The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 146: The Roots of Divination

It turns out.

Tong Mu has hated the boss who scolded him all day long.

The day after he got the 'adventure', he smashed a resignation letter on the face of the fat pig boss and walked out of the office with his head held high.

Immediately, he took Fang Xian and began to frequent the hospitals, funeral homes and other places in Haig City.

The notebook can devour the spirituality of the dead around it, and I don't know if it is its own ability or some other reason.

But the results are very gratifying.

With Tong Mu's efforts, in less than half a month, thirteen gouyu marks on the notebook were lit up.

Inside the rental house.

The environment is small and occluded, and the sound insulation effect is poor.

Only the cheapest migrant workers live in such places.

Tong Mu looked solemn, lit candles, arranged the ceremony, and placed the notebook in the center.

"With great power comes great responsibility... I got this book, there must be some reason... I want to solve that thing!"

He muttered to himself and began to divination: "The source of what happened to me that night, the source of what happened to me that night..."

Inside the notebook, Fang Xian rolled his eyes: "I didn't encounter a justice messenger? Maybe...he just wanted revenge?"

But no matter what, he has received ten times the spirituality of others, so naturally he doesn't mind spending a fortune on him.

In the blood spirit divination, a phantom appeared in front of Fang Xian's eyes.

It was an old apartment building, and the picture kept getting closer, and in a certain room, an old radio was making an eerie sound.

"This strange level is not high, and even the root cause was easily divination by me..."

Fang Xian muttered to himself.

He found that his ability to divination was the best way to solve the root cause of the strangeness.

If you can figure out the weird law of killing, and then know where the root cause is, maybe an ordinary person can easily solve and contain it!

After completing this matter, he saw that there was still a lot of 'remaining' for divination, and immediately began to do things and divination for other content.

"The plan for transforming the Extraordinary..."

"Using the conflict of different characteristics to create a true Beyonder..."

"The plan works!"

"It's just... It takes two or more traits, and the right ratio is very demanding..."

Fang Xian gasped a little.

It turns out that ordinary people simply cannot withstand the instinctual shock of a trait.

Unless two or more traits are used to restrain each other and form a balance, it is possible to be controlled by ordinary people.

Only weirdness can restrain weirdness!

But there is also a big hole in it. It's not just looking for two qualities, and it must form a perfect balance. That is simply impossible.

Conversely, most traits cannot be balanced.

It seems that scientists need tens of thousands of trials and errors to study a new material. Fang Xian also needs a lot of experiments to complete this balance.

This is a paradox!

In the previous experiment, I came up with the "weird" like Beikuo, and after a few more trials and errors, the world is afraid that it will be destroyed!

"So... I can only rely on the means of divination! Although I will be disturbed by some strange things when I want to see the truth of this world, but this kind of trivial matter is still very sure..."

Fang Xian began to divination with some of the traits at hand.

Slowly, a conclusion emerged:

"Both qualities are not enough,

Must use three! "

He drew a triangle in the dark space, surrounded by many symbols, forming a very stable structure: "Only this kind of structure can build a relatively stable Extraordinary foundation!"

"Well, it feels like I may have researched a weird real promotion method? The superhuman path of another world?"

Fang Xian looked at the triangle in front of him and put a few traits on it.

After several divination experiments, the results came out:

"The qualities in my hand, the no-circuit and the qualities of the raincoat match well... As long as one more angle is divination, it can form a stable... Beyonder substance?"

"But both of them are useful to me, it's too wasteful to give to others, let's look at other low-level traits first..."

"I can't form a stable iron triangle... I can't even make up two corners..."

Fang Xian looked at the candles that were about to burn out, and quickly performed the last divination.

The next moment, he saw the previous apartment again, and saw the old radio.

In addition, there is a team of secret agencies entering Haig City, and one of them is a team member with dark eyes and a round face and a slightly chubby face.

In the end, it was a trait in his hand, which was separated from a broken cup full of blood...


Fang Xian Yuanshen fluctuated for a while.


At this time, the outside world.

Tong Mu, who had been waiting so anxiously, finally saw the dark red writing on the notebook:

"Sunset Apartments, Room 504, Radio."

"What does that mean? Could it be on this radio that the source of all that happened to me?"

Tong Mu slowly widened his eyes.

But in my heart, I decided to go and see it.


Just when Tong Mu made up his mind.

In Haig City, the secret agency branch.

A young man with black eyes and a round face knocked on the door of an office: "Captain, are you looking for me?"


The captain inside was a middle-aged man in his thirties, with blond hair, and he heard the words: "Javi, as the third seat of the training camp, I am very optimistic about you, I hope you will not let me down... We It's been a lot of pressure lately!"

"Is it the destruction of the Wuguang Society headquarters?" Jia Wei asked thoughtfully.

"That's right... We suspect that it is the president of the Wuguang Society. Simon did some dangerous experiment that caused the entire Wuguang Society to be wiped out... Before their accident, we didn't know that they built their headquarters in our eyelids. under……"

There was a trace of anger on the middle-aged captain's face: "Don't they know what kind of disaster it will bring if a strange mass erupts?"

"Fortunately, this time without light will be destroyed, and not a lot of weird things will get out of control..." Jia Wei said softly.

"This is what I'm going to investigate. Although the Wuguang Society is not as good as us, there are also many sword holders. How can so many strange things disappear collectively after the death of the high-level leaders?"

The middle-aged captain said: "As for you... solve this matter first."

He handed over a document.

Jia Wei took it, opened it, and saw a photo of an old community.

"This strange incident, code-named - Weird Voice, just happened to be restrained by the 'Silent One' in your hands... I will let Linda and Dakun assist you again!"

In fact, this was due to the lack of manpower in this branch, otherwise the captain would have followed suit.

After all, dealing with weirdness is very dangerous, and you will die if you are not careful. .

For example, the second seat above Javi, Qingteng, died in the strange rain, which is not reasonable at all.

Jia Wei's eyes moved, and the black glove on his right hand tightened.

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