The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 132 Part 2

The last time Fang Xian came to No Loop, there were no eyes on the notebook, so he couldn't detect the outside world.

This time, he 'felt' it very clearly from beginning to end.

'To solve strange cases, you must find the source... This no-circuit is not a type of no-solution, its root still exists...'

'Furthermore, this area is not located in the real world, but in another layer of space, no wonder it can't escape no matter how you run... That thing with roots is located here, constantly collecting spirituality, what do you want to do? ’

Fang Xian felt that in this space, the rules seemed to be less stringent than the real world.

Even the shackles on the primordial spirit suddenly became much lighter.

"It's really interesting... Could it be that the so-called weirdness, like me, is an invasion from another world, or overlapping? After all, weird things are really incompatible with this world..."

He murmured and looked outside.

"Isn't it okay?"

Mei Li, who was half-kneeling on the ground, roared as she looked at the corpse that had regained its ability to move.

"I don't know... Maybe it will take a little time..." Hei Jie replied in a bewildered way, and he didn't know when the curse would break out.

At this time, I suddenly thought of a possibility.

Wouldn't he die here if the curse was delayed?

'No, no... The last time the curse broke out immediately, but the little hamster did not break out immediately, is it random? ’

A layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

'If I have the heart, I can definitely kill these two people here together...'

Fang Xian said silently, and the power of the primordial spirit spread.

He didn't care about these "derivatives", but according to the connection on Ziyuan, he began to look for the source of no loop.

The power of the primordial spirit spread rapidly, and everything around was clearly visible.

In this different-dimensional space, he finally recovered a little of the power of the Primordial Spirit Daoist.

Soon, in the depths of a road, I found a blood-red - floor tile?

It seems to be an ordinary brick, but it is covered with blood, and it does not melt.

It seems that at a certain moment, a trait that I don't know where it came from merged with this floor tile to form a loopless curse!

"This trait, I want it!"

"Let's not talk about the rest, at least, the ability to form a different dimension space can make my primordial spirit power better!"

Fang Xian no longer hesitated, and controlled the death note, blooming the maximum curse.

Mei Li's expression changed, no longer so painful, and she stared blankly at her right hand.

The Blazer Ring was quiet, like a dead thing, no longer torturing her.

"This is... suppressed?"

Strange things are also graded. For example, the Fountain of the Necromancer is undoubtedly of high level. Only derivatives can suppress most of the strange things.

Around, rows and rows of corpses fell down, quickly rotted and turned into bones.

Mei Li's eyes looked at the notebook in Hei Jie's hand: "This is his weird thing? It can suppress my ring... The level of terror may not lose this road."

This time, Fang Xian controlled that trait, broke out the curse to the greatest extent, and concentrated on the blood-stained floor tiles.

In an instant, the blood on the floor tile seemed to have life and began to slowly wriggle.

Click! Click!

In the terrifying battle, the floor tiles seemed to be defeated, and cracks appeared on the surface.

But Fang Xian knew that it didn't matter at all.

Because weirdness is immortal.

No matter how strong the curse of the notebook is, it cannot destroy any strange thing.

Even if this floor tile is smashed, it will slowly recover, the only difference is the speed.

"It's now!"

The power of his primordial spirit spread up and suppressed it ruthlessly.

Even though his strength has dropped significantly, the primordial spirit is still there! Moreover, in this different-dimensional space, a layer of shackles has been removed from the real world.

"Crush it!"


The floor tile was blown into powder, and a little bit of light emerged, and it was about to condense and reconstitute it.

Fang Xian directly spread the power of the primordial spirit, just like controlling the characteristics of the notebook, he also 'tamed' it and transferred it to the space of the notebook.

in the dark space.

He looked at the two qualities in front of him, one was the notebook itself, and the other was loopless. At this time, it didn't show the appearance of a brick, but a drop of blood with countless twisted, end-to-end circles. ring.

"Well, now I tame two dogs..."

Feeling the ability to control traits, Fang Xian nodded: "It seems that my guess is correct. Notebooks and floor tiles are just carriers, and traits are the key!"

"The secret institutions in this world, the reason why they didn't find this, maybe just because they didn't have the ability to extract the characteristics..."

"This special substance, like an invasion or overlap from another world, suddenly appeared, combined with ordinary objects, and turned into a strange thing? What if it merged with living things? Interesting... Maybe it should be Do a test..."

After mastering the second trait, Fang Xian immediately knew its abilities.

In addition to the power of curse shared by strange things, the biggest ability is to create a road that connects head to tail to form a closed loop, thereby opening a different dimension space in the real world.

The rules of this space are weaker than those of the real world, so his Primordial Spirit power can be increased.

Of course, this is not the main ability of this space. It is precisely because this space is very weak and there are gaps in the real world. Therefore, it may be connected to another 'plane' and lead to some kind of 'terror'. .

"It's just that this kind of behavior needs to consume a lot of spirituality, and the floor tiles have not accumulated enough... So why do you need to constantly transfer and kill?"

Fang Xian had a vague guess in his heart, a terrible guess.

That may be the truth of the strange appearance of this world!

"Of course, at this time its accumulation is all mine!"

Fang Xian's Primordial Spirit carried a sense of satisfaction after eating.

"Unfortunately, it's still not enough. At most, I can stay awake and stop falling asleep. If I want to make the notebook have the ability to act independently, it's still a little bit..."

"Sure enough, when a book of curses has no future, I want to be a book of seals, and let the sword holder take the initiative to send the strange root thing to me to seal... How good would that be?"

Unfortunately, Fang Xian knew that he could only think about it.

The secret agency will not allow a strange thing that has not been thoroughly studied to continue to grow.

What's more, put the strange thing into the undead spring and seal it, and then take it out when it is used, and Fang Xian will not spit out the bones if he swallows it.

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