook his head. "I didn't change my taste much when I was pregnant. When I first checked out, I was sensitive to the taste. I used to like it for a while, but it was not acceptable for a while. But after a while, I recovered. Now. "

"I used to like it, but now I like it more. And I suddenly want to eat one of them. But I didn't like it before, now I can't even see it, I can't stand it when I smell it."

"It seems your child has to follow your taste, too," Du Yi said with a smile.

Everyone talked and laughed, but actually didn't talk much about Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya's wedding.

After all, the two have been together for a long time, and it is not the first time that the two have sat together.

After the polite phase.

As for the marriage of Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya, both families were at ease, so they didn't say much in this regard.

At a time when the atmosphere was particularly good, Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling's cell phones rang almost simultaneously.

The two glanced at each other, and then looked at their mobile phones. They were their assistants, Zheng Tianming, and Lu's early call.

Strangely, Zheng Tianming and Yun Zhuo called at almost the same time in the early years. Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling agreed that the two people called and said the same thing.

Both apologized and went out to answer the phone together.

Han Zhuo Ling answered the phone. "What's wrong?"

In his early years, Xu busyly said, "Ling Shao, someone broke the news on the Internet, saying that Miss Shi was involved in your marriage with Xia Yixin."

Han Zhuo Ling frowned. "Isn't Xia Yixin already played this trick before? At that time, it was already clarified."

Han Zhuo Ling did not hesitate to directly say that Xia Yixin was derailed, and even the child was not his own biological matter, just to give Shi Xiaoya an innocence.

During that time, Xia Yixin was scolded by the dog's blood.

Han Zhuo Ling also gained a lot of popularity.

Even if it is exposed again now, will netizens follow the rhythm?

Netizens haven't known why Han Zhuo Ling and Xia Yixin divorced?

Han Zhuo Ling's brows piled up.

I heard that in the early years of Xun said, "This time the breaking news person changed his speech, saying that you and Xia Yixin were both derailed. When Xia Yixin derailed others, you were also derailed by Shi Xiaoya. But your concealment is very good, so Xia Yixin doesn't know. "

"Or Xia Yixin already knew it, but because of the last response, she took the initiative and spilled dirty water on Xia Yixin's body. No one would believe her anymore because of the new wind direction. Netizens actually I believe it too. "

"I see. I'll see what it says first." Han Zhuoling finished and hung up.

(End of this chapter)

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