The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 3381: 3456 let's have something to say


In addition, this time it has learned a new method of manipulating corpses and is proud of it.

Come with confidence.

Who knows, after a while, I came across these two people!

"I said! I said!" Wraith quickly yelled.

I'm afraid I'm crying slowly and being beaten again.

Are other grieving spirits as mean as they are?

No way, who can make it beat these two.

I can only admit it!

"I didn't hesitate. I was so shocked that I didn't expect this master to know so much."

I don't know if it is useless to make a flatterer.

However, it's true to say a little more.

Xie Jiwen pumped the corners of his mouth.

My heart says a resentment, and I still play with it.

It's a deliberate grudge.

"Hurry up and say less nonsense." Xie Jiwen hurriedly urged.

The grudge shrank his neck, and he didn't even dare to slap.

"Yes ... someone taught me," said the Wraith.

"I was a grudge, and I took revenge on the person who killed me. But I didn't dare to go to the land. I heard that if the grudge went to the land, I would be whipped. So I hid in the cloud In the forest. "

"Unexpectedly, I was found by a spiritualist. However, he didn't kill me. He also taught me a set of exercises and said that when I got to 30%, I was not afraid of ordinary spiritualists. , You can come out. "

"I have been working hard to practice, and finally to the third. The third is the method of refining and driving the corpse soldiers. I just finished it, and when I encountered a crack in space again, I brought the corpse soldiers to see.

I was thinking of letting the corpse soldiers get on the road.

Who knows, as soon as the corpse soldiers came out, there was nothing left.

"You also made the fog here?" Xie Jiwen asked.

The grieving spirit really knew everything: "When I first came here, I couldn't come out completely. At that time, the space crack was not so big, and it didn't last long."

"When I came over, I just saw someone there, and I caught that person at Yunlin Mountain. Because I couldn't get in completely at the time, I couldn't stay here."

Otherwise, it stays here all the time, and the practice is faster.

So, who is more powerful now is really hard to say.

"However, before I go back, I have released some of my source grievances here. Because of my cultivated relationship, my source grudges will not dissipate here. And it will absorb the spiritual power here and let me Complaints are growing. "

"I thought, when I come back, I can absorb the grievances, so that I will be stronger."

Xie Jiling didn't expect that this resentment was pretty beautiful.

"I just didn't expect that the space crack wouldn't open again for a long time." Wraith bowed his head and said, "I later learned that this space crack will open after a long time."

So far it hasn't found a pattern.

Xie Jiling and Xie Jiwen glanced.

It is not too late to investigate this crack in space.

The main thing now is to ask about the spiritualist.

Xie Jiwen also knew about the resentment that Xie Jiling encountered last time.

I know that someone has taught the Wraith some things that shouldn't be taught.

As a result, this time, I encountered another resentment spirit, which was also obtained from a spiritualist.

This is a coincidence.

You ca n’t run into a spirit-eliminating master, so you hand over your skills to the grieving spirit very well?

Therefore, Xie Jiwen and Xie Jiling are more convinced that the two spiritualists who met the two evil spirits are the same person.

"What does that devil master look like?" Xie Jiling asked the grieving spirit.

Now, the resentment is really hesitant.

Because that spiritualist is really powerful.

Isn't a spiritualist holding a practice that can be practiced by the grieving spirits powerful?

It's scared, that derailer will trouble him!

Unexpectedly, Xie Jiwen said, "Are you afraid that the spiritualist will not get revenge from you?"

Wraiths do not speak, obviously obviously think so.

I heard Xie Jiwen's "snap": "Do you still want him to take revenge on you? What do you think. Fall in our hands and send you to the land government in a while. What do you worry about unless he can chase you to the land government?

Whimsical thought, this is really the case.

However, now the Wraiths don't know whether it is better to go to the local government to be flogged or whether it is better to be found by that spiritualist.

It was a death to be found by the exorcist.

But it may die more quickly.

And the type of whipping, although it can't die, is whipping every day.

I'm afraid it's more painful than the spirit flying away.

However, after the whipping, there is still the possibility of reincarnation.

However, now Wraith has not thought about it.

Just these sins it committed.

Even if the baby is born, the baby is born.

Moreover, even if it is a animal, it is also exquisite.

It's impossible to be a domestic pet.

Of course, these, Xie Jiwen will not remind it.

"Okay, don't even think about it." Xie Jiwen rolled his eyes. "Follow us, what options do you want?"

"Frankly tell the situation of the spiritual master, we will send you directly to the land government." Xie Jiwen said.

"That's it." Xie Jiling nodded. "Hurry up a little time so we can go back to rest."

I thought I'd be busy overnight.

Now it seems that it can be resolved in advance.

Xie Jiling missed the warmth of the bed.

Chen Dinglin: "..."

Zhang Dingsong: "..."

What a great insight tonight.

It's so easy to see the devil for the first time.

It's almost playful.

Every time they get rid of the spirit, they hope that the grieving spirit is not that powerful.

Even if we encounter a weaker grievance, we dare not take it lightly.

All tense, how dare you relax like now?

Xie Jiling and Xie Jiwen were very good, and shot twice.

Wraith counseled!

And I know everything!

Interrogation also came.

Both couldn't help sighing.


The gap is too big!

When can they have this level?

If they can have this level, what grievances are they afraid of!

Didn't see that the grudges are so good now, is it like a dog?

Ask what to say, don't mention more cooperation!

This is really the easiest time for them to get rid of spirits!

Soy sauce was played all the way, nothing was done, just quietly admired.

Looking back at the money in the ghost town, they were embarrassed to receive it.

Xie Jiling, who was rushing back to sleep, had no patience.

Raising her compass again: "Why don't you say it!"

Wraith: "..."

"Say! I say!" Wraith quickly said, "You put the compass down first, we have something to say!"

Zhang Dingsong: "..."

Chen Dinglin: "..."

Listen, Wraith begged her to have something to say.

The third is around 1: 30 ~

(End of this chapter)

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