The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,782 The Truth

After Norton and Phantom Thief Zygarde roughly discussed joining the wizarding civilization camp, Thain also ended his prison visit with Lina and was forced to come to the central hall of the Atlanta Interstellar Prison.

According to prison rules, Thain can continue to visit Lena after three months, and the time is still only a hundred hourglasses.

Three months' time... This period of time is not enough for Thain to travel to and from the wizarding world.

So he simply did not leave the Atlanta Interstellar Prison, but stayed nearby.

Prison visitors like Thain happen every year.

There are also many knights and magicians who have committed crimes in the wizarding world. Because they do not want to live as black knights or black magicians, they will take the initiative to come to Atlanta Interstellar Prison to request detention.

Now is the time of war, and the attitude of wizard civilization towards these powerful people will not be too harsh.

Generally, they are detained for a period of time and then released. After that, they are required to fight bravely on the front lines of civilized battlefields and use their military exploits to erase their guilt.

For example, while Thain was visiting Lina in prison, he met a demigod-level female magician named Gina.

She came to wait for her brother to be released from prison.

Gina's brother is a fourth-level knight. Because of issues such as unfair distribution of spoils on the front line of the civilized battlefield, a conflict broke out with another fourth-level knight, and he was injured.

Based on the injuries of the person who was beaten, and the fact that the other party later gave a written apology to Gina's brother, the wizarding civilization's imprisonment period was reduced from the initial 200 years to 50 years today.

Gina has been staying in the Atlanta Interstellar Prison for decades, waiting for her brother to be released from prison. According to time, her brother will be released in two years.

And Gina also insists on visiting her brother every three months.

The relationship between the brother and sister made Thain sigh.

Magicians should actually maintain some precious feelings in the process of exploring the truth.

"Sister Lina will definitely be released safely.


Yes, Master Thain, don’t worry. "Gina also comforted Thain in turn.

Because Gina's life level was limited, she could not tell that Thain was a level five magician. She could only guess from some details that Thain, like her brother, was a level four powerhouse.

"I hope so," Thane said with a sigh.

The biggest problem between Lina and her brother Gina is that she is a black magician.

According to the rules of the Wizarding Alliance, her behavior of injuring her colleagues is considered an additional crime.

Moreover, Lina did not obtain the forgiveness of the fourth-level peak magician named Jerry, which made it even more troublesome for Thane to fish her out through formal channels.

During this period of prison visit, Thain also roughly figured out what happened at that time from Lina's mouth.

The main reason for this incident was because of Lina’s mentor Mei Kelly!

At that time, Meikali suffered a heavy blow in the hinterland of the Gallente Federation star field. She was surrounded and suppressed by several federal war fleets, and her life hung on a thread.

It was Lina who, at the critical moment, relied on luck and calmness to gauge the situation, and successfully rescued Mei Kelly, who was only breathing.

But after Mei Kaili was rescued, she did not care about the relationship between master and disciple and the grace of saving her life. Instead, she relied on some hidden tricks previously reserved in the mystery of the Fire of Cang Skeleton to devour Lina's soul and carry out Seize the house.

Fortunately, Lenalina herself was somewhat wary of her mentor, and Mekelly's soul was really seriously injured.

Therefore, Mei Kelly failed to swallow Lina's soul in the end, but instead ended up in the current "one body, two souls" situation.

As for the accident that injured Jerry, the fourth-level peak magician, and his legion, the responsibility does not entirely lie with Lina and her apprentice.

At that time, Lena was fighting for control of her body with her mentor.

His own state is in an uncontrolled state of rage.

It has to be said that after Lina's mentor entered Lina's body, although it brought all kinds of disadvantages and troubles, the benefits were also obvious, and it directly caused Lina's strength to skyrocket!

Many memories and spell-casting experiences from her mentor were all shared by Lina.

Moreover, Mei Kaili also instilled most of the elemental power of her remaining body, that is, the fifth-level body, into Lina's body.

It seemed that Mei Kaili was not willing to just become a black magician who had just been promoted to the fourth level.

According to the balance rules of soul magic, no matter how hard Mei Kaili works, after she takes over the magpie's nest, her soul source will inevitably suffer a great loss.

It is certain that the life span will be greatly shortened.

If you want to live longer, you must find a way to reach level six in the future.

In addition to the violent state caused by Lina and Mei Kelly snatching the body, Jerry, the fourth-level peak magician, was seriously injured. Under the explanation of Lina's master and apprentice, there is another version - that is Jerry on the frontline battlefield. The mage seemed to have discovered the problem of Lina's one body and two souls, and then became greedy for it.

There are not so many good people in this world.

The vast majority of people are just living for themselves.

Master Jerry happens to be an earth magician who dabbles in some of the mysteries of the soul system.

The body of a fourth-level black magician has the soul of a fifth-level creature stuffed into it, and it is still in a subtle state of coexistence with the original fourth-level soul?

Are there other such rare things in the star realm?

Maybe there will be, but Master Jerry has never come into contact with it before, and he doesn't know if he will have the opportunity to come into contact with it in the future.

Seeing such a black magician going berserk and causing some damage to his Holy Tower Legion, how could he bear it? !

Master Jerry thought that his strength could


Stabilize the level 4 black magician who is in this uncontrollable state.

After killing or severely injuring her properly, Lina will become another specimen in his laboratory.

But I didn’t expect that neither of these masters and apprentices from the Black Territory would be easy to deal with!

Even though Lena was in a state of confusion fighting for her body with her mentor, Jerry didn't let Jerry take advantage.

Of course, at this time, it was mainly Meili Kaili who took the credit. She sneered, "If I hadn't severely injured that boy, I don't know what would have happened to your little lover in the end."

"Do you want to see her used as a human specimen and appear in that Master Jerry's laboratory?" Mekelly stimulated Thain with tricky words.

For a moment, Thain really entered a state of rage, and could not restrain his murderous intention.

In the eyes of Lu Lianman and others, Thain is a gentle and extremely sensible child, but in fact, he also has his own crazy side.

It's just that it's usually suppressed, and only occasionally releases its true nature in the laboratory.

Fortunately, Thain did not lose his mind in the end. After taking a deep breath, he said coldly, "I will find a way to get you out."

"If that Master Jerry really has ill intentions towards Lina, I won't let him go!"

"But I also promise that after rescuing Lina, the first thing I will do is to find a way to erase your existence!" Thane said coldly to Mekelly in Lina's body.

I don’t know what Mekelly said. She seemed to have scolded Thain lightly, or she had some other back-up plan.

Faced with Thain's threatening words, in the end he just concealed his presence and did not respond directly.

And whenever Meikali disappears, Lina will feel a little dizzy.

Fortunately, Thain was watching from the outside, and he deliberately made friends with Byron, the garrison knight in the prison.

At least for the time being, Lina was in there and didn't suffer much.

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