The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 156 Idealism Exist

The blood spirit divination was obtained from "Dongxuan Secret Record", and it was very helpful to Fangxian in the previous world.

In this world, perhaps because there is no causal theory, or because there are some conflicts in the rules, the divination ability has declined, but it is still very useful.

That is, when you want to divination the root mysteries of the world, as well as a few special strange things, you will be disturbed.

For example, the attempt to divination all the strange things, and the source of the traits, has not been successful.

But this time, it was just a divination for the root of a strange thing, and it all failed directly!

"Interesting, interesting! Only the unknown is worth exploring!"

Fang Xian thought about it for a while, and showed the school and class that had been fortune-telling in his notebook.

"Is it here?"

Javi nodded, blew out the candle, and was ready to visit at night.

His body is immortal now, and he is really not afraid of ordinary strange things.



Javi came to campus.

Different from the hustle and bustle during the day, the quiet atmosphere here at night merges with the empty venue, which seems to bring a different kind of horror atmosphere.

"The current me, the city-destroying strangeness, doesn't have to worry too much..."

Jia Wei's eyes moved, and he stepped into the teaching building.


The next moment, his body was torn apart like building blocks.


His head fell to the ground, seemingly unbelievable, and the color in his eyes quickly faded.

But in the next moment, many bodies reassembled and returned to Jia Wei's body.

"If it was an ordinary sword holder, he would have died just now..."

Jia Wei twisted his neck: "And... I didn't sense the strange attack... The law of this killing, is it stepping into the school building at night? No... It's completely different."

He felt the disappearance of the girl during the day, which was completely different from this fragmented murder method.

"So...two different spooky things?"

Javi muttered to himself.

It's one of the hardest cases to deal with weird things coming together and influencing each other out of control.

Under his feet, a large amount of blood seeped out, as if it had its own life, and it continued to spread to the distance.

The classrooms were quickly inspected, and there was no smell of strange things.

Suddenly, Javi's expression changed.

In his induction, there was an abnormality in one of the classrooms.

The blood he manipulated could not enter at all, and seemed to be isolated in some way.

"Second class in three years? Sure enough, it's here! As predicted in the notebook..."

Jia Wei walked up the stairs and came to the door of the classroom of Class 3 and 2, holding the doorknob with his right hand.


The door lock was directly broken, and he walked in with a blank face.

More than a dozen desks are placed in an empty space, and the classroom is unobstructed, and there is nothing to hide.

"Where is the source of strangeness?"

Jia Wei is ready to be attacked. As long as the strange thing is attacked this time, he is absolutely confident that he will catch the other side's clues.


Sweeping by his gaze, a half-chalk that fell on the ground suddenly moved, came to life as if it were alive, and made a stroke towards him.

A chalk line immediately appeared on Javi's neck.

Immediately, his head rolled down like a ball, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, his head was held by his right hand and placed on his neck: "The method of killing people torn apart,

It was you... this chalk? "

He was talking to himself, but there was no sound from the outside world.

This area has lost its original color, like a silent film of an old movie.


Weird Chalk's movements became rather sluggish, and seemed to be suppressed in some way.

"It seems that relying on the ability of the silent person is not enough to limit you, is the third level weird?"

Javi strode forward, reaching out and grasping the chalk firmly.

A kind of 'repression', formed.

The chalk in his hand suddenly quieted down.


The corners of Jia Wei's mouth were slightly raised, and he suddenly looked towards the entrance of the teaching building.

There, a group of swordsmen walked in, and the leader was Goro!

"Got you!"

The corners of Goro's mouth cracked, and a smile appeared.

The sword-wielding abilities of all kinds of strange things are all kinds of strange, and there are even prophecies. It is not too difficult to find a person.

Jia Wei can run so far, has exceeded his expectations.

"I don't want to fight you..."

Jia Wei moved his eyes, walked to the stairs, looked down at the sword-wielding team, and said coldly.

"We don't want to fight with you either. As long as you cooperate and go back with us to be investigated, you will be treated fairly..." Mei Li couldn't help speaking.

"Go back? I can't go back...and...haven't you already started?"

Javie replied with a blank face.

At this moment, on the ground, several chains sprang out like snakes, trying to restrain him.

It's Shiraishi!

Jia Wei didn't move, let the chains bind him, but a lot of blood seeped out of his body.

The next moment, all the chains fell off weakly like a long snake that was pinched seven inches.

Bai Shi groaned and clutched his chest: "My chain... was suppressed by him... He is no longer a human being, but the source of strangeness!"

Goro's expression suddenly changed: "Action!"


Javi ignored the swordsman below.

Looking at this school, he instinctively felt that something was wrong, he took out his notebook and prepared to use teleportation to leave here.

But on the inside pages of the notebook, the original weird map was blank.

It seems that the ability to teleport has disappeared, or... been suppressed.


There was a loud slamming of the door.

Jia Wei turned around suddenly, it was the classroom of Class 2 of the third year!

He has clearly confirmed that there is no one there, and the weirdness is also contained.

How is this going?

Outside the school, in the sky, a blood-red moon emerged, projecting the crimson moonlight down.

The whole school suddenly became hazy, as if erased from the real world.

inside the notebook.

"Different dimension space? There is still this kind of suppression..."

Fang Xian suddenly had a clear understanding: "That piece of chalk has completed its 'mission', accumulated enough spirituality, opened the door, and introduced a being that was hovering behind the door into this world?"

That kind of existence, similar to his Primordial Spirit personality, can suppress and smash strange things, and is idealistic!

This time, if things go wrong, Jia Wei and this team will all be wiped out here!


outside world.

Goro also found out that something was wrong, and felt a strong sense of unease in his heart.

This unease did not come from Javi on the opposite side, but from this school.

After all, he is a high-level swordsman in the headquarters, and he has started the training of resonance. Although the induction is not as good as Jia Wei, it is only a little bit worse.

The next moment, the crimson Yuehua surged from the window, completely engulfing the entire group...

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