The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 161 The City of Dreams

Sleeping City, another direction.

Jia Wei also came here, his eyes lost for a moment.

He is a top swordsman after all, and with the help of a notebook, even if the peripheral defense line set up by the headquarters of the secret agency is intact, it may not be able to stop him, and he is easily sneaked in.

At this moment, looking at this quiet city, I couldn't help but murmur: "Why... I feel like it's calling me?"

"When I get here, I feel stronger..."


"That's because... it's your goal, the superior on your path!"

Inside the notebook, Fang Xian answered with a chuckle.

He already knew that the strange thing that suddenly appeared in this world was essentially an invasion from another world.

And there is more than one high-ranking idealistic existence in that world!

Their corresponding characteristics are naturally different.

The three qualities used by Javi clearly belonged to the master of this sleeping city.

The other party did not know when, he had passed through the gate of the world and came to this world.

The only thing missing is perhaps only one body!


"Next... what should I do?"

Outside the range covered by the dark clouds, Jia Wei stopped cautiously, took out his notebook and asked.

On the notebook, a line of writing appeared: "Go in!"

Jia Wei took a deep breath and stepped into the edge of the city.

Under the cover of dark clouds, a strong drowsiness attacked.

His eyelids were heavy, his head was dizzy, and he wanted to just fall asleep like this.

"It's a weird invasion!"

Jia Wei mobilized his strength to fight, but he felt that the effect was very weak.

In a few minutes, he will surely fall asleep.

'no! When I really want to fall asleep, I have to leave the sleeping city...' Jia Wei stared at the notebook in his hand: "Listening to your words doesn't mean I want to die for you!"

"Sure enough, is it a strange influence?"

Inside the notebook, Fang Xian also felt this scene and pondered for a while.

To combat this kind of weirdness is actually quite simple.

He only needs to use his own personality to bless Javi.

The reason why the V-level weirdness can suppress and dominate the rest of the weird things depends on its own strength.

Fang Xian can also simulate this effect.

"It's just... I always feel that the city's secrets are not in reality!"

Fang Xian thought for a while, and suddenly shot, suppressing Jia Wei's strange ability.

"Notebook, I..."

Jia Wei felt that his ability disappeared instantly, fatigue and sleepiness attacked, just about to scold, the whole person fell to the ground and fell asleep.


Jia Wei opened his eyes, and the first thing that caught his eye was the eerie steel jungle.

"Sleeping city? Am I already in? Why... no sleep?"

His eyes moved, as if he was suspicious of something, and looked at his palm.

After swallowing the strange qualities, his body has changed and become inhuman.

But at this time, he found that his palm had returned to its previous appearance: "I have recovered... no... this is an illusion... a very real illusion!"

"My mind is still spinning, and my body can feel pain. It's incredible... Is this... a dream?"

Javi responded quickly.

This is his talent as a swordsman. Of course, more importantly, it may be his previous changes.

"The sleeping city,

As soon as you enter, you will fall asleep, but this dream city may be what it really looks like..."

Jia Wei looked at him, his expression suddenly stagnant.

I saw a notebook with a black cover sitting quietly in his hand.

"Why? Even in a dream, can't I get rid of you?"

Jia Wei roared at the notebook: "You have come, our deal has been reached, what do you want?"

"Boy, do you want to die? Such a loud voice..."

At this time, a dissatisfied voice came from the side: "If you alarm those monsters, you will die!"


Javi looked into the shadows, and a man in tatters came out from there, his face was full of stubble, he couldn't tell his age, and he looked a bit like a scavenger.


Jia Wei's eyes moved: "You know, where is this place?"

"A new outsider?"

The scavenger's voice was dry: "Tell me...besides the dream, has anyone woken up in Antan City?"

"It seems that you are very aware of your situation." Jia Wei shook his head: "No... There are no survivors in the sleeping city."

"Sure enough... death can't escape this dream. Many of my partners choose to end their lives in desperation, thinking that they can get out of this dream, but they don't know it's impossible."

The scavenger's tone was like crying and laughing.

"What's more, your body has probably died of thirst and starvation in the outside world... Only in this strange form can you survive in a dream..." Jia Wei's eyes flashed and he said suddenly.

"It's been... so long?" The scavenger's expression changed: "I just heard a few things from a few sword holders who also entered the dream, but it was also a long time ago..."

Antan City, this is the former name of the Sleeping City.

"We can't go out of the border of this city. It seems that the dream is only so big. Fortunately, there is still water and food in the store. As long as you are careful, you can still survive."

The scavenger spoke to Javi again.

"What was the monster you mentioned at the beginning?" Javi said suddenly.


At this time, from the depths of the street, a strange sound suddenly came.

"It's them, here they come!"

A look of fear appeared on the scavenger's face.

A spider-like monster slowly emerged from the depths of the street.

Its main body is like the fusion of several people, and several heads grow strangely on the body, but the hands and feet are stretched very long, like the fine feet of a spider.

At this time, using both hands and feet, he quickly crawled over.

Even if ordinary people just see this image, they will feel extremely terrifying and fearful, and even lose the will to fight.

Javi thought for a while and spit out a word: "Silence!"

The colors in this area faded quickly, like a black and white silent film, without a single sound.

In this strange environment, the monster was suppressed at once, lying on the ground, unable to move.

"Strange ability, can actually be used in dreams..."

Jia Wei took a few steps forward and looked at the spider monster lying on the ground. Its exposed skin was purple-gray, and its body was thin, and a few rows of twisted ribs could be vaguely seen.

"A weird derivative?"

Javi thought for a while and snapped his fingers.

The monster was instantly corroded by a pool of blood and disappeared.

"What the hell do you want me to do?".

After doing all this, Jia Wei opened the notebook and asked coldly.

On the notebook, bloody words emerged: "Go to the city center!"

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