The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2452 Toad and Black Man

Thain doesn't want to provoke these alien creatures for the time being, but it doesn't mean that others won't provoke them.

Emerging from the energy channel together, Thain and Gongsun Wudi are quite eye-catching.

In particular, what fell into this world with them was a large piece of staggeringly large core debris of the Union Fortress Group.

Thain's combined fortress group was 100,000 meters in diameter at its peak.

Even after several times of wear and tear at this time, after landing in this world with them, it still has a size of more than 10,000 meters.

Even if one is blind, it is impossible not to notice these creatures.

The first person to find Thain and Gongsun Wudi was a humanoid creature with dark skin.

Thain didn't know what race and civilization this guy came from, but the three eyes on his forehead were quite eye-catching.

Possibly a member of the humanoid race, this male black man showed a look of covetous expression when he saw Gongsun Wudi beside Thain.

Maybe he coveted Gongsun Wudi's beauty, or maybe he coveted her body.

——The vast majority of the creatures in this world will not be able to reproduce once in hundreds of years.

Those who can survive are all the best. How can they be eaten by others so easily? !

Even the fourth-level creatures in this energy gathering place each have two brushes.

Although the "black man" in front of him seems to have early level five strength, it is difficult to defeat those level four creatures that are still absorbing energy.

Those level four pinnacle creatures are all very clever. Even if they can't defeat the likes of black men and toads.

Try your best to escape, but you can still do it.

Especially since they are "full" now and are more energetic in escaping.

In comparison, Thain and Gongsun Wudi, who looked severely injured and extremely weak, looked more like two easy-to-pink "soft persimmons"?

And when later,

Fumila also released the combined state and appeared next to Thane.

The greed of the black man in front of him has obviously deepened.

Thain really didn't expect that one day, he would be taken care of by a fifth-level early-stage creature.

The black man in front of him obviously followed the passive evolution route. His body muscles were extremely solid, which marked his strong physique.

However, this type of creature is generally the type of creature that magicians in the wizarding world, such as Thane, despise the most.

Except for the three eyes on his forehead, which are a bit interesting, in other aspects, Thain didn't even bother to put it into his collection room.

The lewd expressions shown by the level five black men towards Gongsun Wudi and Fumila made Thain frown.

Although the tiger fell flat and was bullied by the dog, Thain is not without any strength now.

A flash of ash fire suddenly appeared in Thain's left hand.

When the black man didn't expect it at all, Thain appeared in front of the opponent in an instant and pressed his left hand firmly on the opponent's head.

The sound of the burning ashes of "Hissing!" and the screams of the fifth-level black people immediately echoed in the surrounding area.

The other surrounding creatures that were trying their best to absorb more energy no longer care about absorbing energy, but instead shift their sights and attention more or less this way.

The creatures present were more or less aware of the black man's strength.

But this guy, who was ranked among the top in terms of strength in this settlement, was unable to resist at all in the hands of Thain.

What is the origin of the other party? !

It’s no wonder that these creatures are suspicious of the true identity of Thain and others.

Unless you have a master

Super strength, otherwise no one would be able to see through the foundation of Thane wearing the phaseless mask.

As for Gongsun Wudi, she has already achieved the unity of strength.

In terms of external performance, she can even restrain her power better than Thane who wears the Mask of No Form.

In other words, Fumila may be exposed a little bit, but she is severely depleted of energy at this time, and she feels very weak.

And as an intelligent robot, she is different from ordinary flesh and blood or plant-based creatures. It is difficult for the enemy to analyze anything from her appearance.

Therefore, unless Thain and others take the initiative to explode their strength, it will be difficult for others to see their true identity.

Thain, who was in extremely poor condition at this time, wanted to use a way to establish his authority to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Since the black man in front of me jumped out on his own initiative, who would be the one to do it to him if not him?

Needless to say, this level five black man is quite energetic.

After Thain refines his body, he is strong enough to compete with ordinary sixth-level creatures.

But this level five black man struggled and almost broke free from his grasp.

"Is this guy so strong?" Thain couldn't help but be surprised.

The strength level of the early-level fifth-level black man in front of him was actually close to that of a sixth-level creature.

Of course, this is purely physical force.

However, no matter how strong the black man is, he cannot break free from Thain's left hand at this time.

The main reason is that Thane's Ember Flame is too overbearing.

As time went by, the face of the fifth-level creature in front of him seemed to be melted by Thain's tyrannical flames!

The noises including his struggles also became smaller and smaller.


"Please let him go. We still need his presence in this settlement." A voice came from not far away.


It's that toad.

The sound of this toad was very special. When he heard the other party's voice, Thane couldn't help but think of the King of Ghost Crows in the Wizards Alliance who often pleased him.

The toad will take the initiative to intercede for the black man, and they should have a subordinate relationship.

However, Thain would not let go of the black man in front of him just because of the other person's words.

At least I won’t let it go easily!

As the black man screamed louder and more intensely, Thain dug out three eyes from his forehead.

These are three yellow, green, and black eyes that contain the power of different laws.

Because Thain's action was too sudden, and the fire of ashes completely destroyed the opponent's resistance.

So much so that this unlucky guy was subdued by Thane before he could even use his three-eye vision.

After gouging out three of the opponent's eyes, Thane sneered.

Kicked out the black man who was only half breathing.

In such a short period of time, black people completely lost their power to resist.

The toad's round eyes couldn't help but wrinkle.

At this time, in the power level displayed to the surroundings, Thain had his strength stuck at the late fifth level, which was consistent with the toad in front of him.

Facing the half-dead black man who was still screaming.

The toad was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking.

Finally, the toad rolled its tongue and swallowed the guy directly into its belly.

Faced with the toad's tongue, the black man didn't even have the strength to resist or dodge.

Then, on the round belly of the toad, the faint struggling outline of the black man continued to appear.

"Do you think you stole my trophy?" Thain looked at the toad in front of him and asked.

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