The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 3325: Boot


The father of another bride must also tell the groom to take good care of my daughter and not let her be wronged.

I've worked so hard to get your hands on you, but I didn't want her to come to your grievances.

Since I was little, I dare not let her be wronged. Why do you dare?

Nothing like that was said in Shi Guan.

Because there is no need to say.

Shi Xiaoya has been with Han Zhuo Ling, so she has not been wronged.

Not to mention that after her marriage, Han Zhuoling liked her like anything.

Han Zhuoling fully supported what Shi Xiaoya wanted to do.

Even if Shi Xiaoya's work was often away from home for several months, Han Zhuo Ling supported her with absolutely no remarks.

Shi Xiaoya entered the group, and Han Zhuo Ling followed.

Even if you are a little tired, you must be with Shi Xiaoya.

There are absolutely no couples that separate the two places, and the relationship fades.

Even if it's because of work, she hasn't been together for a while, Shi Xiaoya doesn't have to worry about what Han Zhuo Ling will do to sorry her.

After marriage, Shi Xiaoya still has her own career, which is no different from her unmarried life.

The biggest difference is that there is another person who spoils her in life.

If Han Zhuo Ling does not do enough, who can do better?

Shi Guanzhong felt that if Han Zhuo Ling had done this, he still had to have an opinion, it really shouldn't be.

No language is more convincing than the facts.

In the long time before the wedding, Han Zhuo Ling has done very convincingly.

Therefore, there is no hesitation in Shi Guan.

He patted Han Zhuo Ling's shoulder and went back to sit back with a smile.

Han Zhuo Ling felt that after the wedding, his marriage with Shi Xiaoya was truly complete.

The Han family sat downstage and looked at Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya on the stage, and they felt deeply.

Who would have thought that the oldest Korean family who only knew work and had no life at all could now find his beloved one?

Once, they all thought that Han Zhuo Ling would probably be as salty as Xia Yixin for a lifetime.

There will be no love, just be a companion.

But what's so interesting about such a marriage?

Han Zhuo Ling didn't even realize his real enthusiasm and true feelings.

Isn't it too pathetic in this life?

Lin Liye always felt sorry for her eldest son.

Unexpectedly, one day, Han Zhuo Ling also met his beloved girl.

There is a family formed with love.

Lin Liye thought, now she really doesn't have any worry.

She had no regrets even if she closed her eyes now.

Although Han Zhuo Ling is the eldest son, he is mature and stable.

But in fact, it was Han Zhuoring that worried her most.

Han Zhuofeng was not worried.

This child is lively and cheerful, and has a sweet mouth.

It is absolutely not wronged.

But Han Zhuo Ling is different.

Instead he was too indifferent to himself.

Finally I can meet someone I like and spend her life with her.

Accompanied by Shi Xiaoya, Han Zhuo Ling is no longer alone.

Then she was relieved.

On the stage, it's time for the groom to kiss the bride.

Although, because of getting a certificate early, Shi Xiaoya even felt like an old man and wife.

But now, it seems to be in love.

Han Zhuo Ling kissed down, Shi Xiaoya's heart beat fast.

As if, today is the first day to marry Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuo Ling loosened her lips, but she still lowered her head to fit her forehead.

Shi Xiaoya held his face in both hands and whispered, "I will have you by your side forever."

"Okay." Han Zhuo Ling tightened her waist.

He thought that Shi Xiaoya could indeed accompany him for a lifetime.

He is much older than her.

Women generally live longer than men.

In the future, he must have left first.

Shi Xiaoya can really accompany him all his life.

But, the deeper you love, the one who goes first is always lucky.

The remaining one can only spend the rest of his life in thoughts and loneliness.

Even a child cannot replace his lover.

Say he's selfish, he loves Shi Xiaoya, so much he can't accept her to marry again.

Even if she knew that someone would take care of her in the future, it would be best for her.

But he still couldn't accept it.

He didn't want Shi Xiaoya to call her husband other than himself to live with others.

Not to mention more intimate things.

Even when Shi Xiaoya was old, she couldn't do anything else.

But even when lying on a bed, there is usually a little friction for trivial matters, and the two people talk to each other.

But isn't it another kind of love and happiness?

Thinking of this, Han Zhuo Ling was angry and jealous.

He never wanted Shi Xiaoya to be like this to others.

Therefore, Han Zhuoling decided that he must find a way to live longer.

Live until Shi Xiaoya is seventy and eighty before leaving.

In this way, even if Shi Xiaoya remarried, she had no strength.

Shi Xiaoya didn't know, at such a touching moment, Han Zhuoling was still thinking about this.

But even if she knew it, she would not be angry, but would be happy.

Because she did not intend to marry another person.

Even if Han Zhuo Ling is gone, she has always held Mrs. Han's title in her life and will never give up.


Because Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling had already received their certificates, their lives were back on track immediately after the wedding.

Because Han Zhuoli is on maternity leave, the two can't care about honeymoon.

Half a month after the wedding ended, Shi Xiaoya entered Han Zhuofeng's crew.

Fortunately, this time is still in city B.

Han Zhuoling took over Han Zhuoli's work and began to get on track, not as busy as when he first took over.

Coupled with Han Zhuoling's ability is really strong.

So even if the work is very heavy, Han Zhuo Ling slowly sorted out the work and began to be organized.

Of course, this is also Han Zhuoling's initiative to speed up the pace.

Because Shi Xiaoya entered the group, Han Zhuo Ling decided to enter the group with Shi Xiaoya every day, just as she did in "Left and Right".

The day when Shi Xiaoya entered the group, it was also when the crew officially started.

On this day, the crew's main creator will perform a start-up ceremony. Of course, it is necessary to start the worship and pray for the next crew to be smooth and smooth.

This is not the first time Han Zhuofeng has done this, and he is very clear about these processes.

Moreover, he did not have to prepare the ceremony himself.

All crew members are ready, as long as Han Zhuofeng is responsible for the process.

Since Shi Xiaoya has arrived, she and the crew participated in the start-up ceremony.

Han Zhuofeng was in the forefront and the middle, and together with a few chief creators, worshiped for three weeks.

Only put incense in the incense burner.

Who knows, the incense that was burning smoothly suddenly extinguished several.

Han Zhuofeng found three incense he had burned, and killed one.

(End of this chapter)

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