The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2114 Heading to the battlefield of wizard civilization

From the beginning to the end, Sage Laozi and others did not talk to Duan Ning about her past life.

Also, you have to find this kind of past life memory by yourself.

If the sage Lao Tzu and others mention it too much, it will inevitably be contaminated with great karma.

Saint-level powerhouses like the two of them who stand at the top of the Immortal Realm also have the deepest understanding of the power of the Dao, so it is even more impossible to touch such cause and effect.

As for why he had to go through great pressure to find Master Tongtian and interfere with his growth in this life.

It was because before Taoist Ancestor Hongjun left the Immortal Realm, he said that the Immortal Realm would be in trouble, and the conflicts among the three families of Buddhism, Taoism, and demons were getting bigger and bigger, requiring the leader of the Tongtian Cult to step forward, and Yuanshi Tianzun and others themselves expressed their disapproval of the people who had fallen that year. Leader Tongtian felt guilty.

For this reason, he took the initiative to find the reincarnation of Tongtian Cult Master.

However, even if there are such existences as Yuanshi Tianzun and the sage Laozi, there are still times when they are wrong in the end.

I have to talk about the mystery of chance and cause and effect.

Of course, from Duan Ning's mouth, the saint Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun also roughly knew the whereabouts of the reincarnated body of Lord Tongtian.

But judging from the current situation and the results of my deduction...

"Junior brother, he should have gone to the battlefield of wizard civilization, and he is a casual cultivator." I said.

"Yes." Yuanshi Tianzun nodded, somewhat silent.

Seeing that the surrounding atmosphere became a little awkward, Duan Ning ended the transformation of her three royal sisters and quietly came to her senior brother Xuandu.

"Senior brother, do you want us to..." Yuanshi Tianzun said suddenly.

"No!" The sage stretched out his right hand and pressed it forward.

"It was also some time ago, when I just learned about Ning'er's identity, I felt that the cause and effect of our fairyland civilization had changed again."

"Besides, it's still developing in a bad direction..." I said.

"I don't know if this has something to do with our interference with Tongtian's reincarnation."

"In short, since Master has arranged everything before leaving, let's just let nature take its course." I sighed.

Tao follows nature and governs by doing nothing. This is Laozi's philosophy.

After trying it and discovering that the general trend was unavoidable, I gave up the initiative to interfere with Tongtian's cause and effect, and continued to stick to his original intention.

The more you do, the more mistakes you may make. It is better to do nothing.

When Yuanshi Tianzun heard Laozi mention that the cause and effect development of the Immortal Realm had shifted in a bad direction, Yuanshi Tianzun's face became a little more solemn.

The first thing that Yuanshi Tianzun thought about was that he had just sent the Chanjiao Legion to conquer the outside world, including the main army of the Immortal Domain Civilization. They were all on the battlefield of the Wizarding Civilization.

Is it mutated?

Origin, or does it originate from the direction of wizard civilization?

Yuanshi Tianzun doesn’t know this answer, and even Lao Tzu, the sage who is best at deduction and divination in the fairyland civilization, probably doesn’t know either.

But judging from the situation on the battlefield over there, everything is looking good for the time being, and there are no signs of anything bad happening.

"Then there's nothing we can do?" Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but raise his head and asked.

The path he took was essentially different from that of me.

I have decided to go with the trend, Yuanshi Tianzun still wants to fight for it again.

He believes that man can conquer heaven, just like when he intervened in the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

If during the Great Tribulation of the Gods, Yuanshi Tianzun did not take the initiative and followed the rule of inaction, how could his group of Chanjiao disciples be able to defeat the talented and powerful Jiejiao disciples?

The sage did not answer at this time. He had closed his eyes and seemed to be no longer moved by external objects.

However, looking in the direction where I was, Yuanshi Tianzun saw Duan Ning, and suddenly Yuanshi Tianzun's heart moved.

Since Lord Tongtian and Sanxiao are brothers and sisters in this life, Duan Ning must have a deep causal bond with Duan Po.

This bond temporarily exceeds the cause and effect between Duan Po, Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi.

They were just brothers in the previous life. In this life, it was Duan Ning who was related by blood to the leader of Tongtian.

If you want the leader of Tongtian to grow faster, or in other words, without interfering with the cause and effect of the other party, find the leader of Tongtian, and use various reasonable means to help the leader of Tongtian in advance to make him grow as quickly as possible.

Does this mean that Yuanshi Tianzun and others will not affect the development of the avenue, and thus will not have any bad impact on the civilization of the fairyland?

Thinking of this, Yuanshi Tianzun came to Duan Ning and said, "Master nephew, are you willing to go find your brother?"

Duan Ning's last life was Yuanshi Tianzun's nephew, and this life was obviously the same. Yuanshi Tianzun's "nephew" call did not cause any psychological pressure at all.

Of course Duan Ning cared about her brother, and she nodded immediately without any hesitation.

"Okay! Next, I will send you to the battlefield of wizard civilization."

"I also hope that you brothers and sisters can be reunited soon!"

"But regarding your brother's reincarnation identity, I hope you won't tell him. You can try to give him some help." Yuanshi Tianzun said.

