The lord is red again

Chapter 455: Surrender and no killing, so surrender first


Linde looked at the combat power measurement unit. The opponent seemed to be ready to fully integrate into the sacrificial team in front, with a dazed expression.

He just came to see what the mysterious Mechanicus was planning to do and to get some benefits, but he didn't want to get involved with anyone.

The roar ahead is getting stronger and stronger.

The wind whistled inside the inner wall of the "Copper Stove Hot Pot", going around in circles. The dark yellow clouds in the sky were also rolled into a cylinder by the wind, as if a yellow cloth cover had been buckled down, completely blocking out the light. .

But the front of the sacrifice did not dim. Instead, it shone with golden light, like a sun that had just been ignited. It stung the eyes and made it difficult to look straight.

He could probably vaguely distinguish some things, the hot blood, and the towering figure that looked like a giant.

It's just that when he looked at the face, it was a little blurry, but Linde was very sure that it had nothing to do with the Mechanicus. These people were just collecting knowledge.

He couldn't help turning his head to dodge. When he looked at Tione, he found that her expression was as usual, staring quietly at the golden sun. Then he looked at William, who seemed to have seen some truth in the world, with a look of enlightenment on his face.

"Is this another master?" The beast master whispered in Lind's ear. He was not affected, but was worried.


"An awakened master must be as strong as I was back then. He looks a bit familiar."

I really met a god.

Linde's curiosity was suddenly aroused. Even though he knew that it was never wise to look directly at gods, if he looked at them a few more times, he might be able to tell the difference between gods and humans.

His eyes were slowly glued to the shimmering golden thing. Linde could feel the heat on the other person, and the flame seemed to ignite his body through his eyes.

Even if I have fire resistance, I can't bear it at this time. If I continue to watch, I might really be burned to death by the flames.

Do not look directly at the gods.

But he couldn't control his consciousness, and kept looking subconsciously.

Tione on the side suddenly reached out and pulled his arm. Lind suddenly woke up, instinctively closed his eyes, and at the same time pressed his hand on William's head, forcing his head into the soil.

William's various powers were far inferior to Linde's, and he was in an inexplicable state at this time, with no strength to resist at all.

When Linde opened his eyes again, he found that the golden light and the heat had all disappeared.

He is a giant, wearing exquisite armor made of leather and inlaid with copper, but there are no gears and other things. There is a scroll hanging on his waist. Even if it is sealed with some kind of fire paint with a magic mark, the scroll will still From time to time bursts of magical light are emitted.

Hanging from his shoulders is a short cloak with a pattern that has never been seen before.

When Linde saw the scroll, he felt that it was destined to him, but the undead man was not there, so there was no connection between it and him.

And the powerful god finally pressed his golden light, and his figure gradually condensed, and he could appear in the eyes of everyone as a giant, instead of being invisible.

"Big-man-" William's struggling voice came out muffled from the earth and rocks, and then Lind released his hand and let him out.

"woke up?"

"What is that?" William asked.

When he spoke, there was a hint of yearning in his words, as if he would not hesitate to sacrifice everything including his soul as long as he could get close to that powerful existence.

"Someone who is not easy to mess with." Linde glanced at the beast master, who was now hiding behind him with his tail between his legs. It seemed that the gods were not so peaceful.

"He is really..." William still wanted to speak.

Linde found that the giant in the distance suddenly raised his head and looked in his direction, and his heart suddenly shrank.


But the other party calmly withdrew his gaze.

"That's Secapus." The beast master suddenly said, "It's the god of giants, the master of giants."


This name sounds a little too familiar. It seems that in the forum, the country to the south of the Black Marsh Kingdom was called Secapus some time ago. The most interesting entertainment news at that time was that the undead all abandoned Secapus and moved away collectively. Black Marsh Kingdom.

From Novice Village to Gaowan, no one is left behind.

If this giant god is connected to the Kingdom of Secapus, it means that that country has a god in a complete state. Although the god will not fight for humans, it is unlikely that he will ignore everything.

