The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2451 The World of Despair

Unlike when he was living in the continent of Faerûn, the weak Thane was wrapped in the Spider Queen's magical spider silk, but in the end he completely lost consciousness and drifted with the flow in the passage of time and space.

The special passage where Thain and Gongsun Wudi lived this time was obviously more regular and dangerous than the one they used when they went to Faerun. However, this time, Thain persisted throughout the whole process and maintained his consciousness.

This was due to Thain's success in body refining, and the existence of the joint fortress group, which also shared at least half of Thain's pressure.

As for the other half of the pressure, it was shared by Gongsun Wudi and him.

Of course, there must be added the twelve-winged angel Fumila who has been in a state of fusion with Thane.

It was really a hectic journey. In that gray passage with no end, Thain and Gongsun Wudi stayed there for 127 years and 6 months.

Thain even counted the time accurately to the second.

However, he believed that he still had not explored the full length of the space-time passage.

Because until the end, Thain and others did not reach the end of the passage. Instead, while walking through the passage, they discovered a complete "door" and rushed into it with all their strength.

It's impossible not to rush. At that time, Thain's consciousness was already in a trance. Gongsun Wudi seemed to be in better condition than him, but no one knew how long they could last.

Rather than continue to drift deeper into the passage and leave his fate to the unknown, Thane prefers to make decisions that he will not regret when he is awake.

It was a special energy law channel with a square border but a circle in the middle.

After entering this passage and arriving at this strange time and space on the other side.

A gray-white world appeared in front of Thain.

This is a special world unlike anything Thane has ever encountered before.

It can even be said that Thain couldn't see clearly what kind of existence this world was for a while.

In the past, even in the star realm, Thane could easily mobilize the elements he used.

Elemental power.

But in this world, it is extremely lacking!

Not only was it difficult for Thain to mobilize any energy from it, but his body was still consuming energy after entering this gray world!

Such a speed of energy consumption far exceeded Thain's inherent knowledge.

As a result, his body was severely damaged and extremely weak. Not long after he entered this gray world, he felt a sense of hunger from deep within his body!


A level six creature can actually feel hungry?

This is really a ridiculous phenomenon!

In fact, magicians in the normal wizarding world, after being promoted to the second level or above, have mastered the secret of the true body of the elements, and can freely switch their flesh and blood bodies to elemental bodies, and then they can no longer eat.

Instead, he absorbs the elemental power in the surrounding space to maintain his daily consumption.

Even a second-level magician can do things, let alone a sixth-level magician like Thain.

Therefore, when even he felt a sense of hunger, one could imagine how absurd this situation was.

This also proves from the side how sluggish the energy element of this world is.

Almost every living creature walking in this world is an energy source that constantly emits energy outwards.

Even if Thane is in a state of energy saturation, his normal activity time in this world is estimated to not exceed a hundred years.

Fortunately, when Thain and Gongsun Wudi wandered into this world, they entered through the light gate at the same time, and there was an extremely huge wave of energy.

These energies are all energy tides in the previous gray channel.

In the tunnel before, all Thain felt was the pain of squeezing and impact caused by these energies.

And in the drift

After this special world space, when the extremely sluggish energy environment and the accompanying hunger appeared, Thain realized how precious that energy was.

Like Thane, there are many creatures who realize the preciousness of energy.

Almost as soon as Thain and Gongsun Wudi entered the world, dozens of extremely hungry creatures with different shapes rushed towards them instantly!

Don't get me wrong, these hideous and skinny ugly creatures are not here for Thain and others. 🅆

In other words, they don't care about Thain and others now!

Every monster that rushed closer, after approaching the energy tide that accompanied Thain and others, tried its best to open its body in an attempt to receive more energy.

For these monsters, trying to save as much energy as possible may allow them to survive in this damn "desperate world" for a while longer.

There was a toad-like creature that opened its huge mouth in an instant.

This is a special creature that can open its mouth until it is larger than its body.

As its huge mouth opened, a large amount of energy was sucked into its belly.

Moreover, the body of this toad also swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye from its original ugly appearance of skin and bones.

At the moment when the toad opened its huge mouth, Thane, who was very perceptive and extremely knowledgeable, noticed the shadow of the "swallowing" law.

It wasn't just one toad that performed outstandingly.

In fact, in the shortest time, every creature that arrived at this energy eruption had a brush.

In addition to this toad, another thing that caught Thain's attention was a creature that looked like a starfish, and its surface was densely covered with red, blue, green and other special gems.

This guy also opened up his originally huddled body when the energy tide arrived.

With the continuous baptism and impact of the energy tide, this starfish also moved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The body gradually became solid.

Including the gems on its surface, they all exuded a dazzling and magnificent light, which made people look at them.

It's not just toads and starfish. In fact, these creatures that appear around are all extremely outstanding.

Without two brushes, you would have perished in this world that eats people without spitting out their bones.

And Thain also discovered that these guys are not born skinny.

These unlucky children are simply hungry!

With a large amount of energy replenishment, each of these guys gradually became "enriched".

Thain looked at the scene before him calmly.

Gongsun Wudi was beside him, and their hands were still holding each other.

It may be that hundreds of years of experience in the time and space channel have made each other's movements become habits.

Anyway, Thain and Gongsun Wudi held hands and didn't feel anything strange.

Like Thain, Gongsun Wudi also acted extremely calm at this time, and her condition was better than Thain.

He is worthy of being a strong man who is about to touch the level of dominance.

The dozens of random creatures that appeared in front of him, if it were in the past, Thain would definitely not "let" them go.

Your own laboratory and specimen collection room are the final destination for creatures like them.

But now, Thane must calm down.

He first needs to know what this world is.

And the dozens of creatures that appeared in front of me were all at life levels above level four!

To be precise, their power is generally between the peak of level four and the late stage of level five.

Among them, the toad that Thain paid attention to first and had the power to swallow the law was one of the two most powerful ones.

In Thain's current state, he may not be able to get a good deal if he suddenly faces so many creatures above level four.

"The next chapter will be around two o'clock~"

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