The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 138 Quick Feet

"Is this the essence of strange things?"

"Indestructible, without your own thoughts, you will only continue to collect spirituality and accumulate energy to open the door to the world and lead to the arrival of the real 'terror'?"

Fang Xian suddenly felt a kind of horror.

The existence behind that door was something even he couldn't handle.

The other party, like his Primordial Spirit, belongs to the idealistic existence, but it is obviously more suitable for the rules of this world.

Once it comes to the real world, he may really not be able to beat it.

"This is the biggest horror after the strange things get out of control?"

He murmured, looking at the black raincoat.

At this moment, those figures with no circuit had reached out and grabbed the corner of the raincoat.

Curse without a loop, erupt!

"But...why should I fight recklessly?"

Fang Xian sneered inwardly: "As long as I take away the spirituality of the raincoat, it will not have the power to open this door and let you in! No matter what you are, from the underworld or hell... it's the same!"

The power of his primordial spirit burst out violently, crushing the black raincoat ruthlessly.

The transparent figure disappeared in an instant, and the black raincoat exploded into powder.

Among them, a little bit of light gathered to form a black mud with one eye on the surface.

"Pay me!"

Fang Xian's Primordial Spirit's power is a volume, and this trait is included in the notebook, and it is also controlled.

In an instant, the rain in no loop disappeared.

The 'gate' also disappeared.

The existence lingering behind the door suddenly lost its way and was unable to enter this world.

Its breath disappeared.

"Wow... it's so happy!"

Massive spirituality was poured into Fang Xian's primordial spirit.

This is not only from the black raincoat, but also from the plundering of other strange spirituality by this strange thing, making Fang Xian's primordial spirit have the illusion that he is suffocating.

Suddenly, layers of bloodshots appeared on the notebook, and they spread quickly, occupying the cover of the notebook.

Immediately, the notebook flipped up abruptly, and moved on the table using the two-page envelope as his feet.

It came to the side of the suppressed hairpin, and a large, hideous mouth appeared on the surface, in which the fangs were clearly visible, swallowed the hairpin, and slowly chewed it.

Next, the pipe, and the water glass.

These strange things were smashed, their qualities were separated, and they were swallowed by notebooks.

After a long time, the room returned to silence. A black notebook just lay on the desk, motionless.

in black space.

"Well... Counting the raincoat, I have gained a total of four traits this time!"

Fang Xian began to count the harvest, and controlled it one by one: "At the same time, it also gave me a certain amount of action, although the consumption of spirituality is a bit large..."

Manipulating the notebook requires consumption of spirituality, so it can only be regarded as an emergency plan.

Fang Xian is still very stingy about spirituality, because he doesn't know when the next harvest will be.

Therefore, at most critical moments, you usually have to pretend to be a notebook that is harmless to humans and animals and will not move.

"The last step...I need a body!"

Fang Xian thought silently.

In fact, the primordial spirit itself has a certain ability to possess the body, coupled with the magical power of seizing a body in "Dongxuan Milu", it is not difficult to seize a body.

The real difficulty lies in the consumption of spirituality, a huge amount of spirituality!

The display of the magical power of looting is more spiritual than divination.

But it went to sea, Fang Xian didn't have enough savings even counting this harvest.

Moreover, he suspects that once he is transferred into the body of an ordinary person, the primordial spirit will be exposed immediately without the cover of strange characteristics. At that time, becoming a mortal is the best ending.

Therefore, a special body is needed, a perfect Beyonder body with special characteristics!

"Then... the experiment to create Beyonders can be started."

Fang Xian just waited quietly, waiting for someone to take the initiative to bring her to the door.

After all, the strange rain has disappeared, and the secret agency will definitely send someone to investigate the cause, and incidentally recover the strange items.

Perhaps the latter is the main purpose.


Fang Xian didn't wait too long.

At night, the moonlight shines through the windows into the building, which is no longer in danger.

A footstep sounded suddenly in the corridor.

The doors of the rooms were opened and closed... The sound was getting closer and closer, and finally it was Fang Xian's turn.

With a click, the door was pulled open, and a figure emerged.

His complexion was pale, his eyes were scarlet, and his features were handsome, like a vampire walking at night.

At this moment, a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Fang Xian, or... on the notebook.

"It's also safe here. I found a strange thing... I thought the secret agency was one step ahead of me and recovered all the items. I'm lucky..."

The scarlet-eyed man chuckled, put on a layer of special gloves, held the black notebook in his hand, and opened the cover.

"Book of Curse, use the target's blood to record the name, and curse the opponent to die!"

"Blood spirit divination, light up ten markers, sacrifice with blood, and get the chance to divination!"

On the yellowed title page, Fang Xian took the initiative to write down his function, so as not to be sealed as a useless and strange thing, or to be sent to the experiment.

Of course, that stupid 'extraordinary groundbreaking ceremony' was deleted by him.

"Really? If that's the case, this weird thing is really amazing, I just don't know what the negative effects are..."

The man's eyes lit up, and the next moment, he took out a silver bottle without hesitation, and dripped the liquid inside on the cover of the notebook: "But weird things also have a history of fooling people, it's safest to seal them first..."

Fang Xian: "..."

He could feel that the water droplet should be a derivative of the Fountain of the Dead, and a gloomy aura penetrated into the dark space.

Under that breath, a few characteristics moved slightly and became less active, but in the same way, the characteristics of no circuit, black raincoat, and even the notebook did not fluctuate at all.

'Even if it's those quiet qualities, if I want to force it, there's no problem... It seems that my Primordial Spirit is a bit high, and the Fountain of Necromancy can't seal me...'

Fang Xian thought silently in his heart, a little planning to infiltrate the headquarters of the secret agency.

If it can really be achieved and put him and other weird things together, it will really be a mouse falling into the rice jar.

Of course, with this thought in mind, the notebook remained motionless and no writing appeared, so the man put it away with satisfaction, and began to check other parts of the building.

The result, of course, was nothing.

"The strange rain, why did it suddenly disappear? Did it leave this area on its own initiative, is it the kind of strangeness that moves on its own? It took away a lot of strange things, why did you leave this black notebook, it has something special, Can't be taken away? Like that black iron badge?"

The man with scarlet eyes muttered to himself, obviously well-informed, and even knew what had happened recently.

"But in today's operation, getting this notebook is already worth it. With it, the last piece of the puzzle for me to build the 'No Light Club' is completed! If this notebook is really as capable as it is written above ...of course, you must find someone else to test it at first!"

He took out a map.

This map is somewhat old, and the carrier is a piece of yellow parchment with very simple lines.

The man's expression remained unchanged, and a drop of blood dripped from his finger, which was rendered on a landmark.

Immediately, his figure disappeared. .

Somewhere in a building, his figure slowly emerged from the void like a teleportation.

In the notebook, Fang Xian watched all this silently: "This map is really a strange thing, does it have the ability to teleport? No wonder he came faster than the secret agency..."

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