The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 147 Solved

Sunset Apartments.

It is located in the East District of Haig City, in an old community.

Tong Mu originally planned to fake his identity, but the security guard in this community didn't ask any questions at all.

"Sunset Apartment, found it!"

He looked at the dilapidated apartment building in front of him, nodded, and walked in.

Not long after he entered, a group of secret agency staff arrived in a hurry.

"The area of ​​the community is too large, but after investigation so far, the source of the strangeness has finally been determined, which is in this apartment!"

Jia Wei walked side by side with Linda and Dakun: "From now on, block the surrounding area and don't let anyone in or out!"

"I found it, the apartment file! This apartment building was built twenty years ago, and there are currently sixteen households..."

A black-clothed staff member quickly ran over with a stack of documents.

"so little?"

Jia Wei frowned: "What happened before?"

"Yes, there are some bad rumors in the apartment, so recently, the residents have moved out... But in this community, this kind of thing is too common..."

The staff bowed.


Linda sighed: "There are still too many strange cases recently... People are too busy, and some small hidden dangers are ignored."

"What kind of bad news?"

Dakun valued other aspects.

The strange laws may be hidden in such inconspicuous little details.

"It is said that some residents disappeared for no reason...but some people suspected that they moved directly to escape the rent..." The staff replied with sweat.

After learning about the situation, Jia Wei took Linda and Dakun into the Sunset Apartment.

The corridor is narrow, and there are a lot of debris piled up, which seems very closed.

There are disgusting yellow stains on the walls that seem to have not been cleaned for a long time.

The surrounding light was very dim, and the red lacquered wooden doors were tightly closed, and it was unknown what was hidden in them.

Javi looked at his black gloves.

This is the strange thing he is in charge of, called the 'Silent One', in addition to the common curse ability, it can also create a quiet area.

It has a good restraint for some weirdness that is transmitted and polluted through sound.

"How to do it?"

Linda asked.

"Search from house to house."

Jia Wei's voice was low, and at this time, he especially missed Qingteng's ability.


Tong Mu went up to the fifth floor in one breath, his face was not red, and he was not panting, showing the health and vitality of a young man.

He has a clear goal and skips the inspection process directly.

And, along the way, it doesn't seem to trigger any strangeness and curse.

I have to say, this kid is very lucky.

In other words, the ignorant is fearless, he has never heard of "weird" at all, and of course he doesn't know how terrifying the real weirdness is.

Walking through a door, he looked at the nameplate, it was 501!

The next two rooms were also skipped by him, and within a few steps, he stood in front of room 504.

"Next... what should I do?"

He took out the notebook and held it in his hand, feeling a little more confident, and started knocking on the door.

dong dong!

dong dong!

A low knock on the door echoed in the hallway.

no respond.

Tong Mu frowned and continued knocking on the door.

A click.

At this time, the door on the opposite side was opened, and an old man stuck out, and said impatiently, "What are you doing, young man?"

"I... come to find someone, he lives here."

Tong Mu took out the lie that had been made up long ago.

"Just kidding, old man, can I not know? This room is empty, and there is no one living in it!" The old man's face immediately became vigilant and suspicious: "Who are you?"

Looking at his posture, he seemed to regard Tong Mu as a thief.


Tong Mu's face was a little bitter, did he tell him that he was the messenger of justice to solve the evil spirit?

"Old man, who is it?"

At this time, another old grandmother came out.

"A young guy..." The old man replied casually.

But Tong Mu felt that every pore on his body was tightening, his mind went blank, as if he was hit by a heavy hammer.

This old grandmother was strikingly similar to the figure he saw that night.


He clenched the notebook in his hand, but found that he did not release his breath and drive away the other party as before.

"Are you... a living person?"

Tong Mu lost his voice.

"How do you talk?" The old man was unhappy and almost wanted to beat someone.

"Sorry, sorry!"

Tong Mu quickly apologized.

At this time, he suddenly heard a voice in Room 504 behind him.

It was rustling at first, as if tuning the radio.

Immediately, it turned into a collection of various noises, full of grotesqueness and a sense of inexplicability and incomprehension.

Suddenly, a coolness came from the notebook, which woke him up.

At this time, Tong Mu was horrified to find that the old man and lady on the opposite side suddenly had a green light in his eyes.

Their expressions were blank, and their emerald green eyes stared at him, making him seem to have returned to the nightmare of that night!

"This... the person who hears that noise will be infected and turn into something like a zombie?"

Tong Mu's mind turned quickly: "Why am I fine? Is it because of the notebook in my hand?"

But at this time, the two people on the opposite side had already walked towards him.

Tong Mu gritted his teeth and slammed into... the door of 504 behind him.


A loud sound echoed in the apartment building.

Javi, who had just checked the third floor, suddenly raised his head: "Something's wrong!"

The three of them also heard the grotesque noise, and each took out strange things to resist.

At this time, the door of the apartment opened, and one by one, the movements were stiff, and the figures with green eyes came out.

Jia Wei did not hesitate, and immediately used the strange thing in his right hand, and the black glove clenched suddenly.


Dead quiet!

Like a black and white silent film, everything around is still moving, but the 'voice' has disappeared.

Those figures with green eyes also stopped, like a human-shaped statue.

"Sure enough... the voice is the key!" Linda said loudly, but Dakun and Jia Wei could only read the meaning of her lips by looking at her lips that kept opening and closing.

"The voice just now, on the fifth floor, go up together! We are safe now!"

Javi said with gestures with his hands, and rushed up first.

The silence range of the silent person is calculated with him as the center, so there is no need to worry about going out of this range.

But the duration is very limited and must be resolved quickly.

They were well trained and rushed to the fifth floor almost in the blink of an eye.

The scene on the fifth floor was different from what they imagined.

Several infected people, who seemed to be fine at this time, fell to the ground and fainted.

In Room 504, a tall figure stood by the window with his back to them, as if looking at the sunset not far away.

Beside him, there was a pile of fragments of the radio.

"I'm just a hero of interest, don't thank me!"

Tong Mu said lightly.

But he didn't know that at this time, due to the role of the 'Silent One', there was no sound in this place. .

Therefore, the trio of Jia Wei didn't hear his pretending words at all, they rushed over and pushed him to the ground like a prisoner.

Inside the notebook, Fang Xian rolled his eyes: "You're an idiot who can't be handsome for three seconds!"

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