Qin Qingqing sat in the empty classroom and felt something was wrong.

The classroom is very large, and the surrounding area is very empty, but only a sparse number of thirteen students are sitting and listening to the class.

In her heart, a strong sense of disobedience emerged, but she couldn't remember it.

‘Why are there so few people in a class? ’

"Empty feeling, my heart is so sad..."

"Strange...how do I feel like I forgot something very important..."

Just when she was distracted, the get out of class bell rang.

"Qingqing, let's go home together later."

At this time, a girl with braids and bows next to her said with a smile.

"Well, of course, Yushi... Do you feel something is wrong?"

Qin Qingqing asked, "Are there too few people in our class?"

"It's okay, maybe it's because our school has a small enrollment quota..." Yushi replied: "Besides...with fewer people, the teacher will pay more attention to you, and your study will be more efficient..."

Obviously, she didn't feel that something was wrong.

"Also... maybe I'm thinking too much..."

But as soon as she walked out of the classroom, Qin Qingqing saw that there were 60 to 70 desks in the surrounding class, almost filling the classroom, and the sense of disobedience in her heart became stronger.

But from the teacher to the classmates, to the people around, none of them felt wrong. She suspected that there might be a problem with her cognition.

"I always feel...forgot something..."

She followed Yushi out of school, feeling a little lonely for some reason, as if there was one person missing, a very good partner.

'She...what's her name? ’

'I forgot a very important...name? ’

Qin Qingqing was a little broken, and she felt more and more that everything in the school was very inconsistent.

"Let's go to the newly opened milk tea shop on the corner. I heard that the snacks there are very good..."

As soon as he left the school, Yushi was like a twittering little sparrow, very cheering, pulling Qin Qingqing, who was a little lost, to a small street.


After the corner, a man in black came across.

Yu Shi directly bumped into it.


She screamed, as if she had hit a wall and was bounced back, and she fell to the ground, tears falling from the pain.

"Yushi...Are you all right?" Qin Qingqing came back to her senses and quickly pulled up her good friend, glaring at the guy who suddenly appeared and seemed to be distracted: "Are you walking without looking at the road?"

The man in black was very young, with a round face and a slightly chubby face, with a blank expression and pale face.

At this time, a pair of eyes looked over.

Qin Qingqing swears that she has never seen such a pair of eyes, cold, deadly, like a terrifying vortex.

It's a pair of nightmarish eyes.

At this time, the distracted young talent seemed to finally come back to his senses, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention just now, are you alright?"

"I...it's fine!"

Yu Shi's voice trembled a little.

The moment of contact just now made her almost think she had hit an iron man.

Cold, hard, scary...

"That's good!"

Just as Jia Wei was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and looked at the two girls: "You... have you encountered anything strange recently?"

This is his instinct, and he feels a similar strange breath.

'The strangest one is you, right? ’

Yu Shi secretly rolled his eyes: "There is nothing strange..."

"Hehe... forget that I'm not..." Jia Wei shook his head and laughed: "Then,

Goodbye, you two... Hope you have a nice night. "

He waved his hand, ready to leave.

At this time, in Qin Qingqing's heart, that wrong feeling resurfaced.

In her mind, the name that she had been racking and thinking about, but could not recall, suddenly became very clear.

That name is...


The scream of the girl suddenly sounded in the street.

Qin Qingqing covered her face, tears and snot flowing down together: "Help! Help!"

She remembered that there were many students in her class.

But they all saw that name, that cursed name!

The name itself is a curse, and all those who think of it will be cursed to die, and it will be forever forgotten by the world!

"problem occurs!"

Jia Wei's heart tightened, and a pool of blood spread quickly under his feet.

He felt a strange breath!

In the headquarters, this is also the ability of a sword-wielding person with a high degree of resonance, but for him now, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

"The target is... that girl!"

He stared at Qin Qingqing and was highly concentrated.

The next moment, something that he couldn't understand happened.

That girl, the girl who was surrounded and protected by his blood curse, actually disappeared out of thin air.

Not teleportation, not teleportation, or direct disappearance!

"Is it something weird again?"

Jia Wei muttered to himself, took back the blood, and looked to the side with a blank expression: "What's your friend's name, have you encountered anything strange recently?"

As a swordsman who has been trained since childhood, the habit of accommodating strange things has almost been inscribed into the bone marrow and has become an instinct.

Even if he has defected, Jia Wei believes that he is still willing to solve some strange things if he can.

"Uncle, who are you talking about?"

Yu Shi replied with a blank expression.

"Just now, the friend next to you!" Jia Wei frowned, this Yushi's state was a little wrong, it was too calm, not the expression he should have when seeing a good friend disappear in front of him.

"What friend? I walk alone..." Yu Shi replied blankly.

"One person? One person!"

Jia Wei took a deep breath and felt a little tightness in his back. This strange and terrifying level seemed to be beyond his imagination.

"After killing people, forcibly erase the traces of existence?"

"No wonder it hasn't been discovered!"

"But why do I still remember? Because I'm already special, inhuman?"

His expression was gloomy.

Seeing this scene, Yu Shi seemed to be frightened and ran away secretly.

Javi did not go after him.

Compared with asking the other party for information, he now has better means.

"Just...do you want to deal with it?"

Jia Wei asked his heart, and his expression slowly became firm.


A hospital, on the roof.

He took out the black book of trade and put it in the middle of the blood spirit divination ceremony.

Since he made up his mind, Jia Wei went to the city's hospitals and funeral homes, and collected ten gouyu marks, which can be used to start a blood divination.

He lit the candle and said slowly to himself, "The root of that incident!"

inside the notebook.

Fang Xian started divination.

There was a fog in front of his eyes, which was a school, a certain classroom.

On the blackboard, a certain name appears to be written.

But when he wanted to peep again, all the phantoms suddenly disappeared. .

"The weirdness this time seems to be quite terrifying. It can actually interfere with my divination..."

Fang Xian couldn't help but feel a little dignified.

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