The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2115 The Underworld of Reincarnation

"Since Xing Tian traveled far away from the territory, Hou Yi was killed by the Demon Emperor Lu Ya and put into reincarnation. {What? You don't know yet|Read COM, read the chapter without mistakes|Hurry up and google it}"

"The burden of the future revitalization of our Wu Clan will be placed on your shoulders." Empress Dowager Tu of the Wu Clan stood in front of the Hell of Reincarnation and said to a group of powerful Wu Clan leaders headed by Zhong Kui.

In fact, Zhong Kui did not originally belong to the witch race. He originally belonged to the human race of ghosts and immortals.

But just like the dragons and Neptunes in the wizarding world, they gradually integrated into the big family of the wizarding world.

The Witch Clan, which controls the underworld of reincarnation in the prehistoric world, has been attracting new members by means of extradition of blood essence and other means since tens of thousands of years ago.

The civilization of the Immortal Realm is constantly moving forward, and even the old-fashioned and conservative Primordial Witch Clan is making progress!

Not only the human race ghosts and immortals like Zhong Kui, but also the witch clans who are reincarnating in the underworld at this moment are a bit like the Tongtian leader who taught without distinction in the past. As long as they are ghost cultivators with suitable character and good talent and potential, they are likely to accept the spirit. Blood inheritance and becoming a member of the Witch Clan.

For example, in the underworld, some demon cultivators with outstanding performance abilities, such as ox-headed horse-faced ones, etc., have also joined as members of the witch clan.

What's more, some of them have cultivated to level 4 or above of the realm of ghosts and immortals. 🅆

And the benefits of joining the Witch Clan are far more than that.

In addition to enjoying certain conveniences in the underworld and the realm of the Ten Palaces of Yama, the essence and blood of the Witch Clan also gives those ghost cultivators and ghost immortals a coveted ability—reproduction of offspring.

According to the wizarding world, ghost cultivators are a group of "undead creatures".

How do the dead give birth to offspring?

But the Immortal Realm has its own set of concepts for understanding the laws of the Great Dao.

They believe that ghost cultivators belong to yin, and only when the most yang things are integrated into it can it be possible to achieve nutritional harmony and subsequently have the ability to reproduce offspring.

But general sun objects, such as the sun's true fire, etc., are things that ghost cultivators can't avoid.


Only the essence and blood of the witch clan is also a rare pure Yang item, but it does not have much negative impact on the ghost cultivators. Instead, it can help them reshape their physical bodies.

For example, Zhong Kui, standing at the front of the powerful Wu clan, was also a famous ghost immortal back then.

But at this moment, looking at his solid body and the powerful muscles and bones of flesh and blood, there is no trace of the gloomy and pitiful appearance of ghost cultivators.

Today, Zhong Kui is one of the four famous judges in the prehistoric world, and is expected to reach the top of the four judges.

This time he led the wizard army to the wizard civilization to participate in the war, which was also the result of Zhong Kui's initiative.

The other three underworld judges, Wei Zheng in charge of the Good Rewards Department, Lu Zhidao in charge of the Investigation Department, and Cui Yu in charge of the Yin Law Department, will not go to the battlefield of wizard civilization due to personal reasons and the limitations of their underworld responsibilities.

When Empress Hou Tu expressed her earnest expectations to the younger members of the Wu clan, the powerful men below the seventh level, headed by Zhong Kui, listened respectfully.

There are also strong people in the fairy civilization who like to travel and will not stay in the prehistoric world and the star domain controlled by the fairy civilization.

Xingtian, the god of war of the Wu clan, is just one of them.

It is impossible to say that some of the top powers who have been born since ancient times have traveled outside the prehistoric world as idle clouds and wild cranes.

However, this wave of travel in the fairyland civilization really took off in the past two hundred thousand years.

Of course, there is no need to worry that too many top players are not at home.

In fact, there are only a few saint-level beings who travel outside the territory, no matter which world civilization they belong to.

Everyone has a family

Those who are professional will rarely leave their home civilization for a long time unless they reach a bottleneck period or have personality factors.

And some of the newly promoted seventh-level masters may still have the intention of leading their legions, broadening the boundaries of their mother civilization, leaving a strong mark in the history of their own ethnic group, and leading future generations to worship them.

At this moment, in the underworld of reincarnation, the civilizational treasure has not been activated, but is only sending out vague waves in circles around it.

However, the two world-class secret treasures held in the hands of the ancestral witch empress Tu had attracted the attention of many people.

These are two innate spiritual treasures, and each one is of extraordinary grade.

One is the book of life and death, which is a high-level world-class secret treasure.

The two-dimensional judge pen is a medium-level world-class secret treasure.

The books of life and death currently used by the Ten Palaces of Yama are all products of the virtual rules of the world-class secret treasure in front of you.

It's a bit like a ball of arcane light that exists in all major holy towers in the wizarding world, and the entity of the arcane light is in the city in the sky in the wizarding world.

The main users of the Judge's Pen are the four judges of Hades.

However, this judge's pen did not derive the corresponding shadow of the rules. It was a separate entity.

Who will control the judge's pen in the future depends on the abilities of these four judges. It is not ruled out that other judges will come up from behind, surpass the four of them, and master these secret treasures.

And from a certain point of view, the Book of Life and Death and the Judge's Pen are a set of world-class secret treasures, which can also stimulate certain magical effects of the reincarnation underworld.

Mastering the Judge's Pen may mean that in the future, there will be an opportunity to replace the Ten Palaces of Yama, master the body of the Book of Life and Death, and then influence the operation of the civilization's most precious treasure, the reincarnation underworld.

It's just that the Empress Houtu didn't explain this secret clearly.

When members of the witch clan go to the battlefield of wizard civilization to experience it, Empress Houtu has already said hello to the wizard world.

To put it simply, the treatment is similar to that of casual cultivators in the fairyland, and they go to the main battlefield of wizard civilization.

Unlike Yuanshi Tianzun who just gave a few simple words of advice, Empress Houtu gave more instructions to these strong men of the Witch Clan, and there was more expectation in her eyes.

At the end of the training, the army of the witch clan and the hundreds of millions of ghost cultivators set out on the eve of the expedition.

As the main person in charge of this witch army, Zhong Kui found his good friend Lu Zhidao, who was also one of the four great judges.

"Brother Lu, when I leave this time, the Evil Punishment Department will ask Brother Lu to take care of me." Zhong Kui said to Lu Zhidao.

"My dear brother, leave with peace of mind. I also hope that you can lead our army of Wu clan to victory." Lu Zhidao said with a smile.

Zhong Kui nodded and said nothing more.

Although he is the person in charge appointed by the ancestral witch empress Tu this time, the people who will be mainly responsible for the witch clan and the army of ghost cultivators below are actually the various great witches and the ghost emperors from all sides.

Those great witches are all leaders of a witch tribe.

The Ghost Emperors are even better at mobilizing Yin soldiers and arranging their formations.

In the professional field, he is much better than Zhong Kui.

However, Zhong Kui is mainly responsible for coordinating all parties and representing the witch clan in dealing with the wizard civilization.

In addition, Zhong Kui is indeed the strongest being of the Witch Clan on this battlefield of wizard civilization.

After taking a look at the soul-enchanting rope in his hand, Zhong Kui, who had never left the fairyland civilization, was looking forward to his next trip to the wizarding world.

"Then we'll meet again later." Zhong Kui cupped his fists and said to Lu Zhidao.

"The next chapter is at eight o'clock~"

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