The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 140 Scheme

'This Simon is a hero! Also very smart...'

Inside the notebook, Fang Xian watched all this with a cold eye: "The resonance degree is not high enough, and the sword holders who have not merged with the strange things are very fragile, or even if they are fused with the strange things, most of them can't escape the curse of the notebook. So with a good notebook, you can completely control a group of swordsmen..."

"Even if they die, as long as the strange things are recovered, they can be handed over to newcomers to continue to use... This kind of executive power is probably not under the secret agency..."

To achieve this, the secret agency still relies on the loyalty that has been cultivated since childhood and poured down a lot of resources.

Simon only needs to hold the blood of the other party, and it can be guaranteed, and the cost is much smaller.

He just had to face the hostility and backlash from those sword-wielding people.

"However, it's none of my business. Let's hang out with this Simon for a while. After all, I don't know much about this world and its dark side..."

As a book, Fang Xian could not get much outside information.

So far, I only know that the name of the country I am in is - 'Gru', there is a strange birth, the official organization is a secret organization, and there are organizations such as the Wuguang Society in the dark.

Speaking of which, he is actually quite familiar with things in the dark world, and he doesn't know anything about the world of ordinary people, or even the name of this city.


In the middle of a book, Fang Xian doesn't know how long time has passed.

All I know is that he has not been passively used for a long time.

After all, he is now equivalent to Simon's bottom-of-the-box weapon. Except for the deterrent cursing of a few people at the beginning, everyone else obeyed obediently.

This made Fang Xian's channel to obtain spirituality sharply reduced, and Simon, as the leader of the organization, could not go to the hospital and funeral home every day.

Fang Xian became more and more dissatisfied with this kind of day.

"It seems...Simon is not my choice. The host I hope should be the kind of person who is always on the front line, desperately dealing with the source of the strange... This will allow me to harvest spirituality and traits faster... And Simon, Maybe I used to charge often, but now, I'm too calm and afraid of dying..."

On this day, Simon came to the heavily blocked laboratory, opened the notebook, and turned to the page of the blood spirit divination.

The ten jade marks on the page were all filled at this time.

Most of this is due to Heijie's credit. After all, Fang Xian caught a big one in the strange rain, and Simon got a bargain.

"It has been determined that there are no negative effects. This strange item is really incredible... Then, we can start..."

Simon lit the candle and traced the ritual with blood.

Fang Xian is the main body of the blood spirit divination, but he can't find any materials such as blood, bones, etc. in a notebook.

Therefore, the help of these holders is also needed.

Simon meticulously described the ritual, opened the notebook, placed it in the center of the ceremony, and muttered to himself the goal of this divination: "The way I become stronger, the way I become stronger..."

He has dealt with strange things a lot, and he knows that greed is the biggest cause of danger for swordsmen.

For example, if you encounter that kind of weird thing that can fulfill your wish, but if you rashly make ten more wishes or become the king of the world, you will be judged as malicious, or the wish will be realized in a very distorted way, or it will be weird The thing directly out of control, frantically attacking the holder.

Whoever wants to become the king of the world may be thrown into a different dimension specially made by himself, and starved to death of thirst.

Simon thought about it,

It's safest to feel empowered.

'Ha ha……'

Inside the notebook, Fang Xian rolled his eyes. Instead of divination for him, he began to divination for his own future: "A perfect body, what conditions do you need..."

In an instant, scenes of illusions appeared in front of his eyes.

It was a city shrouded in dark clouds.

As soon as the angle of view changed, I came to an island with many artificial buildings on it.


Before Fang Xian could watch it carefully, the divination ended.

"Using divination in this world seems to have a much worse effect than the previous world... Also, I was affected by some strange items just now, and they are interfering with my results..."

Fang Xian's face gradually became solemn.

The rules of this world are not compatible with Immortal Dao.

And although the magical power of "Dongxuan Milu" can be used, its power and effect are weakened to a certain extent.

"But... in general, my thinking is not wrong. Rushing away from ordinary people will only lead to the exposure of the primordial spirit to the rules of this world. It must be covered with the characteristics of strange objects!"

Fang Xian finished thinking, and then began to look at Simon from the outside world.

"Fortunate for you boy, the pit of the Hundred Days Foundation has been filled by Heijie, so you can be a guinea pig of the Beyonder..."

As he manipulated the notebook, lines of text began to appear.

Outside, since the notebook quickly absorbed the blood, Simon has been waiting anxiously.

After an unknown amount of time, he saw lines of words written in blood on the blank pages, and he hurriedly looked at it carefully.

An incredible plan came into view.

"The body of the sword bearer is still human. Only by increasing the resonance, 'activating' the strange thing and merging with itself, can it achieve some kind of transcendence and break through the limits of the human body. The sequelae are great... But it is The only transcendent path, if you want to become stronger, you must rely on strange things..."

"And this notebook can actually smash strange things and purify its characteristics... Suggest me to swallow it directly?"

Simon felt a cold sweat on his forehead.

He was astonished at the ability of this notebook to smash other weird things, and at the so-called swallowing trait scheme.

Although the results of the divination in the notebook showed that there was no "impurity" in the center, and the resonance level would be raised to a very high level at the beginning, he still felt very dangerous, especially dangerous!

However, if successful, it is indeed possible to create a very terrifying 'Extraordinary'.

Because they are no longer simply using strange objects, but have become strange things themselves!

Fang Xian came up with this plan, the first is to test the possibility of his own design.

The second is to do something.

After all, it is not his style to treat An An as a sealed item.

If it is always in Simon's hands, there are not many opportunities to shoot, what is the difference between retirement and retirement?

'Also, I don't have to show my traits! ’

Fang Xian now has six characteristics: notebook, no loop, black raincoat, card issuance, pipe, and water cup. Among them, the first three are obviously higher than the latter three.

He has also tried it, the latter three characteristics, in addition to the common curse power, only have the ability to manipulate hair, smoke, blood, etc., which are relatively general.

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