The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2643: She will know sooner or later


Han Zhuoli, who was standing opposite, had just finished the phone call and came over.

Seeing that Han Zhuoling was calm, Han Zhuoli said, "I won't say the same thing to Zheng Tianming in the first year?"

Han Zhuo Ling showed that he looked down on both sides, and no one was there, so he lowered his voice. Shen Sheng said, "I just told me in the early years that someone said on the Internet that my marriage with Xia Yixin belonged to both parties.

"That said one thing." Han Zhuoli nodded. "What to do about this? Are you going to solve it secretly, or just tell Xiaoya?"

"I'm sure to tell her, there should already be a lot of people going to her to say something bad at this time. She will know sooner or later, can't hide it." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Han Zhuoli nodded, and the two entered.

When Lu Man saw Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling came in, her face was very wrong, and she whispered to Han Zhuo Li, "What? What happened?"

Han Zhuoli said nothing, secretly took out his cell phone, found out the breaking news, and showed it to Lu Man.

Lu Man saw and quickly controlled his expression.

Han Zhuoli didn't say, he just didn't want his elders to know.

There, Han Zhuoling is also showing Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya lowered her head to hide her expression.

Both Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling thought that the other party was probably directed at Han Zhuo Ling.

Shi Xiaoya has no enemies, even if she has competitors, but before she was with Han Zhuo Ling, she never had many opponents.

But no one had ever splashed her with dirty water.

This happened only after being with Han Zhuo Ling.

Shi Xiaoya didn't want to let the elders know. One was that they didn't want to worry them.

Fortunately, they are not people who often surf the Internet. The most is to play WeChat, chat with people, and watch some public account pushes.

The main reason was because I didn't want my parents and Shi Nancang to think she was affected by Han Zhuo Ling, and I had an opinion on Han Zhuo Ling.

But even if they hide it, the reaction of the four people together is still catching people.

Lin Liye asked anxiously: "What happened?"

Han Zhuo smiled and said, "It's a business matter."

"Is it serious?" Du Yichen also asked, "Is it urgent? Otherwise, I won't call you at this time."

Today is Friday, at this time, it is already a holiday.

Everyone will rest tomorrow weekend.

It's just like Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling, in fact, there is no holiday at all.

As soon as there is something, we have to deal with it immediately.

However, if it is not so urgent, they will not be called at this time to disturb them on vacation.

When I get to work, I have time to deal with it.

When the two were resting, they had to call them to see that something was urgent.

And two people received a call at the same time, and everyone guessed that they probably said the same thing.

Han Zhuo Li knew that of course this matter should be handled as quickly as possible. If the response is slower, it will lag behind a lot and give the other party more opportunities.

Therefore, when hearing from Du Yimin, Han Zhuoli immediately said, "It's a bit tricky."

Du Yimin said quickly, "Go ahead and get busy."

Today is mainly to invite them poets, so the Han family is still difficult to say.

The Han family invited guests, but they could not take the initiative to drop off.

Therefore, only Du Yizheng took the initiative to say the most appropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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