The lord is red again

Chapter 454: Underground Ghost

Now everyone hides their identities.

Changing vests is not for doing bad things, just like robbers robbing banks, and buying stockings is definitely not for wearing on legs.

Only after covering the face can you do whatever you want.

Lind looked at the crowd in front of him, a little jealous.

He had inquired about the Mechanicus before, and knew that some beastmen forces cooperated with the Mechanicus. Now the team in front of him was wrapped in very sophisticated armor, much more exquisite than the beastmen before.

The appearance of plate armor, the iron can is fully enclosed, but outside the armor, you can see the embedded gears slowly turning. A strong knight looks like half of his body weight is precision gears.

"I don't know how it turns. Aren't you afraid of getting stuck in the sand?"

There is not much else in the wilderness. Occasionally, a sandstorm can bury a person alive. Can the precision instrument still work after being buried in the sand?

William: "Sir, can't a cleaning magic be enough?"

Lind turned his head and looked at William's dog head.

Well said. Don't say it next time, or I'll look stupid. Write it down in your notebook. I'll arrange you as a sparring partner after the undead come online.

His eyes turned to the team in front again. He had been envious of the knowledge of the Mechanicus for a long time. Because of their talent limitations, few NPCs could match the achievements of the undead. But if there was help from external forces, they might be able to keep up with the pace. Not to mention restricting the actions of the undead, at least they could be used as objects of communication and chat, and issue some tasks.

It was still too difficult to act alone.

William, the most talented man under his command, has now become a unit of combat power, just like now that he has no one available after the undead disappeared.

"They don't look like humans." William said again.

Although those things have a human head, William found that those people did not have a complete body, and they might not even be called living things.

They were wearing various colored plate armor, and the precise gears were dotted on the armor like ancient inscriptions.

When the person on the left raised his arm, his left hand was completely a lump of iron. After a while, a trace of a magic circle popped out of his left hand. Because he was too far away, he couldn't hear what they were saying or looking at.

Instead, Tione on the side suddenly said: "They are all wizards."


Wearing a set of sophisticated heavy armor, exuding the spirit of keeping strangers away, but he is a wizard.

If you must be a wizard to control such a set of heavy armor, I'm afraid wizards will really become a favorite profession in the future. Linde thought about it wildly, but he knew that the balance of the game had nothing to do with him. Things in the world are originally divided into good and bad. This is not a game.

"What are you going to do, sir?" William saw Linde took out a long sword he had never seen before, and knew that he was going to take action.

"Of course we will just go straight ahead. Those who obey will stay, and those who don't will be killed." Lind gestured twice. "If this team is also human, they should know Magdalena, but they don't look like they are going to the Undead Village to guide the novice."

"They seem to be holding some kind of ceremony." The beast master who has officially joined the group suddenly spoke.

Most of the time, he dutifully plays the role of an unpleasant stinky cat, but his knowledge is indeed something that Lind and others do not have.

"I know that the great beast master must know." Lind said.

There are not many simple people who can get the information they want by flattering without charging. Maybe the beast master is born "simple" when filming.

The beast master put his hands on his waist. His addiction to being a teacher came back. Of course, he explained to the outside world that he was "learning". Only those who are good at teaching can be good at learning.

When He talked about important things, Linde would nod constantly. When he got the information he wanted, he was too lazy to listen to His chattering and nodded perfunctorily. Therefore, the Beast Overlord had a teacher's addiction to Linde.

"I know a little about the Mechanicus. Those monsters gradually gave up their lives, but they are very powerful. They will put magic, mechanical metal, and even prayers and prophecies together to form a whole thing. This time, they must have obtained some power through the ritual of revelation." The Beast Overlord spoke with disdain to the Mechanicus.

Linde felt that his temper occupied most of his words. No matter who it was, they could see that the Mechanicus was very good at academic research. They were all wizards, which also showed that they had strong spiritual power and extraordinary talents.


Miss Narrator and Whispering Po are both in this field, but they can't go far.

Linde sneered at the so-called prophecy. It seems that few people who believe in prophecy have a good end. And no matter how the prophecy is predicted, you can't just sit there and do nothing.

