The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,781 Gray Area

"The little guys nowadays are quite capable of tossing."

"Who says otherwise? That little girl is quite interesting. She actually mastered dark element magic. I remember that this kind of magic is only known by the old witch in Menzobra."

When Thane and Lina were both subdued by the college supervisors, in the deepest part of the black street, two spiritual transmissions were communicating with each other.

Being able to communicate directly with mental power, both parties to the conversation must be at the level of formal black magicians.

Sure enough, the rumors are true. There are indeed shadows of official black magicians behind some businesses in the dark streets.

But what is strange is that, using the methods of official black magicians, when the conflict broke out between Thane and Lina and Scarface Jock and others, these two powerful black magicians had enough strength to stop it in time. of.

But they remained indifferent from beginning to end, just watching it as a good show.

The occurrence of this situation is related to the cold nature of the black magicians. After all, the battle did not affect these two black magicians, and they were too lazy to meddle in their own business.

On the other hand, the city of Mensobra has been quiet for too long, and the two black magicians are really bored, and they just watch it as a entertainment show after boring magic experiments.

"Huh? Didn't you kill them on the spot as a warning? Don't those two little guys have some background?" 🅆🄼

"Look, the old witch has appeared. Sure enough, the little girl has some connection with her. But I haven't heard that she has any apprentices?" The two spiritual transmissions continued to communicate.

However, with the arrival of more college inspectors and black magicians above the official level, this farce in the dark streets finally came to an end.


"The impact is extremely bad!" In the dark dungeon, a middle-aged black magician in black robes scolded angrily.

Both Thain and Lina were handcuffed by wind chains at this time, but the main target of the middle-aged black magician at this time was not them, but a bloated old witch who appeared in front of him.

"Three mid-level apprentices were killed, and one mid-level apprentice was seriously injured. In addition, more than a dozen low-level apprentices were injured. The damage caused to the underworld is even more incalculable. This kind of apprentice who blatantly violated the rules of the academy should be punished ..." The middle-aged black magician said in an aggressive tone.

Not all black magicians have a laissez-faire attitude towards their apprentices. As a black magic academy, there should be corresponding rules. This is also the meaning of those academy supervisors.

If the Black Magic Academy in Mensobra City can't even maintain a superficial peace, what kind of magic academy is it?

Just as the middle-aged black magician was about to sentence Sean and Lina to death, the bloated old witch in front of him interrupted with a hoarse voice, "Deputy Dean Dadalon, it's just a few little losers who died. With more enemies, fewer enemies." Three people were killed, so I can only say that they deserved it."

"Our Black Magic Academy has limited resources. Is it possible that we have to support this group of trash?"

"As for the losses caused to the underworld, how much black gold should be compensated? I'll tell you, old lady." The old witch said in a stern voice, not caring at all about the three dead mid-level apprentices.

"This is not a matter of compensation for black gold. The dean has been in seclusion for many years. As the deputy dean, I should maintain the stability of the college..." Before the middle-aged black magician named Dadalon could finish his words, the old witch in front of him took out the Attracted by an energy crystal emitting bright orange light.

This is indeed not a matter of compensation for black gold, but if it is a first-level energy crystal, the result will naturally be different.

Thain also had an energy crystal in his hand, which was a trophy he captured from the dead ghost Irk.

But comparing the earth energy crystal in Thain's hand with the one the old witch took out at this time, it was the difference between mortal dust and bright starlight.

Because the knowledge system he possesses is not yet complete, Thain is still unclear. The earth energy crystal in his hand can only be compared with the crystal core of a low-level Warcraft at best, while the first-level energy crystal in the old witch's hand is Stone is the real treasure.

It is equivalent to the magic core of a first-level creature, that is, a first-level monster.

A first-level creature is also the minimum standard for official black magicians.

As one of the three vice-presidents of the Black Magic Academy, Dadalon is a second-level black magician who is stronger than the ordinary first-level black magician.

In the wizarding world and even the entire star realm, the difference of one level often represents the essential difference in life.

If he were a normal second-level magician walking in the sun, he might not look down on the first-level energy crystal in front of him.

But unfortunately, the Underdark region is deep underground and has been poor for a long time. There are no decent energy crystal veins here. A first-level energy crystal is enough for him to use the back door.

After all, it is extremely expensive for magicians to conduct experimental research. Unless those masters in the fields of alchemy or pharmacy are relatively wealthy, the situation of other magicians is not as decent as outsiders imagine.

Is it a good deal to exchange the lives of three intermediate apprentices for a first-level energy crystal?

Of course it’s a good deal!

As for the damage in the black street, it was just that some shop fronts were burned down, and it would not cost much black gold to replace them.

The scolding of the deputy dean, Master Dadalon, completely fell silent after the old witch took out a first-level energy crystal.

The black magicians' indifference to human life is clearly evident here.

However, the old witch saved Lina, and it had nothing to do with Thain.

Just when Vice Principal Dadalon was about to crush this low-level apprentice to death, Lina, who was shackles by the wind element, took the lead and said, "Uncle, please save Thain."

Master uncle? ! This old witch turned out to be Lina’s uncle!

That's right, Lina actually had a mentor in the past, but he died accidentally during an experiment, and Lina also suffered irreparable damage.

The old witch in front of her was actually a fellow disciple of Lina's mentor. No wonder she would spend a lot of money to save Lina this time.

Just because the old witch was willing to spend a precious first-level energy crystal to save Lina didn't mean that she was willing to pay the price to save Thain in front of her.

The vice-president Da Dalon seemed to be upright, but in fact he wanted to bribe him, and he couldn't do it without some blood.

The old witch smiled softly and said, "Why, is she your little lover?"

"You are just an apprentice, and you are already addicted to boring love. I really don't know how you were promoted to a senior apprentice!" the old witch said coldly, obviously not having the slightest intention of rescuing Thain.

Faced with this situation, Thain could only save himself.

I saw Thain saying hurriedly, "I am the fifth disciple of Master Mosheduo, and I have the magic medal as a certificate!"

Thain's speech made Vice Dean Da Dalon and the old witch look at each other with a little astonishment on their faces.

"When did Moses accept another disciple?" The old witch made a strange sound in her throat.

At the same time, there was a "coo" sound, and the source of the sound was one of the owls that was escorting Thain and the two of them in the dungeon.

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