The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 3382: 3457 Treacherous Giant

3382 1: 52: 48.00 Katherine

What kind of state is this?

"Come on!" Xie Jiling urged, putting the compass down.

Wraith said: "I really want to say, in fact, he is really nothing special. He looks very ordinary, that is, ordinary people who have never seen him before will remember."

"The facial features are ordinary, and there aren't even any particularly impressive features. The looks are particularly popular." The grieving spirit frowned, thinking for a long time.

"You suddenly asked me, not that I didn't say it, but that I really couldn't remember what he looked like. I couldn't describe it specifically. His face ..."

Wraith thought for a while and said, "His face is like many ordinary faces. The ordinary features are combined, and he chooses the most mediocre one."

Xie Jiling understood.

For example, people finally calculated the golden ratio of the faces of men and women based on photos of many beautiful women and handsome men.

A virtual face made at such a scale, although it looks good.

However, it has no characteristics.

It looks pretty good, but as soon as you turn your head, you forget what the face looks like, just remember it looks good.

The same is true of the spirit-eliminator that the Wraith said.

It's just that he chose a ratio calculated from a mediocre face.

In this way, after you have seen him, you can only remember that he is very ordinary.

But what it looked like, I forgot about it.

Because such an ordinary face is similar to many common faces.

Because it is too ordinary, it is similar to too many people.

So, forget it after reading it.

This resentment is consistent with the resentment in the school last time.

Therefore, Xie Jiling believed that it did not lie.

"When did he give you the exercises?" Xie Jiling asked again.

Seeing the Wraith Eyes start to scramble.

Xie Ji Wen sneered.

At this time, the grudges dare to play with him!

Xie Jiwen took out a charm and suddenly dumped it.

The rune turned into a long whip.

The whip also exudes a faint faint light.

Xie Jiwen said: "This is a rune created by the Soul Whip in the base government. The whip transfigured, imitating the Soul Whip."

"Of course, it's certainly not as good as the real whip whip." Xie Jiwen held Fu Yu with one hand and swiped across the whip with one hand.

"The beating of the soul of the government, that's the beating, the soul will tremble three times. I am not so powerful. It is the 30% strength of the real beating." Xie Jiwen said.

The 30% of the power said is as light as possible.

But compared to the power of the real whip.

Is it painful to be 30%?

But this is not what makes them feel thrilled.

It's Xie Jiwen's ability to draw the symbols.

Zhang Dingsong and Chen Dinglin's eyes were straight and their heads were wooden.

They draw the runes according to the runes recorded in the book.

They never knew that this symbol could be created by themselves!

They want to create, but they do n’t know where to start!

This is not something that can be drawn on your own imagination.

And Xie Jiwen, not only was able to create runes on his own, but also according to his own requirements, draw a rune that can transform the power of the magic whip into 30%!

This ability has long gone beyond their cognition.

This is something they dare not even imagine.

Xie's ... is it so terrible?

Even these two juniors have unattainable abilities.

The elders of Xie's family ...

Zhang Dingsong and Chen Dinglin both sighed.

can not imagine.

Wraiths are going crazy.

Have something to say!

Threatening Threatening Wraiths What to Do!

Wraith did not mess with them!

"Wait a minute! I didn't say nothing!" Wraith quickly said, "Put away the whip, put away."

"It's all changed, and you can't put it away." Xie Jiwen said, and threw it again. "You can say it directly, honestly, I won't pump you. Otherwise ...

"I said! I said!" Wraith quickly said, don't take the whip if you don't take it.

The resentment dared not look at the whip, and did not dare to distinguish it.

"It was eight years ago. He caught me eight years ago, but he released me and taught me the exercises." Wraith said.

"After teaching you the exercises? Have you ever found you again?" Xie Jiwen asked again.

"No." Wraith raised his head and insisted that Xie Jiwen see his sincere eyes, indicating that he was not lying.

Because it really doesn't want to be pumped.

Xie Jiwen: "..."

Isn't this grudge a bit more aggressive about himself?

What a horrible face, always looking up!

"Teach you the exercises, don't you check how well you practice?" Xie Jiwen doubted.

Wraith shook his horrible head innocently: "No, he gave me the exercises in my brain for me to learn, so I don't care."

"He said that he just saw me as being unjustly dead, very pitiful, and wanted me to be a ghost cultivation." Wraith said, "As for what can be trained is my creation, he doesn't care. I am Wraith, you can never die. "

"I can't practice this method and it won't break my spirits, so let me look at the practice. To what extent I can practice is my own ability."

Xie Jiwen narrowed his eyes and said, "Then he didn't give you any contact information? For example, if you practice to a certain degree, you can contact him?"

"Don't say no." Xie Jiwen sneered.

Xie Jiwen is much more cunning than Xie Jiling.

Last time, Xie Jiling did not expect this to the woman's resentment.

But when Xie Jiwen heard it, he immediately thought of it.

"Since he has taught you the exercises, he definitely has a purpose. I don't believe what he is doing **, and it doesn't give you any benefits in return. It's impossible, especially when we except spiritualists talk about cause and effect.

"Since he has given you a cause, he will get results from you. He won't even expect you to do it. As long as you practice to a certain degree, he must do something for you."

Xie Jiwen narrowed his eyes, "Well, you are not honest! Didn't you just tell us honestly?"

Xie Jiwen said that he did not give the grieving spirit the opportunity to plead, and he lashed out with a whip.

"Ah!" Wraith screamed sharply.

Zhang Dingsong and Chen Dinglin discovered that the spirit body of the resentment had disappeared with the naked eye.

But after a few seconds, they re-aggregated.

However, it became clear that its spirit had become much weaker.

"Don't fight! Don't fight!" Although Wraith just pleaded, but the whip didn't fall down, it didn't know what level the whip was.

Really taste it now.

The spirit body just now is really on the verge of collapse!

Let it feel the taste of the soul flying.

It doesn't want to feel it again.

"I said! I said!" Wraith hurriedly said, "I haven't finished it yet, you come down with a whip."

3 more complete, good night everyone ~

(End of this chapter)

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