The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 131 Contact

'This is... the solution the captain put on the ring just now? ’

Hei Jie's pupils shrank.

"We use weirdness to restrain weirdness and use weirdness to seal weirdness. These waters are a derivative of the root of weirdness. That weird thing is called the 'fountain of the dead', which can continuously produce spring water. Anyone who drinks it will suffer from Curse, you must die, but you will be fine if you don't drink it... Later, research found that this spring water has a good sealing effect on most strange roots. A few drops on the surface will become quiet. If you soak it in it, A seal can be formed..."

Merry explained without looking back.

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

A drop of water falls on the concrete floor without a circuit. If the root of the circuitless is this road, it should become quiet.

Hei Jie carefully stared at the figure on the opposite side.

The corpse stopped abruptly.

"Yes... it works!" For the first time, a moving expression appeared on Chi Yuan's almost expressionless face.

"'s not right!"

Hei Jie felt horrified for a moment.

Because one silhouette after another suddenly appeared on this road.

They were expressionless, male and female, old and young, like standing corpses, staring blankly at their four intruders.

In it, he even saw a girl in a dress.


Hei Jie's eyes were red and he was about to shed tears. He knew that this was not the other party, but just an image of the other party on the road, like footprints left by walking on the beach.

If he died here, perhaps his image would also linger on this road, but the corpse appeared in the outside world, causing an incomprehensible strangeness and terror!


At this time, all the figures took a step forward.

Chi Yuan's expression suddenly changed, and the whole person was torn apart like this, falling to the ground, and a large swath of blood and internal organs emerged.

'The captain's actions did not limit the road, but stimulated it and started killing people? ’

Heijie's legs began to tremble, and he felt that he had no strength to run anymore: "Captain...this...spring water..."

"The spring water of the Fountain of the Dead is not useful for any weirdness... Or, we haven't found the root, and the source of the curse is not this road!"

Mei Li took a deep breath: "Although no loop has appeared before, but it has never been able to deal with it, there really is a certain reason... I suspect that it may be the kind of weirdness that has no solution!"

To solve a strange thing, the most important thing is to find the root and seal it.

But if the source of the strangeness has no entity, or does not exist in this world, it cannot be sealed, and it will only continue to kill people, forming a level of terror that cannot be solved!

"The plan failed, let's leave!"

Mei Li stretched out her right hand, and the skull on the ring seemed to have red light in her eyes, and she chewed it fiercely.

Mei Li groaned, her body shaking in pain.

This is the Blazer Ring devouring part of her flesh and blood, and immediately, a cold aura erupted.

‘The captain is actively releasing the power of the curse? ’

Hei Jie looked around, and the movements of those corpses suddenly stopped, as if the stop button was suddenly pressed.

But that's all, the exit... did not appear!

'? ? ? ’

Heijie looked at Meili in horror.

"My curse, can't break this closed loop?" Mei Li's expression changed: "And... can't even dispel these tokens? What is bred here,

What kind of horror is it? "

Of course, this also has something to do with her inability to fully exert the curse power of the Ring of the Blazing One.

After all, every time you use it, it costs a lot.

Although she was tall, she was already very thin at this time, almost like a skeleton.

If you use it a few more times, it may...die!

"Heijie... It's up to you, so many people must have a name you remember. Take his blood and release the curse!"

But Mei Li did not despair, because she was ready to retreat.

"I...I...there are too many people..."

Heijie was about to cry.

He looked around, and there were densely packed people, no, corpses, almost filling the street.

Only the center of the three of them was left with a clearing.

Moreover, those figures were only temporarily restrained by Mei Li, and they could act at any time.

In this case, it was impossible to take a detour to get blood, and the bloody footprints on the ground were also a large area, almost covering a red carpet.

"Have to touch someone!"

Mei Li quickly made a decision: "Choose one!"


Hei Yuan pointed to a pale girl in a dress, it was Ziyuan!

She was covered in blood, and it was easy to get blood.

However, it is very dangerous to come into contact with this 'derivative'!

"Lelan, go get the blood from that girl... I'll cover for you!"

Merry raised her right hand.

The curse of the Blazer Ring in her hand can be released once.

As for the ability to manipulate fire or something? It's okay to deal with ordinary people, but it's ridiculous to deal with these derivatives.

Just by looking at the street full of people, you know that even if it works, it won't burn.

"it is good!"

Lelan looked at Ziyuan and answered in a clear voice.

Only Hei Jie saw that her back trembled slightly.

The trained woman took a few steps forward and approached the figures.

It seemed that Meili's previous curse was still in effect, and the corpses were motionless.

Lelan smelled the strong smell of blood, stepped on the pool of blood, and wiped Ziyuan's shoulder with a handkerchief.

There, there was a huge wound that almost split the girl's neck in half.

As soon as the two came into contact, Ziyuan moved and looked at Le Lan with absent-minded eyes.

Almost all the figures turned to look at this woman.

"It's now!"

Mei Li released the curse on the ring again, and the gloomy aura spread.

Le Lan quickly retreated like a female leopard that had finished predation.


Mei Li was half-kneeling on the ground, clutching her shoulders in pain, she could feel that the restriction this time was shorter than the last time!


Lelan threw the blood-stained handkerchief to Heijie, who immediately opened the notebook and started writing the curse.

The moment the pen tip touched the paper, he paused for a moment, and immediately wrote Zi Yuan's name.

'I'm here to let Ziyuan rest in peace...even if it's just an image...'

He silently said to himself.

Just as he was writing, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw the blood stained on Lelan's shoes spread rapidly.

The well-trained female member of the secret agency immediately became expressionless, turned around and joined the group of corpses.

she is dead!

Hei Jie's hand trembled, and a stroke immediately became scribbled.


"It feels the same... The place where Hei Jie came last time was indeed here!"

In the notebook, Fang Xian looked at the formed name and nodded lightly: "However, just plundering doesn't seem to be enough. I need to find its source in order to devour all my spirituality..."

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