"I... I heard that before the magic ring was broken, the gods had made a prophecy, and everything now is the result they had long anticipated."

"You predicted that you would die, so you chose to lie down and not struggle?" Linde suddenly didn't know what to say.

But then he thought, if the predicted future is good for you, you will definitely do everything possible to make everything go in the direction of the prophecy. So those gods are not stupid at all, but I don't know whether the undead exist as part of the prophecy.

"You didn't participate?" Linde suddenly asked.

He spent a long time with the Beast Master and wanted to know something related to the gods from his mouth. There was no need to think about the Daughter of the Night. Her strength was only at the 5th level BOSS level. She was still wandering around Xilu Continent, but the Beast Master was In the Demonic Land, even if Linde doesn't know what his strength is, he must have been at level 7 or above in his heyday.

The cat with its arms akimbo suddenly stopped talking, and when Lind looked over, he gave him a white eye.

Ask yourself more questions.

"Follow up and take a look before you take action."

They must be robbed today. The people on the other side are bluffing, but the strongest one is equivalent to a William.

Nur walked in front holding a cane. As the gods retreated and disappeared, the forces that believed in the Mechanicus gradually fell apart.

And unlike other forces, the Mechanicum is very strict in selecting members, and each member has very high spiritual requirements, which even ordinary wizards cannot meet. Some people can even see the true face of the elements of the magical world as soon as they open their eyes.

They are natural mages, and each of them is even very good at studying and learning. Only in this way can they have the opportunity to join the Mechanicus.

This also resulted in the Mechanicus having a very small population and their talents affecting too many people.

However, with the collapse of order and the disagreement among various schools of thought, the Mechanicum was eventually like those dispersed refugees who joined other forces in the Demon Land in twos and threes, or went to other material planes.

Nur is a veteran. Some people call him an iron lump, and others call him a heartless monster. Later, when disasters emerged, they called him a mechanical disaster. But Nur ignored these voices. He had already chosen to abandon the low-level human beings. Emotions, pursuing a greater purpose.

Nowadays, the team he leads can be called "Members of the Mechanicus". In fact, only he and another iron lump are mostly human bodies compared to Nuer. The other party has not only abandoned human emotions, but also abandoned human beings. body, achieving spiritual and physical detachment.

The head was covered with steel cheeks that were forged by burning in a furnace. When he spoke, the sound of magic came out, which could be transmitted without relying on the air. It even seemed to appear in his ears when he spoke.

But Noor didn't like the way the other person spoke. It was probably that part of his body that was resisting.

Although the remaining soldiers wear various mechanical armors, they are not believers of the Mechanicum, nor do they belong to any school. The proud school would rather perish than give itself to a weak target.

They just cut off their arms, hands and feet, replaced their internal organs, etc., in order to pursue short-term power. They are just a group of poor people who gave up themselves for power, without lofty ideals.

"Nur, how long will it take?"

"You should be there just after climbing over this mountain."

Nuer looked at the scenery in front of him, hating the scenery in the gray ruins of the wilderness. His human heart was beating crazily, but his companions who were following him were calm and relaxed, and no longer felt tired.

The two parties once had a dispute about physical detachment. It's not that Noor doesn't want to completely detach, it's just that his talent is limited.

The sky seems to be dyed brown by the ground. It seems dark but there is always light. It cannot be completely dark, but it makes people feel heavy.

In the distance, slender stalagmites appear densely, but if you look closely, you will find that this is the remains of an abandoned building.

Noor adjusted her breathing, waiting for the sound of her heartbeat to slowly recede from her ears.

The three people and one cat who had been hanging far behind the Mechanicum also climbed up another hill.

"It makes people's blood boil." William scratched his white wolf's head, "It kept knocking, and he almost lost control of his murderous intent."

He turned to look at Linde and heard Linde say: "It doesn't matter, you don't have to control it."

Except for the weak beast master present, Linde and Tione only needed one hand to beat William.

"This is the drumbeat of war."