Duan Ning nodded in understanding. As a disciple of Lao Tzu, she has also dabbled in divination in recent years. Naturally, she knows that this kind of great law involving fate cannot be easily touched.


There is a saying in the fairyland civilization - the secret of heaven must not be leaked.

In addition to these instructions, Yuanshi Tianzun also asked Duan Ning to visit his Yuxu Palace before setting off from the Immortal Realm.

Yuanshi Tianzun has something to give to Duan Ning.

"It is equipment that suits you very well. Although some of it has been destroyed, I should be able to make it again." Yuanshi Tianzun said.

"Hunyuan Golden Dou, Golden Dragon Scissors, Dragon Binding Rope... Senior brother, it seems I have to get some materials from you. You should still have a lot of copper from Shou Mountain, right?" Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

Yuanshi Tianzun has countless top-notch materials at his disposal, but he just happens to lack one or two of them.

The sage did not answer, as if he had entered a state of trance.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't mind either. He was familiar with where the weapon refining room of Bajing Palace was.

After finding the materials he needed, Yuanshi Tianzun flew towards the ancient world outside the Eight Views Palace without stopping.

When he was about to leave the gate of Bajing Palace, Lao Tzu's voice suddenly came to his ears: "Junior brother, you want to interfere with Tongtian's fate and cause and effect, for his own good and make him grow faster."

"But if we do this, it may make the situation develop in an unpredictable direction." Laozi said.

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at the Bajing Palace behind him, and then recalled his path to enlightenment over the years. He gritted his teeth and said, "I only do what I think is right!"

After saying that, Yuanshi Tianzun left this place and flew towards Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain.

After his uncle left, Duan Ning looked at the empty gate of Bajing Palace, then turned to look at his master who was in a state of trance, and finally looked at his senior brother Xuandu.

Duan Ning asked cautiously, "Master, should I go to the battlefield of wizard civilization?"

The sage was silent for a moment, and his answer was also very interesting, "Do you want to go?" I asked.

"Of course I have!" Duan Ning nodded hurriedly in agreement.

In addition to wanting to find his brother, Duan Ning's lively personality is actually not suitable for staying in the Bajing Palace and following Lao Tzu's Tao of Taiqing.

Some high-ranking and upright people would call Duan Ning's situation "unfinished fate".

I then sighed and said, "Then go ahead."

When Duan Ning heard this, she couldn't hide the joy in her heart.

However, in front of the sage, she still held it in well and just blinked at her senior brother Xuandu to share her happiness.

And Duan Ning was still slightly reluctant to leave the Bajing Palace where he had lived for hundreds of years.

Including knowing that she and her brother might be reincarnated, Duan Ning also suffered a lot of pressure.


It was her optimistic nature that prevented her from showing her gloom and stress.

The sage seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. He finally opened his eyes, took a deep look at Duan Ning, and said, "No matter what, you are my disciple."

Sometimes, just one sentence can move people deeply.

After hearing what I said, Duan Ning couldn't help but look moved.

"Master!" Duan Ning knelt on his knees and bowed to me three times as a disciple, with slight tears overflowing from the corners of his eyes.

I waved my Taoist robe and said "Go away".

Then he disappeared into the Bajing Palace, not knowing where he went.

When Duan Ning stood up again and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, his grandfather-like senior brother Xuan Du appeared in front of him, smiled kindly at Duan Ning and said, "Since you are going to the wizarding civilized battlefield, I will refine a few more batches of elixirs." , you can use it on the road when the time comes."

"Thank you, senior brother." Duan Ning said, and her jade neck made an unconscious "beep" sound.

In the entire prehistoric world, the only one who is currently more powerful than Xuandu in alchemy is probably Master Lao Tzu.

Although Senior Brother Xuandu mentioned that their junior brother Dongfang Bai's alchemy skills were not much inferior to his.

But Duan Ning has never met this junior brother.

It happened that Xuandu in front of them also mentioned Duan Ning's two junior brothers, "Although Bai Mei and Dongfang Bai did not go to the battlefield of wizard civilization in person, I heard that their disciples all went to the battlefield there."

"And it should be the same battlefield as you."

"If you encounter any trouble, you can go to Shushan Sword Sect and Tianyi Palace for help."

"We, the direct disciples of the Human Religion, are just you and me."

"Be extremely careful when you go out." Xuandu warned.

Compared to the master who often disappears, Xuandu looks after Duan Ning more like a grandfather.

Duan Ning replied at this time, "I understand, senior brother."

Guests from the Eight Views Palace are about to go to the battlefield of wizard civilization.

In the underworld of reincarnation in the prehistoric world, the army of the witch clan is almost ready.

In addition to the ancestral witch Houtu, the most famous strong person in the Wu clan at present is the Tenth Palace Yama who has quasi-saint level strength.

However, the Ten Palaces of Yama need to guard the underworld of reincarnation and it is difficult to leave their posts without authorization.

Therefore, the person in charge of this expedition on behalf of the Wu clan is Zhong Kui, one of the four judges of the underworld.

Zhong Kui, who possesses quasi-saint-level strength and masters the soul-enchanting cable of acquired spiritual treasures, is the most outstanding young talent in the reincarnation underworld in the past tens of thousands of years.

Before setting off for the expedition, Zhong Kui was personally received by the ancestral witch Hou Tu.

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