The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 3326: Not so good


Several other starred incenses also killed a few.

Suddenly, someone took a breath.

"This ... Let's be the boss who got into this place!" The second male of this film is a senior actor named Yu Xianrao.

Has a certain reputation, the acting is first-rate, but the film is not high.

It is famous, but not so big.

However, because of being in the circle for more than 20 years, despite his reputation, his connections cannot be underestimated.

Many new female artists are willing to get some resources through him.

He can really get in touch.

Therefore, some people in the entertainment industry who look at unknown names actually have their own skills.

This person has such a wide network, and his friends are also ironic, because he really stands up for his righteousness.

Whoever asked for his help had absolutely nothing to say.

Therefore, in this way, they have established a very strong network of contacts.

It's just that there isn't much concentration on women.

Those female artists who look for him naturally have to pay something.

However, this kind of thing, you and I are willing, but in fact can not say anything.

In addition, Yu Xianrao's most prominent feature is its superstition.

Of course, many people in the circle actually believe this.

It ’s the most basic thing to find a master to get a stage name for yourself, which is good for your own star journey.

Many people also went to Southeast Asian countries to ask for amulets.

Although Yu Xianrao did not go to Southeast Asia to ask for amulets, he liked to study this aspect.

According to him, that country is not as peaceful as ours.

What they belong to is to ask for one, if you make a wish, then what you have to give.

Once you can't repay, you have to suffer a strong backlash.

As a symbol, the amulet is the same.

What you get will definitely lose another thing you care about.

Therefore, although it is said that a country is indeed very powerful and very effective, Yu Xianrao never dared to touch it.

He prefers the peaceful and tolerant environment in our country. On this basis, he will study some ancient books and the like.

In this respect, Yu Xianrao looks like a fairy.

The reason why he has such a wide network now is because he really knows some deeds.

Of course, it cannot be compared with a professional such as a spiritual master.

But he also understands a lot among ordinary people.

And I know some really capable masters, and have a good relationship with famous abbot masters.

Often people in the circle ask him to help ask for something that has been blessed.

He will also be asked to help the master to figure it out for himself.

What is not good, change it.

Right now, Yu Xianrao still has a thick bracelet.

The more they often go out, the more people who go south to north, the more they believe.

Especially those directors and actors who make horror movies, including the crew of the crew, even brought the Diamond Sutra with them.

At this time, Han Zhuofeng heard Yu Xianrao say this, and immediately smiled bitterly: "Mister Yu, don't scare us."

Although Han Zhuofeng finds these actors, they are easy to use and inexpensive.

But the crew members are all experienced people.

They aren't expensive anyway, and wages really don't take up much.

Might as well find some experienced ones that can facilitate a lot of things.

Experienced staff, naturally care more about these.

As soon as they saw the first day of starting the machine, it seemed to be not going well, and they were all depressed.

During the months of shooting here, don't go wrong.

"Mr. Yu, is this ... really bad?" The associate director has followed a lot of crews and has a lot of experience.

Han Zhuofeng also took a lot of thought and had experience, but he couldn't rely on his qualifications, so he looked down on him.

After all, although Han Zhuofeng is the third youngest member of the Han family, he is a director in the crew.

Still a young director with little experience.

It's easy to be bullied.

If the deputy director thinks highly of himself, he always wants to overpower him.

I always disagree with Han Zhuofeng's ideas. I feel that Han Zhuofeng's level is not good, so I just point around and draw a picture, which is not good.

Therefore, Han Zhuofeng had a hard time finding this experience, but he didn't have much experience with the big guide, and he was quite a self-knowing deputy.

However, although the director said that his reputation was not good, he followed a lot of groups and was very concerned about such things.

Yu Xianrao looked at Han Zhuofeng, and said in a dilemma, "Han Dao, it's not that I want to crack down on morale. It really looks like this ... it's not very good."

However, in the eyes of Han Zhuofeng, Yu Xianrao is almost like a magic stick.

Even if it isn't, it's fast.

Han Zhuofeng did not believe this.

However, since Yu Xianrao said so, he is not easy to refute.

Still have to give a face first.

"What to do then?" According to Han Zhuofeng, this is a cutscene. Who cares how the incense burns.

After finishing it, hurry up and make a show, tangled about this.

However, Han Zhuofeng said, "Mister Yu, you know a lot about this, what do you think?"

"Well, let's do it again. We must be sincere and explain to each other well, and we will not disturb it. Our people will also be careful and not do things that will destroy the place." Yu Xianrao said.

Han Zhuofeng said: "Actually ... should be all right? This film and television city was created by Wu Dao for filming. It wasn't long before Wu Dao filmed the film. When I talked with Wu Dao's crew before, nothing happened. "

"Before today, we also joined the team to prepare for a long time, and nothing happened. Everything is normal." Han Zhuofeng said.

He really didn't take the change seriously.

The incense is gone, maybe it was blown out by the wind.

It is also possible that it was not cooked right from the start.

It's all 9012, why are you so superstitious!

"Don't say it!" Yu Xian quickly covered Han Zhuofeng's mouth with anxiety. "Let it hear it, and you've got it!"

Han Zhuofeng innocently "snapped" twice, blinked, and quickly nodded.

He said he would never say it again.

Yu Xianrao then let go of his hand.

"Director Han, you can't do this. You are a director and you have to worship. But if you are not sincere, you have to involve me and some of us!" Yu Xianrao said.

Han Zhuofeng thought about it and asked, "I think of a problem."

"This incense is gone. Whose incense is gone, who is not sincere? Then if all of our incense is gone, is it not all of us are sincere? If it is burned again in a while, the incense is gone What? Then really sure what will happen? "

Han Zhuofeng did not dare to say it directly, not because he was afraid, but because he was afraid that Xianrao felt that he was not sincere.

Yu Xianrao: "..."

Did n’t you say there was a problem?

Why are you asking so much?

The second is around 2 o'clock ~

(End of this chapter)

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