Linde's mood was slightly shaken, but he quickly regained his composure. He was much stronger than the drummer, so he was completely unaffected by him.

Looking at Tione again, her expression was calm.

Also, she won't be affected at all, and she doesn't have normal human feelings.

After following these people for a while, Linde confirmed that they were indeed not coming for the undead. The news of the disappearance of the undead has not spread yet.

The team of the Cult of Mechanicus over there began to move forward again, passing over the mountains, and some of their members had begun to lose control, speeding up and walking towards the mountains further ahead.

Their sudden action left the two most special people among the crowd behind.

"Both of them are not weak in strength." Linde glanced at William and made an evaluation in his mind: Judging from the aura alone, the one with half iron lump is about as strong as two William, and the one with pure iron lump is as strong as three William. .

William took a look at Lind and immediately understood what Lind meant, so he said, "Sir, if you go further, you will find the territory of the underground ghosts."

Linde immediately took out the map he had obtained. On it were the forces and villages recorded by the beast merchants as they traveled north and south in the land of beasts. It would be updated every time the caravan did business, so it was very timely.

Among them are the underground ghosts that Linde tried to get the undead to contact before.

He is also accompanied by a ghost, Selina.

"Do you know the Far East School of Magic?" Linde suddenly remembered and asked the Beast Master casually.

"I haven't heard of it." The Beast Master answered without thinking, "There are so many material planes. Isn't it normal that there is a magic school that you haven't heard of?"

It's normal, but it's not normal to let the wyvern pull the cart.

Just like the magic land is already considered a high-level map, but here 3-ring can also be called strong, 2-ring also has a chance to emerge, and will definitely not be sent to pull the cart.

"What about the Far East Continent?"

"I haven't heard of it."

While the man and the beast were chatting, William beside him suddenly exclaimed.

Linde turned his head and looked. It turned out that the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. Suddenly, the low slopes that rose and fell turned into a wide and thick mountain range that covered the sky. The black and yellow sky was connected by the mountain range.

Thinking back to why he didn't see such a high mountain when he came, Lind turned his head and looked back, only to find that they had unknowingly walked into a huge downward basin, as if they had walked into a copper furnace hot pot. It seemed that the mountains in front of them blocked the sky, but in fact they were staying in the depression.

"There was a war here." Lind squatted down and swept the soil with his palm, revealing the remains of the stone wall under his feet. There were patterns carved on it, and it was believed that it was once a powerful civilization.

When he turned his head to look at the beast master again, the other party shook his cat head directly.

When you don't understand, just pretend you didn't hear it, so as not to lose the face of the beast master.

After walking for a while, following the Mechanicus from a distance, I didn't expect that those people went from walking faster and faster to gradually slowing down, and even kneeling on the ground. Only the most special two were still standing.

"Those are ghosts, right?" William said.

Phantom figures began to appear in the mountains. They were wearing lavender robes and breastplates, holding long swords, javelins, and shields. There were long horns on their armor, winding backwards like longhorn beetles. Their equipment looked like some kind of sacrificial guard.

"It's a ghost, but it doesn't seem to be planning to take action." Linde nodded.

He knew that there were underground ghosts among his neighbors, but he could only rely on hearsay about what they looked like. Seeing that the two parties were strangely calm, Linde suppressed his doubts.

Let's see.

Then the ghosts quietly watched the people of the Mechanicus placing various sacrificial items on the scene, building altars and magic circles, and the two sides really didn't disturb each other.

"My lord?" William looked at Linde again, and the voice made him feel eager to fight.

"Don't worry."

If it was to summon the evil god, Linde would turn around and run without saying a word. If not, he would like to see what these guys who were suspected to be Mechanicus believers wanted to do, and then kill them all at once.

The whole "copper furnace hot pot" suddenly began to vibrate.

Something is coming.

It's not that I don't want to post more, but staying up late has caused facial paralysis.

In short, everyone should stay up late less.

It's really annoying to hear the truth, and you have to be affected yourself to know to pay attention.

I'm just glad that between facial paralysis caused by staying up late and sudden death caused by staying up late, it's the former.

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