The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 139 Experiment

Wuguang Society branch, laboratory.

Fang Xian pretended to be a harmless notebook, lying on the table in the middle.

From the conversations of the people around him, he already knew.

The person who took him was called Simon, and he was the leader of a dark organization - the "No Light Society".

This organization is also collecting 'weird things', but not for seals, but for power to achieve other private purposes.

'how to say? Where there is light, there is darkness... The secret organization is obviously the kind of bright, even official organization, while the Wuguang Society is a private, dark-oriented organization...'

A trembling ordinary person was brought in. After lifting the hood, he shouted: "I will pay it back. I will definitely pay you back the money I owe you. This...where is this?"

"Zhan Wei, an unemployed homeless man, twenty-seven years old, addicted to gambling, owed loan sharks, alcoholic, short-tempered, prone to domestic violence, broke with his family, admit it, you are a scumbag!"

Simon stood outside the laboratory, looking at this scene through the glass, and clasping his hands: " are lucky, originally the gang wanted to arrest you to cut your kidneys to repay the debt, just need to do one thing for me , I will help you pay off all your debts!"

"Wh...what's the matter?"

Zhan Wei stammered and asked.

"Very simple thing... See that table? There is a notebook on it, open it!" Simon ordered with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Zhan Wei's palm trembled, and he opened the notebook, but nothing happened.

He looked at the title page, his expression became a little strange, it felt like some kind of prank.

"Now, pick up the pen on the table, use ink first, and write this name!"

Simon continued the order, watched Zhan Wei do as he did, and then waited slowly.

An hour later, he saw that Zhan Wei had nothing to do, and a member of the Wuguang Society came over next to him to report that the cursed person was okay.

"Next, see that bottle? Drip the blood inside!"

Simon is patient.

In addition to trying the conditions of the notebook, he also intends to see the negative effects.

Any weird thing has a price to use.

For example, the map, although it allows him to have the ability to teleport and has incomparable mobility, but every once in a while, he will be very eager for blood, and it seems that he has become the legendary 'vampire'.

If the notebook is really the same as what the title page says, what are its sequelae?

A drop of blood was dripped on the blank page and spread continuously.

"This actually satisfies the conditions of the curse, but not mine..."

Inside the notebook, Fang Xian was a little confused: "I'm just a knife, um, the murderer is guilty, the tool is not guilty..."

Finally, the experiment of the outside world has entered the step of writing the name in blood.

A scene, through the curse, appeared in front of Fang Xian.

"I am a cursed book with no emotions... I am just a book..."

Through the medium, Fang Xian saw the cursed object, which was a dog.

"Damn! Are all people in this world so smart? It was a waste of time for me to struggle..."

He harnessed the properties of the notebook and launched a curse.

It didn't take long for Simon, who got the report, to change his expression, and his eyes were a little frantic: "Use this bottle of blood again and write a name!"

After Zhan Wei did as he did, another scene appeared in front of Fang Xian.

This time, it was a young man with an aquiline nose and a cold temperament.

More importantly, he carries a cursed object on him!

"I smell spirituality,

Although it's not as good as No Circuit and Raincoat, but..." Fang Xian continued to recite: "I'm just a knife, don't blame me! "

In the scene, the young man felt something, and suddenly took out a mask and put it on his face.

But it didn't work!

The next moment, his body fell to the ground, quickly rotting.

A burst of spirituality was directly absorbed by Fang Xian's Primordial Spirit: "It's a pity that it's too far away to swallow that mask... Wait, this person must be under the surveillance of the Wuguang Society, if I take his strange things If it is crushed and swallowed, isn't it exposed?"

Thinking about it this way, he is not a pity.

Last time he got enough weird traits, and he made new discoveries.

Most of the qualities and ranks seem to be inferior to No Loop, the notebook and the black raincoat, and the power of the curse is not strong.

This made him lose interest a little.

Next, there is a whole new series of experiments, and even confrontations with other strange things.

Fang Xian didn't reveal his primordial spirit, he just let the notebook's own characteristics cope, but even so, Simon's eyes were getting brighter and brighter outside the glass window.

"This notebook... has a very high personality... Its curse, most of the strange things can't resist! The most important thing is..."

Simon looked into the laboratory, eating well and drinking well, with a ruddy face, Zhan Wei, who seemed to have gained a few pounds: "There are no side effects at all... How is this possible? Or did I not find it?"

After a while, Simon seemed to make up his mind.

A brand new name appeared on the notebook - Zhan Wei!

It is impossible for him to hand over this notebook to an ordinary person, and it is impossible for him to let the other party go out to leak information. It is normal to choose to silence it.


The Headquarters of the Wuguang Society.

In a row of round tables, Simon sat at the top, glanced at the people below, his voice was calm, but with an unquestionable strength: "Starting today... all new members must leave a bottle of blood with me. And...every 'in charge' who is promoted, I have to meet in person and do the same!"

Before the words fell, the others were a little disturbed.

"Simon, what do you want their blood for?"

A figure in a black robe twisted uncomfortably.

As a high-level executive of the Wuguang Society, he vaguely got the information on the notebook.

"Didn't you guess it? Only in this way can our organization have enough executive power, and those 'in charge' will be obedient!"

Simon crossed his hands and fingers and placed it in front of him: "I think my behavior is already very kind, because I didn't ask you to do the same!"

There was some commotion among these high-level executives, but no one dared to question or refute.

Simon's prestige was poured out with blood through a fight, and even more than one sword holder's life was in his hands!

Even if the secret agency keeps wanting him, he is still alive and kicking, which is enough to prove his strength.

And Simon also knew that if he forcibly implemented this method of 'loyalty' at the top, it would definitely lead to betrayal and separation, so he chose a more gentle method.

Anyway, as long as the implementation continues, time will automatically help him eliminate those dissidents.

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