The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 149: Terror

The internal members of the secret agency are all well-trained.

At least, when faced with the strange attack, he did not panic like ordinary people.

Even if they were equally afraid, they knew that they would obey the order and gather in a hall.


The captain glanced at the number of people and ordered: "Protect here!"


Linda took out her own weird thing, which was a tube for blowing bubbles. At this time, when she blew it hard, a translucent bubble emerged from the end, getting bigger and bigger.

This bubble with colorful colors suddenly enveloped the entire room.

The code name of her strange thing - the bubble blowing tube, the bubbles created can shelter a certain area and temporarily resist the strange attack.

After doing all this, Linda covered her mouth, coughed violently, and blood appeared between her fingers.

It seems that the bubble just now was made, which caused great damage to her lungs.

"Dakun, you stay here, I'm going to try it and see if it can be contained!"

The captain went out.

At this time, the entire branch was very quiet, layers of green fluff spread on the walls, and the terrain changed, like a labyrinth.


A scream came suddenly from a certain direction.

"Is that... an interrogation room and a prison? The evacuation was too hasty, did you forget to deal with these people?"

The captain frowned and walked over there.

The prisoners are all criminals who use strange objects to do things, but there are a few innocent guys in the interrogation room.

For example, Tong Mu, who was just taken into custody today, encountered such a thing before the interrogation was completed, and he was considered unlucky.

While walking, the black trousers on the captain suddenly seemed to come alive, spreading over his body, changing his original clothes into a decent tuxedo.

This is the weird thing he is in charge of, called a black tuxedo, which can provide a certain fighting ability and resist damage.

In addition, a strange and ferocious firearm with a thick barrel appeared in the captain's hand.


"what happened?"

"I'm hungry... anyone?"

"Who are you? Why do you lock me up?"

In the interrogation room, Tong Mu endured and endured, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted.

It seemed to be his illusion, and the surrounding environment seemed to become particularly quiet, only his voice reverberated.


A scream came, and the despair and pain contained in it made Tong Mu shrink his neck: "You... let me go... I promise not to say it, I don't want that notebook anymore..."

There was already crying in his voice.


Suddenly, the door was opened, and a middle-aged man in a black tuxedo walked in and threw a key: "Are you still alive? Follow me if you want to continue living, and be obedient!"

Tong Mu didn't think much, he quickly opened the shackles, and followed the middle-aged man out.

At this time, he realized that the environment had become very wrong: "This is... what's going on?"

"In a nutshell, this place has been attacked in a strange way, you should know what this means?"

The captain walked into the depths of the prison with a gun in one hand.

Tong Mu looked at a cell, and suddenly his eyes widened.

Inside, half of a male prisoner's body was 'integrated' into the concrete wall, and the remaining half was motionless and seemed to be dead.

Next, he saw another room,

A prisoner's head sank into the wall and disappeared.

"The way of killing, merging humans with the wall?"

The captain thought to himself: "At this time, there are not many people in the branch who are still active, and he and I may become the next target!"

"There is no one alive here, let's go!"

He swept around, and was about to leave with Tong Mu.

When turning around a wall, a human-shaped silhouette suddenly emerged from the surface of the wall and reached out to grab Tong Mu.

Tong Mu was just an ordinary person and didn't notice it at all.

In other words, even if you notice it, you can't fight it, unless the notebook is still on you!

But the captain noticed.

An arm in a black tuxedo stopped in the line of the big hand of the silhouette of the human figure.

On the surface of the tuxedo, an icy breath seemed to flow through.

The silhouette of this human figure stagnated, and the figure of Bei Kuo appeared.

Those stiff limbs, gray eyes, and green fluff made Tong Mu scream.

"Caught you."

The captain was a little surprised, but the movement of his hand did not stop. The muzzle of the other hand was already aimed at Bei Kuo's head, and he pulled the trigger fiercely.


A shot went off.

Bei Kuo's head exploded directly, and the huge sound shook Tong Mu's ears, and his head was blurred.

The next moment, the disgusting corpse odor, blood, flesh... almost rushed towards his face, making him almost faint.


He ran away and vomited, thoughts running around in his mind.

But at this time, the captain stared blankly at the headless corpse in front of him.

The other party... did not fall.

Moreover, the position above the neck is derived from flesh and blood, and it is recovering in an unimaginable way.

"Spooky indestructible! He's not a derivative, he's the root! A humanoid 'spooky thing'?"

The captain shuddered violently.

It was the first time even he had encountered such a strange thing.

But at this time, without the slightest hesitation in his hand, he sprinkled a bottle of necromantic spring water on it.


The spring water fell on the corpse, and white smoke immediately erupted, making a sound like an item corroding.

Immediately, Bei Kuo's body was repaired and he stepped forward.

His step was slow, but after walking out, he came to the captain, stretched out his hands, grabbed his neck, and lifted him up!

Tong Mu stared blankly at all this, feeling the fear surging in his heart, to drown him all...


storage room.

Many compartments are separated, this is to prevent weird things from affecting each other and getting out of control.

Jia Wei guarded the entrance and walked back and forth anxiously: "It's just a strange thing, Captain and the others can handle it... As long as it's not a deliberate attack..."

"My mission is to prevent these weird things from rioting, then I really can't deal with it..."

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, the silencer glove in his hand ready to strike at any time to release the curse.

Click! Click!

In the silence, he seemed to hear a voice.

This sound didn't come from the outside world, but from the storage room behind him. It was a kind of... chewing sound? ?

"The strange things in the storage room have been properly sealed, how can they still make noise? Damn it! It really got out of control!"

Javi took out the Necronomicon Spring, slowly approached the storage room where the sound was coming from, looked inside through the small window on the door, his eyes suddenly widened.

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