"With Raniya's character, she probably won't take action against the Kingdom of Secapus." Lind thought for a while, and there was a high possibility that Raniya would take action.

While the undead were still there, she might still be more cautious; but when the threat of the undead disappeared, Raniya would definitely put aside her serious and cautious thoughts.

She will definitely not let go of the good opportunity to lose the undead, and will definitely try her best to expand her territory.

With the large supply of resources from the undead, the current Kingdom of Rand and the Kingdom of Black Marsh have no shortage of powerful knights, and they can form combat troops.

There are also some talents that are really outstanding, that is to say, those who have been promoted to a high level of strength at most in this life, they have not been spared, and all resources have been used to cultivate them.

There are not many top experts, but in the "Newbie Village Continent", it is definitely enough to run rampant.

This is also the instinct of every king. If he is strong enough, he will feel that the place he lives in is a bit small.

Whether in terms of economy or strength, the Land Kingdom must be the strongest on the Xilu Continent. The information comes from the entire Xilu Continent Kingdom information collected by the Undead, and the credibility is as high as 80%!

"Are you familiar with Him?" Lind asked.

The Beast Overlord replied: "Sekapus also believes that he is the God of Knowledge, and believes that he has a huge sin, that is, the sin of greed and infinite thirst for knowledge; the legend of finding the giant's treasure is circulated in the stories of the Demon Land and the faith of Sekapus. According to legend, as long as the giant's treasure can be found, Sekapus can be summoned to appear, and his questions can be answered correctly and sincerely, and then the knowledge you want can be obtained from him. If the answer is wrong, Sekapus will disappear."

After saying this, the Beast Overlord added: "Not familiar."

"What about you, what god do you call yourself?" Lind asked curiously.

The Beast Overlord didn't sound as high-profile as "God of Giants, God of Knowledge" and so on.


Pet God? This is indeed appropriate, but Lind restrained himself from saying it, so as not to scratch the kitten's face.

The previous ceremony is still going on.

But none of the two iron lumps could answer Cecapus's question, and Lind had never heard of the question. Magic was his blind spot.

Just when the two Mechanicus regretted that they had such rich knowledge but could not answer even one question, the giant Cecapus looked in Lind's direction.

"Who are you?"

"Is this a question?" Lind asked.

His appearance startled the two Mechanicus. They had never expected that there were other people around them. Especially after they found that Lind had a hazy feeling that they could not see through or see clearly, they became more nervous.

Then they were dissatisfied with the giant's question. His question was difficult, but the black knight's question was very simple.

"Leonardo Dicaprio." Lind replied.

"I can't be sure if your answer is correct." The giant said.

But Lind knew the reason why the other party couldn't see through it. [Fox Heart], as the womb of the fertile god, has a hidden effect.

"So, your answer is correct."

The giant looked at Lind and asked, "What do you want to know?"

"Who are you?"

"God of Giants, God of Knowledge, 'Giant' Secaps."

"I also consider your answer correct."

He completed his mission and slowly disappeared.

"That's it?" Lind was a little disappointed, but he also liked [Fox Heart]. It was a good thing to hide the identity. It was really useful.

"Sir, why didn't you ask anything else just now?" William asked.

"I think it's most important to make Him disappear quickly."

Being stared at by such a powerful and prosperous god, Lind felt uncomfortable all over. He was afraid that he would not dare to draw his sword against such an existence in the future.

But Lind breathed a sigh of relief. William was still savoring it, but the iron lump of the Mechanicus over there came over.

"You shouldn't have asked that question just now."

Linde was too lazy to chat with them, so he drew his sword and rushed forward: "William, do it!"

After saying that, Linde took a step and suddenly shortened the distance between him and the opponent. The sword in his hand lightly picked up the metal iron lump's arm on the left. With a slight flick of his wrist, the sword "swooshed" on its wrist like a small branch, and the parts exploded all over the floor.

He turned his hand again and hit the iron lump's face with the sword. With Linde's current strength, it was simply bullying to deal with two iron lumps.

After knocking one down, Linde turned sideways and kicked the other half-iron lump in the chest. Unexpectedly, the opponent started spitting blood without being kicked, but soon spitting blood and attacking again.

