The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 148 Attack

My name is Tong Mu.

I used to be just an ordinary person.

Then one day, I wanted to be a hero.

Unexpectedly, the end of the first chivalry and righteousness is the scene in front of you:


"Tong Mu!"




"Is this still a question?"

"be honest!"

Inside the secret agency branch, the interrogation room.

Across a layer of glass, the captain and Jia Wei frowned, looking at the scene inside.

Not long after, the door was opened, Linda and Dakun came out, looked at each other, and said:

"Captain, it's probably clear that he is indeed just an ordinary person! He just happened to obtain a strange thing and wants to be a hero..."

"Are you sure it has nothing to do with Wuguang Club, not a secretly cultivated leader?" Jia Wei asked.

"His life experience is very simple, and he is not a dark child cultivated by some forces... In fact, he has a sense of justice." Linda said this, she seemed to want to laugh, but forcibly held back: "I suggest can take him."

"Well, I didn't use it for fun, but to solve the weirdness..." The captain nodded: "I'm a little moved...what about that weird thing?"

"In the storage room No. 3, it was sealed with necromantic spring water, and there was no change!" Dakun replied.

"Is there a clue to this strange thing?"

The captain asked: "Is it a new strangeness?"

"The weirdness of books is relatively rare, but the words of this book remind me of a file that Captain Mei Li once recorded, the sword bearer codenamed 'raven', and the weird thing he holds is somewhat similar to it. But he can only curse others with blood and names, and there is no record of divination... and he disappeared in the strange rain."

Javie clearly did his homework.

"The strange rain... Wuguanghui...notebook... It feels like everything can be connected in series. Wuguang will get the notebook from the strange rain and bring it back to the city. After the headquarters was destroyed, many strange things scattered. One of them fell into the hands of this little guy..."

The captain nodded: "Go back and make a report, you must immediately increase the detection and recovery of strange things, before there are bad results!"


Linda answered loudly, and waited until the captain turned around and made a lip-synch of 'work overtime again'.

When Dakun saw it, he could only shrug his shoulders, expressing his helplessness.

"Captain... What should I do with that notebook?" Jia Wei stepped forward and asked.

"Place it with us first, and bring it back to the headquarters next time when someone comes from the headquarters! There are fixed procedures for this..."

The captain chuckled: "What? Do you want to try divination? I can tell you responsibly that weird objects with the ability of 'prophecy' and 'wish fulfillment' are the most dangerous type!"

"I...I just want to confirm the next person's life and death..."

The look in Jia Wei's eyes suddenly dimmed.

"Also, where is the strange thing in the apartment, and how is it solved? We must hurry up the interrogation! Continue immediately... I will come in person..."

At this time, the captain's expression suddenly changed, and he felt that the strange thing he was holding began to move, representing an unusual situation: "Outside, what happened?"

He ran out of the door quickly, but only saw darkness.

The outermost part of the secret agency branch.

One after another, the windows and doors... were all sealed with heavy cement.

This is a weird attack!

There is a strange use of its own ability,

Blocked the environment here!

Storage Room 3.

"Yo? Who gave you the courage?"

Fang Xian, who was immersed in the spring, also sensed something was wrong, and couldn't help but laugh.

This strange blockade of the secret agency branch is the green-haired zombie of Beikuo.

I don't know if a member of the secret agency attracted it when dealing with a strange case, or it was an action of its own discretion.

"The weirdness will also grow. This guy didn't dare to face Simon at first, he was very cowardly, he only dared to hunt down ordinary people, and later he dared to deal with swordsmen... Now, is it because there are a lot of weird things gathered here , has a lot of spirituality, attracting it?"

Compared with aimlessly hunting ordinary people to accumulate spirituality and plundering the results of other strange things, it is obviously more convenient and faster.

But ordinary weird things don't think like this, unless they are coincidentally, they will be plundered unconsciously in the confrontation.

Beikuo is different!

"As expected of the weirdness that I made with my own hands?"

Fang Xian's consciousness probed into the outside world.

The building of the secret agency branch has been completely blocked at this time, and it has become a huge cement coffin.

In addition, all kinds of lights also become bright and dark, just like poor contact.

"It's progressing again. It's affecting and changing the surrounding environment... I'm afraid it can be compared with a raincoat. If it takes a while, maybe it can create a weird space like no loop!"

Fang Xian couldn't help but secretly marveled.

This kind of learning ability and speed of progress is really amazing.



There was a loud explosion.

It's the branch people who are using weapons and destroying the walls.

"This is……"

The smoke dissipated, and the captain led Jia Wei and others, looking at a big hole in the wall.

Behind the blasted concrete wall, a strange flesh wall appeared, with green hair growing on its surface, as if it had its own life, slowly wriggling and repairing...

Even if it is a high-power weapon, there is no way to take it.

"I'm sure it's a strange blockade, not sure if it's an emergency or someone attacked..."

The captain's expression changed.

Only weirdness can restrain weirdness.

But even if he has mastered the weird thing, he doesn't want to forcibly break through this meat wall.

Because every time humans use strange things, they will pay a "price", but the strangeness itself does not.

If they continue to fight like this, maybe they will all die and this flesh wall will be fine.

After all, it has shown great resilience.

"Captain, I propose to use the Sealed Artifact in Storage Room No. 1!"

Seeing this scene, Dakun suggested with a solemn expression.

"That weird piece of destructive power is too powerful. You know how much we paid to seal it. Once it is released, it may not be able to be contained again..."

The captain instinctively refused.

The branch of the secret agency was attacked by a strange, not only a matter of defense, but also a riot of strange items that have been sealed in the branch!

"I have applied to the headquarters for support. If the sealed items are used, they will definitely come within half an hour! Next, I will assign a task, I will guard the ordinary people of the branch with Linda and Dakun, and try to solve this strange root cause. ...Javi, look after the sealed item! If something goes wrong, send a signal immediately."

The captain took a deep breath.


Knowing the importance of his mission, Javi hurried to the underground storage room. .

On the way he ran, he saw that the surrounding walls were slowly corroded and stained with a layer of green hair, and he couldn't help feeling a chill.

This time, the source of the strangeness may have a third level, which is enough to destroy the danger of a city!

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