It was very strange to attack while spitting blood.

The sharpened magic bullet hit Linde's body, like a fierce fist falling on him.

The dense magic bullets, each of which had at least the power of 1 ring magic, and the attack speed was fierce, but Lind didn't dodge at all and walked forward. The damage caused by the magic bullets on him was repaired in the blink of an eye, and his physical strength was not exhausted, so he could ignore all attacks and walked forward calmly.

Nur was panicked.

The magic machine allowed Nur to bid farewell to the complicated casting steps. He could use the magic organ to release magic bullets in batches and quickly, like a storm. Ordinary people didn't dare to take it hard, but the person in front of him walked forward calmly, unaffected.

When he looked at his companions again, he found that the other party had been completely torn apart.

His mentality gradually collapsed.

"What do you want to do?" Nur looked at the mysterious man, unable to guess the other party's strength.

"Flesh and blood are weak, and the machine is ascending?" Lind raised his hand and grabbed Nur's arm, and pulled it off suddenly.

The gap between the two sides is too big. Linde has improved all attributes instead of just a single combat capability. His 4th and 5th ring strengths represent all-round strengths.

Even because of the Night Lady Emblem, even the shortcomings of magic are made up.

"You!" Nur looked at Linde in shock.

Although he couldn't see the other party's identity and strength, nor could he see his appearance, Nur could be sure that the other party was a person made entirely of flesh and blood.

Can the human body be so strong?

"Mechanicus, are all of them like you who have transformed their bodies into iron lumps?" Linde casually collected the arm snatched from the other party. Good stuff.

Although he couldn't use it, some disabled soldiers might be able to rely on it to change their fate.

Nur dropped the weapon, indicating that he would not resist again.

"I need the knowledge of the Mechanicus." Linde got straight to the point.

Nur asked back: "Why didn't you ask the God of Wisdom directly just now?"

"I forgot." He answered casually.

Linde always had a requirement for his trading partners, that is, he could kill the other party, otherwise he would not feel at ease holding the things.

He could trade with the partners whose strength was not too different, but if he couldn't even look at the other party directly, he would stay as far away as possible, at most he would give the undead a task and let the undead take action.

He couldn't beat them, and it seemed that he couldn't talk them out, so Nur chose to cooperate obediently.

Surrender and don't kill.

He took the initiative to fight for it without the other party reminding him.

His teammates who had been dismantled were a lesson for him, and he didn't know how many of the energy cores on the other party were still lit. If they were all broken, he would be dead.

Nur was very conscious of his efforts. Giving up the human body also meant that they gave up human emotions and even logic, and did things more rationally.

"It's not that I don't want to help you get revenge, I'm very rational." Nur said to his companion who had been disassembled into parts, although his brain had not been modified and his thinking was not affected.

Lind looked at another part of the Mechanicus: "These are the treasures."

"They can only be regarded as guards, and have undergone the lowest level of modification." Nur said, "They don't have an energy core."

"That's what I want." He didn't need it because he was fully mechanical.

Lind walked in front of a person, raised his hand and knocked on the other's chest armor, which turned out to be a magic version of the exoskeleton.

It's a pity that the undead were not there, otherwise he would definitely make a fortune.

Thinking of this, Lind looked at Nur with fiery eyes: "Are you good at manufacturing?"

"I'm better at charging into battle." Nur said, "I don't have the skills to manufacture energy cores yet. Our Plover School focuses on transforming ourselves to fit the soul."

Lind nodded casually and pointed at the armor: "What about this?"

Is it this defective product?

Nur, who was originally worried that Lind would steal the core knowledge of the Plover School, breathed a sigh of relief, but was the other party really satisfied with this? Impossible, no one wants this kind of garbage. Only those low-level beastmen will obtain an "iron gall" for the sake of "title" and make mechanical armor for outer wear.

"It's very simple." Nur said.

He can make it in batches with his eyes closed.

Lind found that although Nur was tall and strong, and his strength was not weak, he was even more cowardly than the beast master. He said something valuable without threatening him.

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